Takish'Hiz Guild Hall Tickets

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by Scrappyz, Apr 21, 2023.

  1. Scrappyz Well-Known Member

    Is there any chance we can get the tickets for the Takish'hiz guild hall to be tangible items that we can give to alts or just tradeable in general? Currently, these tickets are automatically consumed and apply to whatever guild that specific toon is in.
    I have a small personal guild with a couple of family members that have expressed interest in the new guild hall, however, due to their playstyles they aren't running through the contested zone every day like I do. 99.9% of my time in the zone is on my main in a raid guild which at this point is just 50 tickets shy of obtaining the achievement for the guild hall, which would then make any extra tickets obtained (via Tradeskill mission, or heroic daily) useless to me and anyone else in the guild that may want them for an alt guild.
    Feara, Breanna, Twyla and 1 other person like this.
  2. Zhevally Well-Known Member

    I know on beta we were told they wouldn't work like that, but it would be nice if they were made like the high keep contested ones where they have to be unpacked so people can share with alts. (Even if the unpackable item is heirloom instead of fully tradeable, it would be nice).
    Feara, Scrappyz and Twyla like this.
  3. Scrappyz Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I'd be happy with just an heirloom box or even a non-brokerable thing. Would just be nice to help the family members in that guild since I don't really play those alts
    Breanna likes this.
  4. Allumette Member

    Just joining the chorus in support of tweaking the guild hall ticket system so it's not inextricably tied to the guild of the character that earns it. In my admittedly limited experience, larger guilds, particularly those focused on raiding/adventuring and not crafting/decorating, are far less keen to pack up and move to a new hall, but may very well have a fair number of members with alt/personal guilds who would very much enjoy doing so!
    Feara and Breanna like this.
  5. Taled Well-Known Member

    As much as I'd support it, I don't honestly see it as too likely. They seem pretty keen on preventing the ability to easily sell the option to unlock the Takish guildhall, and any option that lets you swap them off to another character lets you do that. Granted, any of the folks who have 100 character accounts could also just swap their toons into a guild for two days to 'PL' a guild into the guildhall, but there isn't really any way around that short of 'No contributing until <x> days as a member!'

    Maybe once the GU has been out a while we can convince them to ease the restriction a bit?
  6. Zylara Well-Known Member

    Would be sweet as my 2 mains are in a diff guild to my personalone and as I cannot check my mount in my gh would love this new one for that purpose plus I like greenery lol
    Feara likes this.
  7. Bentenn Well-Known Member

    @devs.. should treat it like High Keep Contested Guild Hall. That was a pretty big hit. This time around its' just kinda bleh. Guild hall is nice and will be earned by all those top end raiding guilds, who probably won't even use it. You want to get your use out of it to make whoever designed it feel good, then open it up for lower population and non raiding guilds/causual guilds be able to earn this at a quicker rate, via dropped or quests items. OP is spot on.. Fix it for everyone, so everyone can use it :)
    Scrappyz, Feara and Twyla like this.
  8. Elostirion Well-Known Member

    I'm not usually on this side of the argument... but 200 crafter dailies isn't that big of an ask for a guild hall. The last new hall was $72 USD. Little guilds can get up to 200 crafter dailies even if they cant do any of the contested content.
    Taled likes this.
  9. Bentenn Well-Known Member

    nor is dropping items like High Keep was or being able to sell said items on broker so that those of us who farm it and already have the amount we need can then farm out to our friends and families who play and have smaller guild halls, who may not even have crafters. They may just get on to get away and decided they liked it enough that they would like to get one, still by paying for it. There was 0 reason to cap this like they did... zero...
  10. Elostirion Well-Known Member

    They did it to make it take some effort and/or time to get it done. Which is the theme for the past 9 months of the game. They have increased the effort-to-fun ratio so much this expac.... this really doesn't fit in the same category as other things.

    Yes- the raid guild I'm in is nearly to 400 tokens. But the 'storage space' guild I'm in with just my family is over halfway done. And only I've been doing crafter dailies, and only with half of my crafters. If I'd focused and prioritized this... I could be done by now only two weeks since release.

    If you want to buy a hall...there is a sweet looking hall you can get exactly this way. This one is gotten by grinding. And its not a terrible grind, firstly at all, secondly in the context of everything else this expac is offering.

    You are of course welcome to your opinion but you havent convinced me to change mine.
  11. Bentenn Well-Known Member

    The raid guild im in is done as well.. i'm talking about the OP post, which is a friend who simply has 2-3 people tops doing things and not everyday. He was able to secure a high keep one for them pretty quickly back in the day, but this will take a while. Again, there is 0 reason to hide a guild hall behind, guild achievements of killing mobs and doing TS stuff...make them tradeable, because like your raid guild is almost there.. mine is there.. like what do we do with that useless quest now everyday.. nothing.. not a thing.. but if we could trade those "tickets" out.. then we can help those others we know that would like to have one.. :)
  12. Ratplay New Member

    How many tickets do we need to get the guildhall, and where can we find out how many tickets we already have, as an individual and as a guild?
    Dude likes this.
  13. Elostirion Well-Known Member

    You need 400, and you generally get them in pairs.

    To check, hit 'U' to get to the Guild window, then the last tab to the right is Achievements. The second option on the left is Guild Halls, and this hall is currently the last in the list (when unfinished). Click on it to see your progress.
    Breanna, Feara and Dude like this.
  14. Ratplay New Member

    Thanks :)
    Feara and Dude like this.
  15. Edelphia Well-Known Member

    I have 12 toons running the tradeskill dailies, and we are getting the new GH this afternoon. Our guild is mostly solo players and below level 125, so it's just my crafters and one or 2 others running the daily TS missions to get it. Any small guild with tradeskillers should be able to get this guild in time, though I agree that once we get it, those tickets are going to go to waste if we can't trade or sell them.
  16. Brabantio New Member

    I agree 100% with Scrappyz. His idea is exactly what i had in mind. Most players are in a few guilds across Norrath. If these tickets were tangible items it would allow more players to obtain this guildhall. I'm not saying it needs to be done like the HH guild hall, where you could sell them...but at least heirloom so you could turn them into the guild of your choice :D