Swashbuckler vs. Monk: Pros vs. Cons

Discussion in 'Swashbuckler' started by ARCHIVED-LordTank, Apr 5, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Carnagh Guest

    A high level Bruiser will parse the same as a Brigand or Swashbuckler until the Swashbuckler ups and decides to max out his WIS line. Then the Swashbuckler just starts to smack anything upside the head that looks at him sideways.
    As mentioned above I'm not aware of the Bruiser that can debuff a mob by 3520 across all mitigations in a single attack... while maintaining an ongoing 1600 physical mit debuff and ongoing 1536 debuff across all magic resists.... the defence, parry, attk speed, str, agl debuffs are all icing on the cake.
    Is what Rogues do besides damage.
    The bruisers debuff and group buff is nice and all, but it's not really in the same bracket.
    Swashbucklers get to also whack a chunk outa wis/int by 65/144 and both casting and attack skills by -56
    Give a guild the choice of grabbing a fistful of Brigands and Swashbucklers as a job lot and be without Monks and Bruisers or visa versa, and I'm confident what choice will be made.
    If you're fixated with raw damage go with one of the T1 classes.... don't go with a pet class and come back here crying a month or so down the line.
    If you want to tank for groups and still feel useful and productive on raids as one of the many tanks that aint going to be tanking tonight, and fancy solid soloing, go Brawler.... Brawlers stack very well compared to some tanks. It's always good having another Brawler along whether in group or raid. Do you need a second Guardian? They got that whole cool whirling piece of wood thing going on too.
  2. ARCHIVED-Wildfury77 Guest

    My instance experiences with a parser always puts my DPS way higher than conjurers and even wizards.....last night we killed yaith shadowhowler -----> 65 wizard got owned for DPS by my 60 swashie (as did all the others in the raid and i was lowest lvl)
    Yaith is 55^^^ epic x2. Also the wizard got agro and had 3 healers keeping him up......i got no agro ever.

    I have no experience with parsers in x4 raids, and am sure a lot has to do with my CA upgrades and poisons.....

    Go swashie... we can own at DPS and can tank well too. IF u want agro u can get it and if u don't want it u can give it away.
    Some guy above talked about swashies not being able to solo nameds in DoF as well as bruiser.....trust me it can be done ;)
    Message Edited by Wildfury77 on 04-06-200612:28 PM