TFD: Contested Ring event raid

Discussion in 'Zones and Population' started by ARCHIVED-kythik, Jun 22, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    That is about the awesomest graph I've ever seen.
  2. ARCHIVED-Dragonsviperz Guest

    Lol, thats is an awesome graph.
  3. ARCHIVED-Ratty31 Guest

    Man, I bet whoever first said "item gal" wishes he could take that back. That reference will never die.
  4. ARCHIVED-ChaosUndivided Guest

    Community Manager
    Posts: 2935
    Registered: 11-07-2004
    Reply 3 of 36
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    Our items gal is planning on looking into this next week.
    Ryan "Blackguard" Shwayder

    12-09-200506:42 PM

    Re: Urzyd the Undying dropping Wood.
  5. ARCHIVED-ChaosUndivided Guest

    And FYI,
    Aniksis AKA:
    Caroline Kingwell
    Associate Designer, EverQuest II
    Is the infamous "item Gal"

    She has 15 posts. I think that speaks volumes about EQ2's Itemization.
  6. ARCHIVED-electricninjasex Guest

    LOL graph is priceless
  7. ARCHIVED-Naku9 Guest

    I thought maybe the despawning thing is because of the mythical item it'll probably drop on its first kill, if the server resets it might screw it up dropping on the first kill so thats why it despawns and people need to wait for it to repop, thats just my assumption.

    After its first killed on a server it might not depop when a server resets after it respawned again, but idk :smileysad:
  8. ARCHIVED-Godzmodiar Guest

    then they wouldnt make the dragon turtle 15 min lockout going by that train of thought
  9. ARCHIVED-Pyronick Guest

    This encounter was up on a few servers on Saturday it seems

    was wondering if anyone managed to kill it or even get close

    the 1st two parts of the encounter are rather straightforward and easy

    but wow the 3rd part seems insane

    not asking for strats or anything - we will get there eventually O:p - just wondering if anyone got remotely close?
  10. ARCHIVED-Crychtonn Guest

    Got to the 3rd guy a few times but in the end there were just to many people in Mystic Lake and the lag made any type of coordinated raiding impossible. There was even a Mystic Lake 2 that opened up but people kept over crowding ML1 and hanging around the Tree watching. And on several occasions some idiot would run up at activate the Tree while regrouping and wipe everyone again.
  11. ARCHIVED-Pinski Guest

    Depopped this morning on Nektulos after server reset. Definately needs fixing, this shouldn't be another Barakah/Siyamak in PoF problem.
  12. ARCHIVED-HomeChicken Guest

    has there been any responce from a GM or dev in reguards to this? REALLY dont want to go yet another weak waiting for this mob to come back, twice now it has spawned and despawned at server reset, i pray they can resolve this issue before we make it 3 times... no reason that one of the most challenging mobs in the game is made almost impossible due to the fact that some people see this mob for less than a day due to this issue.

    any word on this would be greatly appreciated by the entire raiding community im sure
  13. ARCHIVED-Kraks_Aforty Guest

    After fixing that, don't make the final mob so friggin crazy. I mean, the teleport thing is stupid and random, the 35k heat/cold hits get old fast, the crit AE for over 10k is tons of fun.....what about making this actually fun?
  14. ARCHIVED-Snarks Guest

    this mob is kindof boring now zzZ rarely up, two super reasy waves then difficulty spikes rediculously high in comparison then you wipe and start over... zZZz lol
  15. ARCHIVED-Ishbu Guest

    Yeah, having to re-kill the first 2 waves is tiresome. If you had to fight both at the same time they wouldnt even be as challenging as the third guy, yet I have to wade through them everytime. Well not now because of course its not up, but you get the idea.
  16. ARCHIVED-Sanju Guest

    This is me, kindly telling you to shut the [expletive haxx0red by Raijinn] up.

    How about making him harder, instead? Make him red-con. KEEP him VERY HARD. If he's beaten 2 days after the depoping on server reset thing is fixed, then it's not hard enough! I don't care how random or "crazy" it seems to some people, just make it hard, and keep it hard, and don't let ANYONE whining about the difficulty change that.

    But yeah, fix the thing where it depops every time the server's restarted. Thanks!
  17. ARCHIVED-electricninjasex Guest

    And when, after 3 months nobody still has beaten it, what then? "Oops, I was wrong, sorry for the wasted time" ? Should we assume that, because of the despawning, you haven't fought the 3rd wave often enough to know how absurd it is?
  18. ARCHIVED-Xede Guest

    actually yes we have...numerous times on the day it was actually up and we had a chance to go after it.....I enjoyed that encounter and glad it was hard that way no nublet wanna be guild will beat it in 2 days.

    The first two waves are tiresome after having to do them over and over after wiping to the 3rd wave. during that stratics IRC chat i asked when it'd be fixed but they never responded to the question. but according to the devs they receive every question and look into each question that was asked. so hopefully they know about it.
  19. ARCHIVED-Ishbu Guest

    If after 3months people are making progress but it has not been beaten it will be the DMP of t7. Hell, why should it be beaten before 3months? We have at least that long till the next expansion, and need something to work on.

    From what I have seen so far, the encounter is definitly killable, and I suspect will be killed shortly after it respawns now that the depop thing has been fixed (or so I have heard). By that I mean within a week most likely.

    Are you serious?
  20. ARCHIVED-Sanju Guest

    I'm saying that, because of the despawning, NO ONE has fought the 3rd wave often enough to claim that it's too crazy, or absurd, or however you want to say "too hard". Period. Is it hard? Absolutely! It better STAY hard, too. You would find no one happier if this mob was still unbeaten in three months (even though I won't be around that long). That would be the first sign of a positive step in high end raiding that I've seen.

    This guy needs to be the DMP of FD -- only much, much, much harder.