Subscribe or not?

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by Leloes, Dec 17, 2016.

  1. Leloes Well-Known Member

    I'm trying to decide to decide if I should stay F2P or go back to subscribing. I no longer have a CC available to me so I'd have to use my debit card. I really don't like the idea of doing that because it's connected to my checking account and I'm kind of leery of accessible. The other thing is I'll only be playing off and on because of RL obligations so will it be worth my subscribing or should I stay F2P?
  2. Cheesenabber Active Member

    I know it does mess up a couple things like gifts, or used to anyway, but you could try subbing for a month, then canceling and deleting your info. I've heard of people doing that. Unfortunately, I don't know of any other way to sub, now that the game cards are gone. You might be able to get a Visa gift card, but they have an additional fee.
  3. Rosyposy Well-Known Member

    Kronos... but yes, you need a way to pay for them online. I've always used my debit card and had zero issues with Sony or Daybreak taking advantage.
  4. KythosMeltdown Active Member

    I pay with my debit card and cancel the subscription immediately so it won't recur, and my information is not stored in their site.
  5. Leloes Well-Known Member

    I've used my debit card to purchase things online but I always delete the information after I checkout because I've read horror stories of people having their accounts compromised and losing all their money. I doubt seriously this would happen with happen with DB but I just wish there was a alternative way to pay.
  6. Illeara Active Member

    To the other part of your original post, I would personally not subscribe. I am currently subscribed but have a bit of downtime. Paying even $15-12 dollars a month or whatever it is when you buy other than monthly is a bit of a waste if you spend a lot of that time fulfilling your real-life obligations. The benefits you receive are still nice, though. Of course, it's your decision, but I feel like you should be able to devote a lot of time if you're paying for it. Then again, I am very stingy. :p
  7. Trepide@Storms Member

    I'll recommand to subscribe.

    To pay, you have many options: Visa card, e-payment card (see if you bank is offering you that kind of service. Mine sure does), Steam payment option, buying Kronos in game (or with you card, but it will not solve your issue).

    I've been buying things online and subscribing on MMO for many many years (maybe like 15 years) and I've never had a problem with my card. The only time I had a problem was because somebody copied my card number in a real life shop... And that time, my bank insurance gave me all my lost money back.

    So, my advice would be: Subscribe and don't be afraid :)
    Prissetta and Meneltel like this.
  8. Bella222 Active Member

    I just resubbed on 3 accounts. The best thing about it is customer service -- which no one ever seems to mention. It is just the cost of a movie for one account. And I use a credit card. So many banks are now offering great credit cards that give money back or benefits that it pays to have one. Just pay it off every month.
    Prissetta likes this.
  9. captainbeatty451 Well-Known Member

    I say it depends on your play style. What do you like to do? If you like to group with others and always have access to the best gear, then you should subscribe. If you are more of a solo player/crafter then I would say go free to play.
    Finora likes this.
  10. Finora Well-Known Member

    There are a couple of things to consider.

    If you are not currently a subscriber, there aren't going to be any benefits to subscribing that you'll immediately miss, because you were already F2P. They are good benefits, but if you are already happy playing free without the benefits why would you want to change that?

    If you do think you will be playing often (at least a few hours a week), then you may want to consider subscription options that are available.

    Personally, I find the benefits worth the small price I pay for my subscription. For you, that might not be the case, particularly if you find RL really eating up your time so you aren't using your sub much.

    The great thing of course is if you decide to not sub right now, you can always change your mind. If you find your situation has changed by Saturday, you can always just fire up a sub and move on with things.
    Prissetta likes this.
  11. Meneltel Well-Known Member

    There is much to benefit to being a subscriber. EQ2 does have one of the most generous F2P I have seen. So, if you wish, be F2P until you find that you want to pay the money. I hope you do and soon, but that is a decision you have to make. I think most of us suggest you do, but most guilds wont care either way. Only those that are on cutting edge or raiding will really care, and even then many may not, but you wont be able to do the really hard and fun stuff with them.

    Just a note, nothing to do with paying, but the game is more fun with friends. So I do suggest you find a guild that meets your style and have fun with them. As a soloer game, this is tolerable, as a MMO game, it is MUCH better. Sorry, but I don't really classify this as a MMORPG anymore, though it has a rich and extensive lore.
    Prissetta likes this.
  12. Leloes Well-Known Member

    I'm really thinking of going ahead and subscribing but waiting until I can find a some kind of card that can only use for EQ2 or use Steam. Being disabled and homebound I'm able to do the online work I do when I want. Which is usually from about 8 am to 2 pm and that leaves several hours in the afternoon open for gaming. I just might have to wait until after the first of the year because I bought a few Christmas gifts and my funds are rather low. BTW I do play solo but I don't think that should have any influence on I subscribe or not because even when soloing there are things that aren't available to F2P accounts that are available to paying ones, right? At least that's the way it was when I was subscribing.
    Finora and Prissetta like this.
  13. Leloes Well-Known Member

    The biggest reason I solo is because it's very difficult for me to raid or group and be able to keep up with what is going on because of physical problems I have with my hands. I'm not as quick as others are and I lag behind so always run into problems with other people in the group. Since I can't keep up with the action I end up getting verbally attacked and eventually kicked out of the group so I've found it easier to play solo. I know there are probably people out there that would work with me but I've just grown weary of the same experience over and over on different games I've played so I've decide it's just simpler to solo.
    Soara2 likes this.
  14. Meneltel Well-Known Member

    I am in a guild that is very relaxed and casual. How casual? I am a DPS SK. (Don't laugh or ill Harm Tickle you next!). I get to go on our heroic groups as DPS and we have fun. We try to bring the person, not the class. I cant jump for beans in game (hate ledges and shortcuts) but we have fun and succeed. We don't even post DPS charts unless asked for (usually someone trying out new gear or AA spec). We are on AB server. Let me know if you are there and want more information, sir.
    Xillean, Darsch and Trixwynter like this.
  15. Leloes Well-Known Member

    If I had a toon on AB I would but I'm on Maj'Dul. I was a member of a guild when I last played but I'm sure that they dropped me from the membership.
  16. Finora Well-Known Member

    I agree, I mostly solo and have had a sub with one EQ game or another for 16 years (jeez it doesn't seem like it should be that long). You are correct, even soloing you can't access certain things. Mailing things, selling on the broker (or even buying if you aren't a grandfathered silver account), chat channels (once again if you aren't a grandfathered silver account), the bonuses to coin, tokens & mount speed, the marketplace discount and monthly DBC grant, ancients, grandmasters & prestige items, I think Zek is still locked for non-members. There are possibly other things I'm forgetting.

    I think most people saying that subbing isn't a big thing if you aren't grouping/raiding are thinking along the lines of prestige items you can't use as a F2P, but honestly that also affects soloers and all the rest does as well.

    I do know you can get steam cards to fill your steam wallet and use your steam wallet to pay sub (if you have your game through steam maybe? I'm not sure, I've never tried it). So if it's just a case of not having a credit card, you should be able to do that. I would confirm that somewhere first though before I bought Steam cards.
  17. Leloes Well-Known Member

    I'm going to find out more about how to subscribe with Steam but I'm also going to look into prepaid cards and such. I just have to find what I feel comfortable with. I want to be able to access as much as is possible for someone who solos and I know if I don't subscribe it will be limited. Plus by subscribing it supports the game.
  18. Mazcote Yarquest Active Member

    Yes, subscribe!
  19. Melt Actually plays the game

    It's really awful that people treat you like that. I'm on Maj'Dul, you can join my guild if you'd like. We're very casual and I'm sure you'd be very comfortable. Your disability should be no reason you can't play with friends. Shoot me a tell when you're on, I'm sure we can find a place for you.
    captainbeatty451 and Darsch like this.
  20. Leloes Well-Known Member

    I've come to the conclusion that whether it be online or offline most people don't put their self in the place of the other person in particular if that person happens to be disabled. I don't think they mean to do this it's just a matter of most people they aren't disabled so they have no understanding of how it feels not to be able to do things the same as others can. I really think they aren't even aware most of the time how this makes people feel. Gamers should be aware that they have a's called....being different!:)
    Xillean, Snikkety and Prissetta like this.