Stormhold to Antonia Bayle Server Merge

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Mepps, Aug 15, 2018.

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  1. Dude Well-Known Member

    Woot! Proper use of PDT and knowledge of grammar in one thread?

    It's official. We can now close the internet. :D
  2. Flutterbee New Member

    Would it be possible to hear from a dev or someone from Daybreak on how it is going and any clue on when the game will be up not expecting an exact time but at this point they surely know a ballpark time?
    draidean, Turtlemum and SierraDawn like this.
  3. Beast Member

    If I have learned anything from this thread, it is people have absolutely no idea how server/data migration works. This is not a snap your fingers and it happens type of thing . Especially with the sheer amount of data they are moving. The first 8-12 hours of downtime yesterday was probably spent just doing/checking/rechecking backups. And I guess the dev's are supposed to work 24 hours a day to get it done with the small screw they run and the higher ups are surely going to agree to pay them overtime to work until 3am. Some of these people in this thread make me even more glad I work in the networking sector and dont have to deal with the public very often.
  4. Siren Well-Known Member

    Oh, great point about all the gear stats having to change, I didn't remember that!
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  5. Krastis Member

    Well they could avoid a lot of this by communicating, But this is DG and thats not what they do they leave you to speculate I would know I was a Vanguard player to the end.
    Tekka, Mizgamer62 and SierraDawn like this.
  6. Varmit Hunter New Member

    I think we should start a pool on when the server will be available. My guess is 8-10AM PDT Sept 7. There are always snags and this migration has a lot of data to sort, change, delete and replace, etc. This is most likely why they are leaving it unspoken, because they don't really know when it will be finished.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  7. Corisu Member

    well gah, server still locked...

    . Hm.... I would say something different, but that sounds like a pretty good guess there, Varmit Hunter...
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  8. Astraeis New Member

    My guess is now.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  9. Varmit Hunter New Member

    Reverse psychology & pessimism always works.
  10. Corisu Member

  11. Roxxlyy Community Relations

    AB is up, unlocked, and ready for play! Thank you for your patience.
  12. Schmetterling Well-Known Member

    It would be cool if we could get a title like when those server consolidations happened
    I would like to make it known that I cam from Stormhold and I am not playing possum.
    So something like that would be nice , like Survivor of Stormhold , or born on Stormhold or how about made on Stormhold
    well we could even have a title like" Of Stormhold adapted by AB."
  13. Chiffon Active Member

    I like this idea. Other servers got titles when they were merged and Stormhold should get a title as well.
    Momo and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  14. Aussie_one Member

    now this does sound fantastic .if only it would be the case
  15. Schmetterling Well-Known Member

    you can always un attune things the only thing you have to so is BUY a un attuner from the cash shop.
    they got to make their money somehow. So why not sell another product so you can use heirlooms toons other than those in your account. those non trade things are supposed to be extra good and it is designed to make
    you want to do those quests.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  16. Ramone_AB Active Member

    I wouldnt mind a title for my 2 stormhold alts.
    Momo and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
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