[Suggestion] Why not make all shinys no trade?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Dannni, Dec 24, 2017.

  1. Cheallaigh Well-Known Member

    i never said i was soloing, i said between my hubby and i, i do most of the extra stuff(we own a business, so that limits him to an hour or two for regular play). when i group i make it clear and ask if i can grab an extra one after others have gotten their needed ones. sounds like you thought of this due to bad experiences on your part, so now you want to change things because someone made you mad.
  2. santargria Well-Known Member

    When I group I usually either greed on everything, even if I need it for my current toon, or I wait to see what others are rolling. If everyone in group is needing, I need. If only one or two, I greed.

    Oh, and if I don't like how people are playing - I don't play with them again... Problem solved... at least for me.

    It is a game after all, not a job! You have options..
  3. Dannni Active Member

    You’re missing the point. They can be no trade whilst the content is new then after a period of time this can change so you can buy the ones you need. This is not simply because I’ve had one bad experience, people needing on shinys and selling them on the broker is widespread. The current system relies on trusting strangers and simply deters pug groups because of the rampant abuse of the system.

    There could be other solutions to this problem but the current system creates an environment which deters pugs and is bad for the game.
  4. Arclite Well-Known Member

    I think "shiney" smash & grab is the last of the game's problem. Once again we are at an early point of the expansion where the heroic content has become so trivialised that pugs are a non-issue. As long as 1-2 good players are present, you can carry the group. Granted, i see the OP's point about having some sort of a mechanism of fair play but then again even sometimes with people you know, you run in to similar problems.

    I have not liked the collection system when they started doing meta-collections.

    I'd rather have all collections independent to the main meta collection.

    Have the main meta collection no-trade only on their own and not contributed through other collections.

    You have 12 heroic zones, 24 piece meta collection spread over 12 with 2 each shineys on no-trade. Worth a thought.
  5. Meneltel Well-Known Member

    "There could be other solutions to this problem but the current system creates an environment which deters pugs and is bad for the game."

    Often, pug members are the main reason that deters players from joining pugs. Often they want the fastest run possible and so wont take someone geared enough to go, but the very best they can get. *shrugs* I guess they are in a hurry to burn out on the game and quit because there is nothing left to do since they rushed rushed rushed.

    I don't join pugs, people don't want a SK who is dpsing (we aren't a dps class, after all) so I group with friends and guildies and play to have fun, when I can.

    As for shinies. I need if I need and otherwise greed to broker or pass onto an alt that I might play in the next 12 months (not likely).
  6. Dannni Active Member

    The topic really boils down to new shinies in pugs and the current system which facilitates selfisishness. There is no way to know who is needing on shinys they already have. The only ways to catch people out is if they need on a shiny they’ve already won in the same group (something I see regularly) or see if the put them on the broker. The problem being its too easy to transfer to an unknown alt and no one is any wiser. For me the only current solution is to only group with people I know and trust... but there should be a better way
  7. Tekka Well-Known Member

    The team doesn't have enough time or resources to implement and maintain another new mechanic properly.

    You now have your logical, objectively observable, reason.
    Kheldorm, Xillean and Ceyllynn like this.
  8. Mercychalice Well-Known Member

    Consider this: it's a new expac and no one has them all yet. However, if they're needing to need for brokerage reasons, they're being an ******* and you should find more honest folks to run with. Spend enough time on any given server and you'll figure out who the good folks are. Run with them as much as possible.
    Kheldorm, Xianthia, Xillean and 2 others like this.
  9. Dannni Active Member

    Yes and thats what I am now being forced to do, but I should be able to group with anyone and not have to be concerned if they are dishonest or not.

    The proposed solution would take little time and anyhow you do not speak for the developers.
  10. Cheallaigh Well-Known Member

    danni, we're not missing the point, what might appeal to you doesn't appeal to others or would affect others in a bad way.
    Lateana, Kheldorm, Kari and 2 others like this.
  11. Xillean Well-Known Member

    I see your point, I just dont agree with it.

    I am sorry your having bad times with pugs needing on them. Whether the team could or couldn't add this with little effort, I wouldnt want them to waste the time when you have the ability to group with guildies or avoid known greedy folk. There is plenty for them to fix without needing to worry about this, which to me is a nonissue.

    This isn't meant to be combative or a insult btw, just my thoughts and no I dont need on shinies just to sell, hell most of the time im crafting in my hall.
  12. Cheallaigh Well-Known Member

    you do realise this is an issue with everything that drops and pugs, not just shinies. no, we don't speak for the devs, but we do speak for fellow players. pugs have always been lousy for need/greed, this is nothing new and exciting for just this xpac. choose your pugs more wisely and leave them if they're needing and you don't like it.
    Kheldorm, Xillean and Prissetta like this.
  13. Tekka Well-Known Member

    You are not part of the EQ2 team. You have absolutely zero clue how much time your proposed solution would take, nor how much effort and resources it would require to both implement and maintain it, so please don't imply that you can speak for the developers - current and future. (It's kind of you to provide a clear cut example of what you admonish against, so others don't make the same mistake)

    -I- never claimed I spoke for the team, however my statement is absolutely valid - objectively and observedly so - given the current state of the game, including but not limited to, malfunctioning mechanics and improperly implemented loot tables.

    You asked for a logical answer, and you got a valid one. The fact that you don't like the answer, or the validity of it, doesn't make it any less valid.
    Tkia, Xillean, Ceyllynn and 1 other person like this.
  14. Kari Well-Known Member

    I understood the point, but it is an important part of my play style to try to finish the meta collections while the content is still current. In KA, the reward was a very nice necklace with fervor on it. I spent a lot of enjoyable hours pursuing the meta collection, both in groups and solo. When I was down to about 6 shinies missing I had the plat to buy the missing ones and reach my goal. I spent a significant amount of time killing the first name in zones solo and then picking up the 2 or 3 shinies that I could reach solo. In this expac it won't be possible due to the "tank needed" script. If you take away the ability to buy the ones I can't get in group, I might as well not bother collecting.

    In ToV the reward was a charm which functioned as an additional death save for me in an expansion where I desperately needed the additional save. It got me through ToV when all the other shaman I played with quit the game.
    Lateana, Prissetta and Ceyllynn like this.
  15. Svenone Well-Known Member

    I personally only roll need for the character I am currently playing, unless I ask first, so I am not the problem. Fine. Rolling Need for alts is something I do not condone, unless the group is asked and all members are OK with it. I still dislike no-trade and heirloom* shinies, because what I don't find I buy (or do without in the case of IMO exhorbitant prices). If shinies are not brokerable I would never be able to complete most of them (I have awful luck when rolling NBG, too). I have over 1,100 completed collections so far on my main, so you could say it is something of an obsession. I also almost never sell shines...I have alts, after all...a lot of alts!

    In short, I vote NO to no-trade / heirloom shinies just because of some selfish bad apples.

    * I am not 100% against heirloom shinies, in certain situations, but that is another discussion.
    Kheldorm, Lateana, Kari and 3 others like this.
  16. The_Real_Wurm Well-Known Member

    Why oh why do we have people who, after all these years have been shown that the dev team has a tendency to listen to the ideas that are worse for the entire players base and implement them, that still insist on shooting all of us in the foot?

    :( :rolleyes:

    Seriously, OP I'm sorry to hear you lost a few rolls during a pug, but most of us don't have an issue with how the shinies have been since 2004 and for the most part HATE the new no-trade mechanic that was added this expac.
    Svenone, Jhen Ro, Lateana and 4 others like this.
  17. Kheldorm Active Member

    Hey, how about we just make absolutely everything NO-TRADE?
    And for that matter, auto-award the loot to whomever gets the kill shot.
    That would be much fairer, and easy to implement, no?
    Ceyllynn likes this.
  18. Kheldorm Active Member

    Or, just possibly, how about this Danni...
    Form your OWN group, with you as leader. Then you can set the loot rules however you like.
    That is why the group loot options are there in the first place.
  19. Castegyre Well-Known Member

    How about we go back to how loot was originally done in EQ? A little bag drops on the ground, the first person to click on it gets it, and everyone hopes that person isn't a jerk or a ninja. Anyone who doesn't behave gets blackballed and pushed out of the community. Think of all the hours of bickering we could have on the forums. The game population is getting small enough where reputation could actually matter again so it just might work!

    :rolleyes: @this thread
    Ceyllynn and Kheldorm like this.
  20. Dannni Active Member

    We can agree to disagree but let’s just say I hope the developers expand on what I believe is the already successful and simple to implement no trade heroic shinys and crafting items. Reward those that take part in the content