Stuck between Antonica and Guild Hall

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Quiarrah, Dec 19, 2022.

  1. Quiarrah Well-Known Member

    While trying to zone into a friends Guild Hall which I have access to, I got stuck. and now I cant log in on Quiarrah. It does well on Retrieving Info, Caching Zone Appearences but when it gets to Adding Character to Zone it just sits there. I tried it 4 times today and NOTHING.
    Bug report has been sent in from Nikoda . . and an ingame mail sent to Stella to deny me access to the guild hall so maybe it will just dump me into antonica again.
    Will that work or do I need more extensive help? This is my main Character! My Decorator of Legend! I NEED HER!!
    Breanna, Twyla and Manafizzle like this.
  2. Manafizzle Well-Known Member

    What has helped with guild hall zoning issues in the past: Go to settings out of game, and set everything to 'pac man graphics' and 'high performance' in all the ways you can. It seemed to lessen the load of what needed to happen to get you into the game, and allowed people to get untuck.

    I hope you're free soon!
  3. Dude Well-Known Member

    A bug report won't do anything. You need to file a customer service ticket. There's even a stuck character option.
    Twyla and Tkia like this.
  4. Quiarrah Well-Known Member

    Ok. Thanks.
    Dude likes this.