Suggestions for improvement

Discussion in 'Dungeon Maker' started by ARCHIVED-imajabya, Dec 8, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-imajabya Guest

    Would be great if we could get a tag on these items, like the collection items, to tell us if we have added it to our collection already. Its a pain in group or raid to not have any idea if the item in the chest is usable by me or not, and I hate coming off as greedy if i dont need it.
    On the same subject, a list of the Activators(Adventurers) and spawners we own somewhere would be fantastic. I hate having to go into a dungeon to know how many gnolls, vampires or orcs i have. I would love to be able to see that list somewhere on my persona window or a way to open that toolbox outside of a dungeon. Thanks
  2. ARCHIVED-piro Guest

    im not sure if i missed something but would love to be able to put some descriptive text on the published dungeon. so people can see what that dungeon is about before going in.... for instance say i have a dungeon called the invasion, the person interested in playing could then read the text stating that the orc have invaded a scaleborn castle or what have you.

    On a side note is orc plural as well or would it be orc's lol ???
  3. ARCHIVED-Mastire Guest

    I would like to be able to change dificulty of mobs, or somthing that would allow me to make a group.
  4. ARCHIVED-Kraag Guest

    (Just found this location so copying here)
    Visual circle or dome of aggro range for mobs. Adjustable by scrolling in and out even better.
  5. ARCHIVED-Gyee Guest

    It would be fantastic if your dungeon avatars could level up!
    This would be similar to how your monsters in eq1 would level up. As you played a particular monster it levels up and gains strength and some premade gear.
    I would love to see the scout bug bear upgrade his "unicorn swords!"
    It would be interesting to have a set of avatars that could run dungeons that you can level up gradually as you use them. Just like another collection of things to have!
  6. ARCHIVED-nipxur Guest

    I would like to see the following: -- linking together two or more layouts (i.e. instead of an exit the portal can take you in to a second layout) -- better boss mobs (instead of just making regular mobs 4 levels higher and calling them bosses) -- ring events (this could be an drop just like the activators, like a 2 round event, 3-round event, etc.) -- clickable items to open doors, spawn mobs, etc. (my original thought was having to find a key in one of the rooms that opens the door to the final boss mob) -- a way to increase difficulty of mobs instead of just increasing the sheer number of mobs.
  7. ARCHIVED-KrescentWolf Guest

    Not exactly for Dungeon Maker, but related...

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give us a Broker tab for Spawners...its -so- hard to find any of them on the broker at the moment
  8. ARCHIVED-Iskandar Guest

    An option to "Test" your dungeon without having to constantly publish and unpublish it sure would be helpful too :)
  9. ARCHIVED-Mastire Guest

    Iskandar wrote:
    and the difficulty seems off. With 1 player 2 mobs is the most I could handle on the avatar. If I play with 2 people the mobs don't increase in dificulty. And 3 people all the mobs get one ^. This doesn't increase the challenge if your designing teh zone to be able to be soloed.

    Should be a tag that we can indicate if our zone is made for soloers or groups
  10. ARCHIVED-Maggyar Guest

    I would like to recommend that we get an item like when you enter people's homes and they can leave a message at the door or in other places in the dungeon. Then we can set the story or background for the dungeon. Makes it more fun to me if we can have a backstory and a purpose for doing a dungeon vs just running in and killing.
  11. ARCHIVED-Gzelle Guest

    I would love to see this broken by degree of difficulty (maybe based on how many mobs there are in it). I have spent a very long time in some that were extremly difficult - yet others of the same layout were very easy. There isn't a good way to tell what you are getting ready to face without some kind of indicator.
  12. ARCHIVED-DancingFirefly Guest

    The avatars are lackluster and the system needs some way to easily distinguish solo dungeons from group ones. That's largely my opinion of the Dungeon Maker as of this time.
    I'd like to mention that the starting four avatars, or perhaps the 'classes' even, are unequal in ability.
    Three out of four of the avatars get largely abilities that do damage. They comparatively seem to do about the same damage. I've yet to try Dungeon Maker with a group, so I don't know how well the support champion does in that scenario.
    The tanking avatar by far holds his own the best and also gets AoE damage, which is something you'd expect the ranged or melee DPS to have. The ranged/melee DPS avatars are a lot more difficult to solo due to the fact that they're squishier, their damage is largely single target, and it does fairly comparable damage to the tanking avatar. I find that the tanking avatar can easily solo 3 enemies while the DPS can only solo 1-2 at a time, or be defeated. This is partly due to the fact that the tank also has AoE damage at his favor. Though the DPS classes are better (slightly) for single target potential, this still doesn't compensate for their squishiness in comparison to the tanking avatar.
    The tanking avatar does have a highly inefficient power structure compared to the DPS classes (at least if you use the howl), but until there's an easy way to distinct 'solo dungeons' from 'group dungeons' I think that dungeons will largely cater to soloing, except in the few cases that someone wanders into a dungeon and finds five or more gnolls 'dog piling' on top of them. In this respect I think that the tanking hero will be the logical choice for anyone in a group, as he can not only take the damage but he can dish it out almost as well. This is partly in fault of the fact that the four classes only come with four abilities, and content has to be bearable for the tanking avatar. Unfortunately this has left the two DPS avatars feeling a bit underwhelming in comparison.
    But if you do give the DPS AoEs, the tank will then have a hard time holding threat as their taunt is single target. There'd have to be a threat mechanic attached to the Howl as well to give the mobs time to cling to the tank. So expanding on their abilities would require additional checks and balances, of course.
    I think the avatars available could use a major overhaul in the days to come. This will serve to make the dungeons a bit more interesting to run through if you're given more options than "Push 1 for damage, push 2 for more damage". I don't mind choosing avatars, and I think this has great potential if tailored a certain way to allow players to even play signature avatars such as Lucan D'Lere and Antonia Bayle. I'd love to play as Fippy sometime. But of course the characters need to be a bit more interesting, or even these signature characters will feel underwhelming in those circumstances.
    And of course having a system to distinguish between dungeons balanced for soloing and dungeons balanced for grouping would be good to have, too.

    Edit: I facepalmed when I noticed the arachnid has an AoE too. But hers does about the same damage as the gnoll's. It still doesn't feel like a fair trade off.
  13. ARCHIVED-Goldinrae Guest

    +1 for the descriptive text on a published dungeon so you could read up before entering.
    If you added categories like solo, small group, full group, quick, difficult, how many tokens for completion etc. These could be set when you publish the dungeon to give peeps an idea of what to expect before entering. Would also help when rating the dungeon - so if it was set as solo and yet impossible to finish with just one, or if it was published as group and then there are only 3 mobs in it.....
    Love the circle of agro idea too, that would help loads!
  14. ARCHIVED-imajabya Guest

    My favorite idea so far is definitely the aggro control. a sizable "bubble" doesnt seem like it would be too hard to implement in theory but im no programmer :p As far as descriptive texts, it would be nice to set the stage for lore, but given that even regular instances dont offer that it seems silly. You can use books, signs and magic mouths i believe and those can be set to guide a player into your lore. As far as difficulty, I just add a (Solo), (Hard), (ect) to my names. It serves the same purpose a drop down option would for the creator since people can still choose to be "expletive deleted" about it and tell you its solo when theres 300 mobs, or hard and only have 5. The listing the number of tokens is quite impossible since its never the same. Dont kill a get less. Have more people in your get more. The number is constantly in flux depending on the situation and any number given at the start would be inaccurate.
  15. ARCHIVED-Grumble69 Guest

    * Ability to change the pitch (z-axis) of objects.
    * Testing while in edit mode.
    * Aggro ranges be editable.
    * When placing a mob, have a circle showing its aggro range.
    * Ability to change the title of the dungeon
    * An open map with no rooms. :p
  16. ARCHIVED-ZullieZevize Guest

    1. difficulty rating.
    2. avg time to complete/ tokens for full completion.
    3. wander radius adjustment
    4. preview of maps sold on sc
  17. ARCHIVED-ZullieZevize Guest

    RUN SPEED!!! = Faster CR's
  18. ARCHIVED-vandewar Guest

    A moving crate. Right now if you collect all your items (like when you decide to delete your dungeon and start fresh) you have to have empty slots in your inventory. If you don't have the slots, you end up making several trips to get all your furniture.
  19. ARCHIVED-simianthief Guest

    I would really like a better a more fully realized "empower" items. How large a range do they affect? Does it affect something that wanders/patrols into that range or everything in the room?

    The aggro range is a definitely must. Without knowing your social ranges (and being able to adjust it) makes it very difficult to adjuster and edit the layout.
    Descriptive text on the outside, nice to see if it's a place I want to stick my nose in.
    Descriptive text inside, tell me a story...
    Z-Axis placement. Not sure how to implement, but perhaps placing it then using the radial menu to switch to Z-Axis.
    Bosses being Heirloom is a bad idea if only because the people who will truly immerse themselves in the builder might not be raiding.
  20. ARCHIVED-Mastire Guest

    • The ability to change the name of the dungeon
    • non-attackable npc's with custom text to allow us to hadd some flavor to the dungon
    • A way to search for a dungon by name so when people want to do my dungeon they don't have to go through everyones to find it.