Swash ahead of brig?

Discussion in 'Swashbuckler' started by ARCHIVED-Zaketherake, Mar 15, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Zaketherake Guest

    I haven't played this game in a while and am wondering where brig and swash is at.
    I know some of the differences, like brig has stuns while swash has better aoe.
    When it comes down to it though, which is wanted more in a group and which can perform better dps?

    Also, is either decent in pvp?
  2. ARCHIVED-Raznor269 Guest

    For soloing the brig's stuns give them an advantage for fighting names.
    In groups the swashie's ability to do ae damage makes them a better choice for doing most of the sf and tos instances.
    Both are pretty comparable for pvp.
    Raids generally want at least 1 swashie and brig, but given the choice, raids would take extra brigs into raids over another swashie.

    ~Raznor, 90 Swashbuckler
  3. ARCHIVED-DngrMouse Guest

    I agree with Raznor. Also, there are a lot of shared abilities between brigs and swashies. Both get T-swipe, Dance of Metal, FD, Boot dagger, etc. Pick up groups can go with either generally...brig stuns, and dispatch are nice, swash debuffs are nice. Both do decent melee dps.
    I believe both are capable PvP classes, based on my limited experience in BG as a swash, (tying up opposing team healers, melee AE damage, an AE knockdown, interupts, etc).

    I suggest you try them both, as their similar in nature...if you can play one class well, learning the other should'nt be difficult.