Temple of Rallos Zek: Challenge Boss

Discussion in 'Zones and Population' started by ARCHIVED-Esky, Jul 4, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Drumstix Guest

    I would hardly count this fight as fun. There are plenty of fights in this game I have enjoyed, but I can barely name even one in Destiny of Velious. Knock backs have been around forever, and are forever annoying and IMO really dumb.
    The only reason I want to kill it is because I haven't killed it yet. The not hitting corpses will help for 1 shots on random rocks at least. But honestly, it's probably gonna be a "one and done" kind of zone for me. Could care less about "intended progression" and all that jazz.
  2. ARCHIVED-hortefoutre Guest

    Is that the only boss with challenge mode ?
    Something is also amusing people killing him are using HM gear and he is supposed to be between EM and HM. Anyone did it with 2-4 piece of EM + a mix of EM/x2 jewells ?
  3. ARCHIVED-slippery Guest

    People do realize that to effectively do this zone you need to be in raid gear right? This isn't some heroic zone with a low requirement dropping awesome gear. It is a zone that once you have the gear to complete you probably aren't wearing anything but the bp from anyways.
  4. ARCHIVED-Gungo Guest

    slippery wrote:
    His problem is mostly stemming from the 18hr lockout and easy mode farming of raid quality gear.
    I have no problem with HM heroic zones I think they are fun and that is what a game is about especially challenging content.
    I do think he has a point regarding the 18 hr lockout. If its going to drop raid quality loot then it should have the same timer as raid zones.
  5. ARCHIVED-Corydonn Guest

    Gungo@Crushbone wrote:
    Raid mob drop 3 pieces of armor per 3 day lockout. I see no problem here.
  6. ARCHIVED-slippery Guest

    Is the screen shaking really necessary? That has to be one of the most annoying things in the world. It literally gives me a headache, you can't even look at the screen.
  7. ARCHIVED-LardLord Guest

    Good job with the changes now that the rocks are fixed, imo. The HP nerf was very minor. Instead of dying in 4:30 with 330K DPS, it now dies in 4:15.
  8. ARCHIVED-Lord_Ebon Guest

    Noticed today that the updated rocks seemd to be applying their damage and the KB before they hit the ground (like 1-2s before) whereas before they didn't until the particle effect hit. Making this a significantly more annoying fight if you try to dodge the rocks.

    Also, fully agree on the screen shaking... maybe have it do it once when the rocks first start, but after that it's just annoying.
  9. ARCHIVED-Drumstix Guest

    Yeah, getting hit with all the rocks before the shadow appears. Dodging rocks is pretty much only when one doesn't directly hit you...
  10. ARCHIVED-Emperors Guest

    Gorock@Storms wrote:
    My group has cleared this zone. We are fully EM raid gear. To kill the trio we needed to drop a dps to get a third healer in, but we got the job done.

    It was a grueling 4 hour run, but in the end the loot justified how difficult it was and made everything worth it.
  11. ARCHIVED-Meshuggah20 Guest

    Quabi@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    This fight now it's exactly like it was before.. between impossible to annoying as F* but double for maybe 2-5 groups WW.
    Yesterday on the other hand before fix, was too easy and i even pugged it on my undergeared (for that zone at least alt).
    Again grats SoE for fixing stuff with a subtlty of a truck.
    PST plz make this fight challnging but not almost impossible like the way it is currently because almost no one bothers doing it like this.
  12. ARCHIVED-thegriss Guest

    Corydonn wrote:
    This is a HM quaility Heroic Zones. You will not be clearing this zone unless you have a mix of EM/HM gear. HM zones have a 2 day 20 hour lock out and drop 3 pieces of gear + a war rune per mobs. This zones has a 18 hour lock out and drops 1pc per mob sounds 100% balanced.
  13. ARCHIVED-Trensharo Guest

    Corydonn wrote:
    The bold boggles me, and seems rather contradictory.
    As a result, it's no wonder most of the loot is being sold in Auction, except the BPs.
    The buff package on the MOBs in this zone needs to be nerfed down. They should have more like 180 CB and 260/270 CA.
    200/190 is out of line.
    So for people who have a decent amount of raid gear... You have Useless Launch/Kael Normal Heroics. Drunder Heroics that aren't even worth running. And completely overtuned Challenge Mode Heroics that you can't even do without being carried.
    But of course the fight is "fun" so it should not be "nerfed" and the buff package will be said to be "fine." Excuse me while I LOL at the though of people requiring 220 CM for a 6 Man (which is what I was told yesterday).
  14. ARCHIVED-Trensharo Guest

    Corydonn wrote:
    Raid: 24 people (EDIT: Won't even count x2 because nothing out of an x2 even begins to compare to the loot that drops here).
    Heroic: 6 People
    The reason why Raids drop more loot per MOB is cause it would be useless to raid with multiple groups if they only dropped one item off each raid named.
    His point still stands, and you're grasping at straws.
  15. ARCHIVED-Lord_Ebon Guest

    The fight is balanced for what it drops, which is the best BP anyone is really getting right now. They just need to work the bugs out -- the rocks are hitting too early (they should coincide with the "explosion" of the rock shattering on the ground, as it is now they're hitting before the shadow is even dark) and I still got bounced once by one while dead.
    Another thing I'd love to see fixed is take the collsion off the untargetable/unnamed rock spawns. It's pretty lame to be unable to target the nameds easily because the rock things get in the way.
  16. ARCHIVED-LardLord Guest

    This is our leet strat. The priests can melee if they can do it without getting in the scouts'/fighter's way.

    Seeing the shadows doesn't matter, since everyone just stays out of each other's way. If you see someone running from something, it's likely a bomb, and you should not go in their path.
    EDIT: Not that it would be bad if the boulders started exploding when the graphics show they should.
  17. ARCHIVED-thegriss Guest

    Trenshero@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Lets go on the basis that you can do HM Zek 1 time a day. If you clear it you receive 5 pieces of loot. 5 / 6 = .83 pieces of loot a day per person.
    Now lets take the HM Zek Raid zone and do the same math. 20.5 pieces of loot (counting ware runes as .5) 20.5 / 24 = .854 pieces of loot a day per person. (if you base it on Kraytoc HM its even more in favor of the raid side because there are more bosses)
    Pretty basic look at it but it seems pretty balanced IMO.
  18. ARCHIVED-Meshuggah20 Guest

    Take down the mob's hp by at least 10%, make the rocks not hit corpses, and reduce the amount of rocks falling towards the end and only then that fight will be in line of what it drops.
  19. ARCHIVED-ChrissyFaey Guest

    This is one of the few fights that I enjoy in its heroic state. There's really no other challenge to raiders available in game and it offers a small upgrade to those raiders who are capable of doing it - nothing earth shattering, but something. If it were made easier then the rewards would have to be further nerfed to compensate for it.
  20. ARCHIVED-Circa Guest

    can someone link a bp crate? idc care what class.