[Suggestion] Everquester Forever [New System+Item]

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by Kaito, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Kaito Member

    This idea is to bring players back into Questing and Adventuring.
    The Gnomes in Norrath are looking for a source of energy to maintain their invention works, and the only way is through the help of Adventurers in Norrath as it seem like the activeness energy of the adventurers is the solution to their problem.
    Introducing the Tinkered Adventurer Gauge Tank.
    At Adventure Level 90, Players can equip this Item in the new Accessory Slot crafted by Tinkerer with 450 Tinkering Skill.

    [New Item] [IMG]
    • Blueprint: Tinkered Adventurer Gauge Tank (450)
    • Result Item is a commissionable but a No-Trade LORE Item.
    • Recipe will be dropped from any Sentinel Fate and above Expansion zones.
    [New System]
    • Upon Adventure Level 90, Players can equip this Item.
    • In Order to Fill the Tank, Player must Be At their Maximum Level Cap depending on their Expansion Level (90, 92 or 95) and Maximum Alternate Advancement Point depending on their Expansion Level (250, 270, 300, 320) with no Adventure Experience Debt.
    • Tank can fill up to maximum 1,000,000 Adventure Experience Points.
    • Only Adventure Experience Points from Monster Kills, Dungeon Maker Monster Kills + Finishing EXP reward from exiting the Dungeon and Any Quests' reward with Adventure EXP will be able to Fill the Tank.
    • Upon filling the tank to its' maximum capacity at 1 million EXP, the player can go to Qeynos or Freeport and find a device (Need NEW) near the Gnome Racial NPC (near Gnomish Structures) to trade it for status points.
    • Player can REFILL their Tank again after finishing exchanging.
    • 1 Million Adventure EXP = 1 Million Status Points.
  2. Estred Well-Known Member

    Ok... so what do these actually do beyond just act as a random gauge for how much stuff we have beaten up on our adventures?
  3. Raenius Well-Known Member

    Theres a much easier way:

    Introduce a merchant from whom you can buy really nice stuff, but you need certain amounts of achievement-points in order to unlock those or even a certain achievement to buy something.
    Can be mounts, cloaks, special food/drinks, clicky items, titles, houses, illusions etc.

    So people have to have to go for achievements which are automatically connected to adventuring, crafting, raiding, exploring etc. and have a goal to go for - plus achievements finally get a purpose except just having a higher value than others.

    Only effort it takes the team is to create stuff thats unique and cant be obtained elsewhere (like on marketplace or due to LoN). Oh and dont reuse textures, if you create a cloak where you can see Darathars head dont apply the same appearance on a treasured cloak a solomob can drop at random.
  4. Kaito Member

    Well, a Merchant is nice addition idea.
    But what if when they finished all the achievements for the points, they will stop playing on the previous zones again hence becoming inactive.
    And for more rewarding stuffs, maybe the developers can think of extra stuffs to make players to keep playing the characters that already achieved their Max Level and AA.
    I always hate see experience points disappearing from sight when you reached max level. :eek: