Temple Street quests - lost my Gnome disguise

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by Fomolo, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. Fomolo New Member

    Hi all. I'm doing the Temple Street quests in Freeport - the ones given Foci Tamara Paust. I did the first quest out of the three, then I think I destroyed the Temple Street Gnome Illusion. I'm trying to do the second quest in the line, and need the illusion to proceed.

    I've tried going back to talk to Tamara, and she says 'Don't forget your Gnome Illusion', but doesn't offer me an option to get a replacement. I've tried deleting the quest and restarting it, but again I'm not given a new illusion. There doesn't seem to be a way to delete a quest I've already completed, so I can't go back to the beginning of the chain.

    I seem to be stuck. Is there any way of getting a replacement Temple Street Gnome Illusion?
  2. Arinena New Member

    i am having the same problem. has this been resolved?
  3. Kaitheel Developer

    There is a jar, on the table right next to Foci Tamara Paust. Click on it and you will get a replacement illusion.

    ~ Kaitheel
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