Take a deep breath...

Discussion in 'Illusionist' started by ARCHIVED-Fizwick, Nov 10, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Fizwick Guest

    ...calm down, and give it some time.

    Stun and stifle nerf sounds unintentional. Haste and Dynamism got buffed. Our AE damage was helped by the AE changes. The regalia line was never all that used to begin with. And yes, locking down multiple (almost 3!) encounters with the splendor line did seem a little overpowered.

    The root nerf BLOWS HARD, but if we continue to make constructive noise and good arguments I have faith that the issue will be addressed.

    The kind of monstrous self-pity and childish antics (spamming the board with fake swears?!) I've seen here in the last 24 hours isn't helping anyone. If you need to vent, go to the toy store, buy a nerf bat (a real one), and beat up some furniture. If you need to cry, go rent Life is Beautiful and grab some tissues. But let's keep the boards constructive and respectful.
  2. ARCHIVED-Xiderpunk Guest

    Fizwick in one breath you mention you want to promote constructive criticism and keeping the boards respectful of others and yet you begin the same sentance with insults directed at those you perceive to be going against that, "self-pity", "childish antics". I am not disagreeing with your point but you do lose some credibility when contradicting yourself.
  3. ARCHIVED-Fizwick Guest

  4. ARCHIVED-evil_dragon Guest

    well i'm aggre with you the root is the worst.,
    but phantasmal brillance must have no max aoe 4., that's ridiculos completly., the short in time is enought
  5. ARCHIVED-Fizwick Guest

    That's a great point evil. In EQ2 one ^^^ = 4 no arrows = 7 or 8 double-downs. We should be able to
    lock down an entire encounter; it's not like we can "3/4th mez" a single ^^^.

    I think I'll make a post later on the Spell board on this matter.