T9 Pet looks, and suggestions of better

Discussion in 'Conjuror' started by ARCHIVED-jam3sD, Feb 23, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-jam3sD Guest

    Lets face it, even if your a diehard raider you have to be somewhat disappointed with how our pets look, and I understand some people don't care if you have a little beatle from level 1 still doing all your dps. But I honestly see it as a slap in the face for the scout pet to be a TERRIBLE re-skin of the tank t8 pet, the tank pet is like a tree stump, and the mage pet i guess works..

    I'm going to post two images of models already in game (the pets we have now are old models, although it looks like necromancers were given 2 new models for pets, scout and fighter). These models are much more interesting and eye candy than what we currently have.

    Outside of models already in-game I would love to see the mage pet as a large, tall Efreeti that walks around with flaming fists and stuff, for scout pet a large oversized djinn and for the tank pet.. i do not know

    For the scout pet I suggest a Ice Maiden from everfrost

    as for the tank pet, the boulder dashers in SF look pretty look, a very neat animation at least for running around

    So, post SS's of your suggestions, maybe we can get the pets changed maybe we can't.
    And yes I am fully aware of every other single issue the conjuror has, if your going to just post in this thread to tell me the look of the pet does not matter don't post
  2. ARCHIVED-Kain-UK Guest

    I don't think the boulder dashers will be used due to the fact they've already been used as a previous pet "look"... though I could be completely wrong.
    Really like your idea for the scout pet. :) One of those would be very good. For a tank pet, what about using one of the elemental mobs sitting on the Lavastorm dock? I'd have to go look at them and get a screenshot, but there's a load there wearing full plate armour and they just look cool.
    Seems reasonable to me considering Necro's tend to get armoured skeletons on horseback as their tank pets.
  3. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    Our level 52 earth pet already uses the Boulder Dasher appearance, unfortunately.
  4. ARCHIVED-Random_noob_00763 Guest

    I think that this link would have been better if it was, "Pet looks and suggestions of better." As a lower level conjuror (57 at this time), I have to say I am a bit unsatisfied with our pets looks too. I almost always use my fire pet, and by far my favorite so far was the t4 Fiery magician, which actually looks like a humanoid caster from the plane of fire. This is fitting, and has a neat appearance imo anyway. Now, realizing that others may not agree, or may prefer other pet appearances, I thought maybe the most interesting solution would be to somehow allow Conjurors the CHOICE of what pet they drudge up with their summoning abilities, being able to choose the graphic they like best, as long as it fit the plane it is summoned from. Meaning, if it's a fire pet, well it would have to be one of the fire pets graphically. If it is an earth pet, obviously, it has to have the appearance of one of the earthen elementals. I actually did a feedback on this already, not sure if they could even grant such a customization ingame for us, but, it would be nice. I only thought about this, when I got the new t5 fire pet, with the gargoyle graphic, and although not bad, I was disappointed I had to lose my flaming wizard apparition, which actually looked like a "Fiery Magician".
  5. ARCHIVED-agnott Guest

    How about if they switched the plain shift pet (a little smaller) with the tree stump. (a little bigger)
  6. ARCHIVED-Chaosng Guest

    Mage pet should be a Theerian Blademaven... Nothing less. Already posted a thread on this. That would make us stop complaining about necro pets.
    Tank pet should be anything but a tiny tree stump. This is an insult to the people who love the class and pay $15 a month. Earth creature or not, a gazer would be sick.
  7. ARCHIVED-jeremyhwilson Guest

    Shoot they could take any creature form and make it look like its made of rock and it would be better than the ridiculous tree. A Terra Cotta Warrior maybe?
  8. ARCHIVED-Aurelis Guest

    Even though it makes no logical sense, when I think of the ropers, I think of the giant roper out there that I'll think is a rock formation that jumps up, attacks me, and wonders why the fight took so little time (because I died of a heart attack)... and for some reason I've called the giant ropers 'Sasquatch.' *shrug* So little ropers are little Sassys, and I hate Sassy, big or small, so I don't need a startled fright whenever a conj runs by with their tank.
    I'm not a conj, but I've thought that an alternative for the tank, look at the elemental rock guys down in the Hole, the faction people for the... over thar area, with all the elemental mobs. I forgot all of their names, but when I saw them, I made my conj friend come look at 'em and he oh-em-gee'd. d:
  9. ARCHIVED-agnott Guest

    Aurelis wrote:
    I heard a rumor that the devs were going to make the earth pet be a big book, just so they could watch you try to catch them all.
  10. ARCHIVED-Aurelis Guest

    agnott wrote:
    I heard a rumor that people that use a screenname that rhymes with "Agnot" but with an extra t at the end are cruel, heartless people... *sniffle*
  11. ARCHIVED-Draco the Grey Guest

    People have been suggesting using the Valkyries for the Scout pet for as long as I can remember, yet SOE has yet to see fit to pay any attention.
    My choice for the tank pet would be one of the Gorgon bulls at the bottom level of The Hole.
    I'm content with the current mage pet, though I could do without the whipping tentacle sound effect. At least it isn't nearly as annoying as the wonderful fire golem we were stuck with to start RoK.
  12. ARCHIVED-cashp Guest

    Seriously, anything but the roper and stupid reskin of the butt-golem.
  13. ARCHIVED-shaunfletcher Guest

    Just to add my bit here (if anyone is listening.. ) I will simply not play my conjuror with the stupid tree. Not for one session. I am not giving up the insanely cool master T8 pet for THAT pos.
  14. ARCHIVED-Saharah Guest

    Oh my goodness. Last night I hit 87 and I was making it a point not to pay attention to other conjurors to avoid seeing what the T9 tank pet looked like (I enjoyed the suspense). Based on the T8 tank pet -- which I adored, especially the master version -- I thought it would be awesomesauce.
    Til I summoned the one-eyed tree. I'm glad I'm not the only one disappointed with it.
    As for suggestions...anything but a tree. The only other tank pet I didn't like was the naked-stone-man. That the 30s or something?
    Do have to say I love the new mage pet. Radioactive kitteh...melikes. Also, the scout pet didn't bother me. Yeah, kind of a copout just to re-skin the T8 tank, but I always liked the T8 tank so no bother.
    It's the tree...and it's not even a massive tree. At least with T8 I felt some semblence of protection with my buff rock guardian always there. Now I'll be cowering behind a tree.
    It gets worse the more I talk about it lol.
    I'll definitely be keeping my eyes peeled for suggestions I might find in the game -- short of something completely original and unseen. What a novel idea that is.
  15. ARCHIVED-acctlc Guest

    I don't care so much about the tank or scout pet looks as others apparently do this tier. I just really have no real need to summon them too often, but I love my red kitty and don't you think about taking it away! I've had more compliments on the mage pet look than I've heard in 3-4 xpacs!
  16. ARCHIVED-shaunfletcher Guest

    Arieva@Oasis wrote:
    Yeah dont think i have heard anoyone complaining about the mage pet.. certainly not me. If you solo or duo a conj though the tank pet is an ever present companion. Or was. Not so much now.
  17. ARCHIVED-Nooblet Guest

    But once again, nothing from a dev or anyone in art that is going to comment on or engage in this discussion.
    Nice improved communication SOE . . . epic fail.
  18. ARCHIVED-Mordith Guest

    Hit 87 last night and immediately summoned my earth pet. It's not even a tree. It's a tree stump. Even one of those treant things would have been better.
    It is beyond amazing that the devs actually thought this ridiculous pet should somehow make it into the game. I really want to know what they were thinking. Was there a meeting where someone jokingly came up with the suggestion and everyone standing around the cubicle said "Yea, that's a great idea!" I think it more likely they all got a real good laugh at our expense and now we have to live with it. Unbelievable.
    At least make illusions persist when zoning so I can give my pet the group orange golem illusion.
  19. ARCHIVED-Lanar_Lifeline Guest

    there was lots of whining and complaining in beta about the look of the pets.
    new scout : cop-out - reskin of tank
    new tank : wut? a tree?
    new mage : what in the world does that have to do with the whole fire-mage idea?

    and the feedback from the BETA testers? Deaf ears....
  20. ARCHIVED-Dravun Guest

    I want to chime in on this discussion and add my opinion as a Conjuror of nearly 5 1/2 years:
    Earthen Avatar VIII pet models are completely UNACCEPTABLE.
    Something really must be done about this issue, and it truly IS an issue. The Earth pet is a solo specific pet. We, as Conjurors have to look at this thing for hours, days, WEEKS, MONTHS! How can we possibly enjoy playing our class when we are meant to stare at this... stump? A stump, for which the majority of the player base either expresses ridicule or distain.
    Aery Hunter V pet models are shameful RECYCLED pets.
    Who ever was in charge of Conjuror's development absolutly dropped the ball. Yes, the City of Mist golems were a cool idea... 2 years ago when they were the Earthen Avatar VII. Of all the possible creature graphics available after nearly 7 or 8 years of development, what project developer could ever believe that reusing a pet model for another pet would ever be a good idea?
    No, I do not have a complaint with the Fiery Magician VI. But don't anybody pat themself on the back, because I sure this is only because I'm so disgusted with the other 2 that this one seems like a relief. I certanly wasn't "oohing" and "ahhing" when I saw this guy. It was more of an "eh, it could have been worse."
    To conclude, there are literally dozens of alternative suggestions on this forum. At the very least, grant us the decency of an official response. Can a "fix" on this issue be anticipated, or are we S.O.L. until Tier 10? For the love of all things EQ! PULEESE communicate with your Conjurors!

    My vote for the replacement Earthen Avatar VIII:
    Crystalline Protectors - These golems located in the lowest levels of the Roekillick mines are the Everquest 2 descendants of the the EQ1 Earth Pets. This should have been an obvious decision, and the fact that the ropers were chosen instead is almost insulting.
    My vote for the replacement Aery Hunter V:
    Galebreaker Valkyries - The "angelic" ladies in Everfrost. Lets be honest... it's about time. 3 reason: 1) She has wings. 2) She seems like she at least COULD be agile as the wind. 3) I don't think I'm the only Conjuror who's been holding their breath for this feature.