Sugestion - Guild Harvester NPCs + Guild Harvest Box

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Sucuri, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. Sucuri Active Member

    Not sure if this has been sugested or not.... but when you talk to a guild harvesting NPC, why doesn't it just auto deposite into the harvesting box, instead of cluttering up my bags, and forcing me to drag them into the harvesting box anyways?

    This would also prevent untrusting guildies who just talk to the harvester NPCs and walk off with materials! (yes you should only let people who you trust be said rank, but with there being only 3 accesses you really cant set 1 and not another, and I cant check these NPCs every hour o_O)

    Well I think this is a good idea, I hope others can agree :D
    Kalderon likes this.
  2. Lucus Well-Known Member

    first of all you *can* restrict it to trustees and specific people. if you move the hirelings to an empty room set their access level to friend and then blockade the doorways with dividers.

    If you want to access it as trustee simply select to move a divider walk into the room and hit esc so the divider snaps back to where it was. if you want to add people outside of the guild rank system you can add them to the list of trustees from the guild hall door.
  3. Sucuri Active Member

    Yea I have items in my guild hall I would trust to no one, not making anyone a trustee lol
    I get a lot of newer members who act nice and all, but turn out to just join guilds to rip them off.
    Seeing you cannot tell who talks to the harvestors and puts the items into the box or who takes off with them, I though this might be a good idea. That and I am kinda tired of dragging harvestables into the bloody box!!!
  4. Lucus Well-Known Member

    Then if you dont have anyone else on trustee then just change the permission on the hirelings you can do this by accessing the amenities tab highlight each hireling and set it to trustee acess. there problem solved only you can access them now.

    If you so untrusting of other people why dotn you jsut ask for a logging system that tracks who takes how many resoruces from a hireling and how many and what resources are deposted into the harvest box?
  5. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    Guildharvesters putting their mats directly to the boxes, ok afert hailing, would be great ;)
  6. Sucuri Active Member

    Why add a log system that would take up space in the game files and require me to check it. What would be so bad about the guild harvesters just putting the raws into the box when they are hailed instead of someones bags?

    Not sure why this idea would hurt anyone....
  7. Avianna Well-Known Member

    only problem I would see with this is what if the guild box is full of a particular item then what happens to it? Other than that I think it would be good, what I would rather see is a deposit all contents option if you right click your bag. This would also work to sell a bag full of junk to a vendor, or deposit a full bag of whatever into a broker bag etc.
  8. Sucuri Active Member

    That would be nice as well, box is full might want to send the harvester out for a different tier :D
    Maybe the ability to toggle this feture on and off (with guild settings) would be a better bet. Personaly, I would have this feture on if it was added to the game!
  9. Avianna Well-Known Member

    yeah it's a good idea, I just worry about certain tiers where you have one item coming out your ears and barely any of another. What would happen to the overflow?
  10. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    The problem with the overflow could be easily solved, as the person which order the goods to the chest, would get them instead.
  11. Sucuri Active Member

    Pretty much this anything at the 20,000 cap would just go into the persons bags who hail them.

    Another way to get around that is for whoever is in charge of the harvesting box to just remove a few stacks of things at 20,000 - then you would allways just be below the cap on all items in the box.
  12. Avianna Well-Known Member

    yes those are both good ideas I am just thinking from a coding standpoint, to have to run checks on each of the stacks to see the quantity in the depot, do the math for how many are on the harvester vs how many will fit in the depot, then separate that stack into X amount goes to depot X amount goes to bag of the person who hailed the harvester. Seems simple enough but from a coding standpoint I think would be rather difficult, especially if the harvesters work the way I think they do and don't really "hold" any harvests but rather work more like a timer that "rewards" RNG between X & X of harvests at end of timer.

    If the harvesters do in fact work like that then there would be no number of harvest to do the check compare from as it would be instantly generated upon receiving them. and if you just allow it to deposit into the depot when there is not enough room but try to force it anyways would cause a game crash.

    So the only solution to those two problems I could think of would be adding an overflow to the depot that the harvesters dump directly into the depot and anything over 20,000 would go into the overflow and then you would not be able to add anything else to the depot until someone with trustee access cleared out the overflow. That from a coding perspective could work I think.
  13. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    Or anotherway around, you can only send him out again, if you empty his depot, which will not be empty when the chest is full.
  14. Lous_mun New Member

    why can't we have a check box on the harvest depot like the sell window with double click in inventory to sell why not allow us to double click the harvests in our bags and have them go directly into the box just take an existing mechanic in the game and tweak it to do something else wouldn't that be easier from a coding standpoint then? after all you shouldn't have to spend a lot of time reworking it to have it function properly.
  15. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    Dont get me wrong to this, but all this leads up to.
    harvester->harvestdepot->merchant ^^ make some routines and all will be automated ^^
    Ok, there isn´t much of a diffrent then today, only cuts out player at two points ;)
  16. Sucuri Active Member

    A deposite all button feture for harvestables would be even more awesome, I come back from harvesting, checking my pack pony, harvesting goblin, the guild harvesing NPCs, each all on a different tier of harvests...Then move all of those raws into the harvest box... my carple tunnel :eek:
  17. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    Some sort of script would be fine there ^ ^
    It is a p-ain the the a..end for me, loging on check all harvester types, pulling whole to the harvestbox ^^
  18. Avianna Well-Known Member

    ^This would be easy to code in yes but then you'd still be double clicking all the harvest, better than the drag and drop but still not optimal.
  19. Avianna Well-Known Member

    ^ This would also be easier to code in than the harvesters directly to the box because of the mechanics of the harvesters themselves and I feel would be of more benifit to the players too because it would not matter if the harvests in your bag came from the goblin, the pony, the harvesters, or you yourself harvested them. so overall I think this is the best solution because of the usability of this function.