(suggestion) achievement pt vendor

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Xavion, Mar 19, 2021.

  1. Xavion Well-Known Member

    I think a achievement vendor npc would be a great way to keep players busy and in old and new zones for a while. It would basically unlock various thing based on either achievement pts needed or number of achievements obtained. it could sell stuff like..
    • Mount barding unlocker
    • familiar training xp bauble
    • spell research reducer
    • appearance gear/weapons
    • house items
    • merc training bauble
    • titles
    • mounts
    • package of currency (could be old ethereal event coins or heritage crate coins or something)
    • mount training bauble
    and whatever else you could think of it would basically have stuff thats 1 time claimable account wide or per toon depending based on items. It could work like oh you need 20,000 achievment pts to get a cool appearance mount that you can now buy on your alts etc. or if you got 50,000 achievment pts you got 1 100k familar xp bauble thats no trade and is earnable per toon.

    It would definitely get people roaming across the game to finish out some achievements and work hard towards stuff thats alot easier or harder to get some rewards for doin older stuff and would help them make some progress and get some upgrade maybe along the way.