Test / Beta Update Notes: Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Bunji, Apr 22, 2015.

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  1. Bunji Developer

    This update should occur around 9pm PST:

    F.S. Distillery: Stowaways [Advanced Solo]
    Sir Wharfie is now stunned for a few seconds after throwing a keg on him.
    Extended the time between Sir Wharfie's rebuffing of Armored Spikes.
    There is one less stowaway stalker up at a time when fighting Zaxfalump and Fwump.

    Ssraeshza Temple: Echoes of Time [Raid]
    The Grimling curses should no longer be cast by the incorrect caster.

    Prospective fix for Avenging Ancestors initial hit not triggering in some cases.

    Summoner Healer Pet heals have been increased by 50%.
    The base casting time for Unflinching Servant has been reduced to .5 seconds.
    Magician's Aptitude now increases pet Potency.
    Pet Weapon Mastery will now grant parry to fighter pets and in combat runspeed to scout pets.

    Enhance: Summon Spells will now increase scout pet ability damage and mage pet recast.
    Strength of the Elements will now increase pet Potency by 2% per rank.

    Enhance: Summoned Pets will now increase scout pet ability damage and mage pet recast.
    Minion's Adeptness will now increase pet Potency by 2% per rank.

    Shadowknights Furor may now be cast while in offensive stance, however the riposte chance portion of the spell will be suppressed while the offensive stance is maintained.

    Drink is the Key - Players must be on this quest in order to Tap the Keg Barrels on the Barrel Run.
    Drink is the Key - Quest completion now unlocks the lifts to Sugarcane Press.
    If captured, a player can no longer stop the jail guard from respawning by not fighting them.
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