[Suggestion] Buying Velious Discord Faction

Discussion in 'Battlegrounds' started by ARCHIVED-Kaito, May 10, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Kaito Guest

    Since we don't have any new BGs equipments coming out for Velious Discord with the update for Skyshrine...
    I think SOE should let us buy Faction Tokens from NPC to increase Velious Discord fraction faction using Cloudy Velium Jewel or Primal Velium Shard...
    This will also increase the population back for RingWars in Great Divide as more are going to Skyshrine more than RingWars...
    Quite a pain to get enough fraction faction with the unstable timing/population of BGs....
  2. ARCHIVED-Rahatmattata Guest

    The word is faction. You almost have to grind faction in T4 BGs before you level up if you want high tier BG gear.