[SUGGESTION] Mercenaries (Fraction)

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Kaito, Feb 2, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Kaito Guest

    Part.1 <= http://forums.station.sony.com/eq2/...topic_id=514405
    Part.2 of my Suggestion on Mercenaries....
    Having NEW Standard/Elite bind by NPC Fractions!!!
    They will be consider as in between the rank of Standard and Elite because you have to reach specific amount of fraction (Likely ALLY) to hire them and they don't despawn like Elite Mercs.... :p
    To have an unique concept of these NEW Mercenaries definition like their races are developed according to their fractions...
    Bathezid's Watch = Mercenary's Race [Sarnak] Class [Berserker]
    The Bellywhumpers = Mercenary's Race [Burynai] Class [Defiler][Ranger]
    The Windgazer = Mercenary's Race [Hooluk] Class [Guardian]
    The Chronomancers = Mercenary's Race [Erudite] Class [Illusionist]
    Clan Grobb = Mercenary's Race [Troll] Class [Berserker]
    Clan Ry'Gorr = Mercenary's Race [Orc] Class [Beastlord]
    Clan Skleross = Mercenary's Race [Scorpikis] Class [Wizard]
    Clan Smokehorn = Mercenary's Race [Minotaur] Class [Berserker]
    The Fugutr Tribe = Mercenary's Race [Satyr] Class [Mystic]
    Guktan Guard = Mercenary's Race [Froglok] Class [Dirge]
    Hua Mein = Mercenary's Race [Hua Mein] Class [Monk][Guardian]
    The Lyrech = Mercenary's Race [Werewolf] Class [Brigand]
    Mistmoore = Mercenary's Race [Vampire] Class [Brigand]
    The Sandscrawlers = Mercenary's Race [Goblin] Class [Assassin]
    The Temple of Scale = Mercenary's Race [Droag] Class [Shadowknight]
    The Great Herd = Mercenary's Race [Centaur] Class [Ranger]
    The Windsisters = Mercenary's Race [Harpy] Class [Assassin]
  2. ARCHIVED-CorpseGoddess Guest

    I don't like fractions. I was never very good at math.
  3. ARCHIVED-darwich Guest

    Streppoch@Guk wrote:
    you beat me to it!
  4. ARCHIVED-Raknid Guest

    How about before they refine what is an otherwise decently working system they devote some resources to thinks like fixing the DF?
    I think a "would be nice" to ADD change should take significantly less priority over fixing things that they have already added but left in a half-baked state.
  5. ARCHIVED-Factionz Guest

  6. ARCHIVED-Deago Guest

    If you divide by zero your mercenary yields the spell Dark Matter and consumes Norrath...

    :D :D

    So let me see if I teach some npc about fractions he will lend me his near-elite services in helping me destroy things? Wonder what would happen if we pushed out integration would he rage and solo x4's? :D