Templar invading, pardon me

Discussion in 'Illusionist' started by ARCHIVED-Donte, Nov 23, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-Donte Guest

    So I had the pleasure or grouping with my first Illusionist the other night. What a flashy profession you have. I had trouble determining what he was doing, but whatever it was it was working. Is it breeze or something that regens mana faster as it seemed I was super priest? There was also a whip thing he did and a kinda mez graphic cast on us as well. could one of you fine casters explain the advantages you give a party please? :smileyhappy:
  2. ARCHIVED-Ehaka Guest

    Big Sparkly Star Thing - Stun
    Circulating Color Thing Around Head - Mez (can be Stun too)
    Blue Circle of Power Regen - Breeze
    The Whips - DOT's
  3. ARCHIVED-Spellbounders Guest

    The "mez" graphic on your head is Blessing of the Prism, though the discoball effect is part of the stun we have. The mez graphic is the swirling rainbow comet with the Arabian music.
  4. ARCHIVED-4sak3n Guest

    The way i look at it. If you have an illusionist and Cleric type in a group that have mana, you wont die.

    Illusionist keeps your mana happy, and keeps adds and extra mobs mezzed. Makes work easier for everyone. I have friends who really dislike being in groups w/o enchanters. Kinda like a security blanket. Then again, if you play with a not so bright enchanter, he can make your life hell.
  5. ARCHIVED-StGabriel Guest

    Basically I am doing the following during combat:

    -- casting "breeze", the blue circle thingy, to regen power for casters
    -- mez'ing with the swirly colors to keep mobs from attacking, usually 2-3 at a time
    -- stunning with the sparkly disco ball or the same swirly colors of mez so as to give time for a heal to land or bail out a caster with aggro
    -- DoT'ing with the "whip"
    -- hasting melees (the flying daggers spell)
    -- DD'ing (looks pretty unimpressive, a little glob lands on the enemy)
    -- stifling casters (not sure if this has a graphic)

    Sillious Aurelius, Gnome Illusionist/Tailor-to-be of Everfrost.
  6. ARCHIVED-Mihos Guest

    Stiffling has a little blue swirl coming up from the ground and then the MoB will have black smoke coming out of his mouth.
