Stupid question

Discussion in 'Battlegrounds' started by ARCHIVED-Grumble69, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Grumble69 Guest

    I haven't tried out BGs yet in a long while. Do they still use gear with special stats like toughness? i.e. do you still pretty much suck in PVE gear until you earn tokens to buy BG gear?
  2. ARCHIVED-Blergh Guest

    Yes, there is gear with toughness, but the most you can get with a full set of the best stuff (which takes an age to get) is probably only around 20%. As things stand right now you can go in in heroic gear and be competitive.
  3. ARCHIVED-Azomonas Guest

    There was a recent revamp of PVP. Toughness is still around with a similar effect, and a new stat (lethality) has been added which affects your PVP damage. Maybe it's just because the GU is only a few days old and people haven't geared up yet, but it seems that my PVE armor (a combination of SS faction/heroic/WL gear) has been just fine for my troub. I still get rolled by better skilled/geared players, but I feel like I can still kill just about anyone if things land right. I finally got an upgrade to my WL chest piece this morning and am excited to try it out.
    The only way to see if you'll like it is to queue! BG's are pretty busy right now which makes it more fun. Best of luck!