Suggestion: Year of Darkpaw Deity Altars - upgraded TOT versions

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by CharbrynEQ2, Feb 7, 2024.

  1. CharbrynEQ2 Well-Known Member

    The first two altars unlocked were for deities that can't be worshipped, but with the E Marr camp opening up I have a character that worships that deity.

    I bought the altar to have in the guild hall - would it be possible to have these altars give the deity buffs and be used for sacrificing items and buying deity abilities, as an upgraded version of the raid dropped altars from ToT?
  2. Vlkodlak Well-Known Member

    Kinda a side note, but I would love to see a summonable deity alter, it would be great to be able to recharge deity abilities without having to break away to the GH every time,