Swash vs. Brig

Discussion in 'Scouts' started by Hest01, Apr 10, 2016.

  1. Hest01 Member

    I know that prior to ToT Swashy were not nearly as viable as Brig. I understand the AoE vs ST break. I understand that Brigs get the huge debuff and several others where as Swashy get a ton of smaller debuffs.

    Just from watching Swash vs. Brig this expansion I see Brigs hitting around 40 mil dps in heroics but Swashy (Probably because heroics have allot more AoE are hitting much higher...

    So... Anything I got wrong? Pros / Cons of each? Mostly heroic content again with potential to raid at a future point.
  2. xkrisx Well-Known Member

    I could see a raid running one of each but no more. In an ideal setup, I could see a Swash for its Fervor Buff and Brigand for its debuts, but all the rest of the DPS spots would go to your T1 DPS. As for group content, either is a viable option but I tend to see Swash's more often then Brigands. I would attribute this to Mass Pulling heroic zones and wanting a swash for Threat Transfer. Yes I know brigand gets a temporary one but its not as effective for quick pulling and large pulls as the swash's. As for DPS, thats going to entirely depend on not just yourself but the group setup and tank pulling style as well.

    I guess to answer your question: Both have their place this expansion, so play what you like. Your grouping opportunity will be about the same and raid desirability is the same as well.
  3. Hest01 Member

    So reading this ... Fervor Buff + Threat Transfer vs. Debuff? DPS all things being equal AoE Swash by large amount .. ST Brig but not by Much?

    Threat transfer which is better Sin or Swash? I think Swash gets bigger present but Sin does more dps?
  4. Sylke Well-Known Member

    Swash can be higher, if they spec for it. Their myth proc also increases the percent (yay :rolleyes:). Typically, Swash is used for AE transfer and Sin for single-target transfer. There used to also be consideration on some fights for the Swash's offensive debuffs to keep a specific mob debuffed throughout the fight. Not sure if there is any real thought given to that anymore. Of course, that all assumes a raid has both a Swash and a Sin.
  5. Dragonsnacks Active Member

    I have both a Swashy and a Brig as my main alts and play them both.

    Swashy's have a hand full of AoEs and an AA that gives you a chance to reset a couple each time you use a CA so when a group of mobs are pulled you can do over 100m most of the time. The Swashy debuffs I only use when all of my AoEs are down but I've been told that the debuffs are small and only good when they stack with other debuffs ie: raids and arn't worth the trouble in group situations.

    Brig, my Brig is slightly under geared then my Swashy and only does about 35m avg on single targets (my swashy does about 25m avg on single targets. The debuffs increase everyone else's DPS though and your CAs almost all have fast casting times. Brigs can do burst DPS on big pulls with combos of their few aoes and double attack but the DPS burst fades fast as most of your attacks are single targeted.

    These are both alts that I play and just picked up tips from other Brig Swashy players so I could be completely wrong, They are both strong in their own right, Swashy does high dps while Brigs increase everyone else's dps by lowering the mobs defense.
  6. Raff Well-Known Member

    Brig is a fun class to solo. Slower to level than a swash (pre-agnostic..leveling is different now though).

    Sneaky lil backstabber :)

    Was my favorite class to level by questing.
  7. Therein Active Member

    Depends on whether or not you want to raid or not. Swashbucklers are still greatly lacking in every way other than their resolve buff, and that problem will be solved in tomarrow's patch. Also comes down to this simple question. Do you like rotations or mashing the same 5 buttons over and over? If you like a 5 button class, go swash.
  8. Mark John Member

    Swash vs. Brig?
    Forget it.
    The new potency explosion has made anything but T1 very expendable and undesirable. Maybe if you have been raiding for a while you may be still playing one of these classes (because of your relationship in the guild), but other than that they should not be in the raid at all.

    Our guild is currently running 3 raiding Assassins and 2 Beastlords. No need for debuffs when these classes will destroy everything with massive DPS.

    Swash Marauder's Vaunt has been trivialized by copious alternative means to achieve fervor, and was only 3.5 raidwide on average anyway. The rest of the Swash buffs/debuffs are completely expendable.

    As soon as raid leaders figure out that Brig debuffs are not equivalent to the DPS difference between Assassin and Brig then they are gone also. Most of this is due to the new stat caps and the massive increment to Potency and secondarily Ability Mod to bolster the effect on CAs, which have asymmetrically boosted DPS for Assassins (who never relied too much on auto-attack anyway) and Beastlords.
    Toxify likes this.
  9. Livejazz Well-Known Member

    Brigand walks up to a fat merchant, says, "Your money or your life" & walks away with a bag of gold.

    Swashy walks up to a fat merchant, says, "Your money & your wife" & walks away with gold, gems, jewelry, & smiling happy wife.

    That's why you pick Swashy over Brig. Brigs are ugly, dirty, & noisy. Swashies are sexeh beyond belief. Go Swashy, or go away!
  10. Therein Active Member

    I read posts like this and seriously wonder what game you even play.
    Dabb likes this.
  11. Mark John Member

    Maybe our experiences are different; perhaps you can be more specific?

    From this quote you apparently (somewhat) agree:

    "Depends on whether or not you want to raid or not. Swashbucklers are still greatly lacking in every way other than their resolve buff, and that problem will be solved in tomorrow's patch." - Therein
  12. Therein Active Member

    I agree that swashbucklers are useless, however, to say brigand is being phased out by BL and Sin? That's laughable. Brigand dps isn't that far behind if played right and 11.5% hp debuffs is nothing to scoff at, especially with mobs hp these days. I am not going to blow smoke however and say that dispatch does anything anymore due to the simple fact that you can easily reach mitigation debuff caps with other classes now and that entire system needs to be reviewed.
  13. Livejazz Well-Known Member

    FWIW, on my non-Raiding Swashy, I use considerably more than 5 buttons when soloing. Perhaps the class gets turned into a 5-button boredom monster on raids, but then that's just one more reason I don't raid. Just my melee AOEs alone comprise 5 buttons, & that's not counting the three ranged CAs I use for pulling & other general purposes, Dragonwrath, & so on.

    I feel sorry for people who only use 5 buttons.
    Prissetta likes this.
  14. Dindemad New Member

    I use around 26 buttons on my raid swash. Dunno why people are only using 5. Also, dunno why people think the class is useless.
    Dabb likes this.
  15. Dabb Active Member

    Dabb is pretty beast right now and very viable in raids, single target dps 100-150 and AE depends on pulls but usually around 250-500+ Swash is not useless lol they are very sweet at the current stage, anyone who says they are useless is just a hater and unhappy probably getting out parsed by a swash
  16. Dabb Active Member

    obvious hater lol getting out parsed by da pirate ;)
  17. Dragonsnacks Active Member

    I think he means that he has all his CAs bound to 5 keys. AoE, Short Refresh, Long Refresh, Sneak Attacks etc so instead of using a mouse and clicking all your debuffs you can put them all in 1 hotkey, in the order you want and just press that one key over and over.
  18. Dragonsnacks Active Member

    You know that girl you had a crush on? A swashy would have dated her, a Brig would have helped his friend date her.
  19. Tildaron/Yojiimbo Member

    Left side prestige brig all the way , 245/+ mil single target ..(in raid)
    once you get your cast order down it's pretty fun ..
    Hiza and Berge like this.
  20. Azian Well-Known Member

    Hrm, I'll admit it's been a while since I tested left side (AoM) but back then I found it to be significantly weaker on anything with AE and roughly equal on single target. You willing to post a parse breakdown?