Stop that madness. From RL to DEVS.

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Simpala, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. Simpala Member

    We made smooth from zero in AB after new year and cleared cathedral before you do right? You are raiding for a long time as relentless and out progressed by a guild who is leading by a noob? Last time i seen your players were asking to join smooth. If i was you i dont get in that topic in forums.

    Question is simple: If simpy is noob like u claimed and have attitude problems how can he manage to build a raid force from zero and outprogress yours? Question is simple but you will get "error" msg only because you dont have any answer for that question.

    If you question my tanking or game ability sure u can do but only u will look like no-smart when u claim simpala is a noob. You started a campaign against me on Splitpaw about how bad tank i am but all builded on lies. Now you want to go on that campaign on forums but people who know me will only laugh on you.

    First beat validus on progress and keep your members in your guild because they want to join here :) Then u can spare more time to trolling on forums.

  2. Simpala Member

    Ok another lie here. I always use shield because crusaders have 25 wps when use shield and don't get benefit from 2 handers. Also i am pot based not auto attack one. Also i run these zones daily maybe 20 zones per day for ethereal run and i didnt have any problem so far with guildies. Only problem on pickup grps like we did with you.

    I always ask for decent healer in channel. Any healer can heal a raid geared 3 m solo hp 20k solo mit tank. That tank even dont need heals in heroic zones. Decent ones can keep tank alive on dps/balanced stance.

    So u are accusing wrong person to be noob, sir. Like i said before go and troll somewhere else.
  3. Faragel New Member

    Simpala, I do not play on live servers, haven't in ages once upon a time I was a 4day/week raider as a troubie. I feel for you on this but if this isn't the first time you've experienced a major decline in player/raider base so I don't feel too bad for you. I remember when server populations plummeted and raids were attempted as x2's rather than x4's...after every WoW expansion, or the next new "big" game release. let the servers merge then see where you are at bud. Until then enjoy the little things and don't get too frustrated :D ps all these trolls saying you're a bad person shame on them that kinda makes them bad people with bad attitudes imo; its not something I remember about you at least ;)
  4. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Less Populated Server; Check.
    Still filling raids; Check.
    Progression; Check.
    Having one of the most annoying members leave for Smooth; Check.

    Answer to your question;
    Easy, Anyone can start up a random flare of the moment guild on the most populated server, where others are disbanding and people are LF Guild. What it takes is skill to maintain that, which judging by this post, well that speaks for itself ;)
  5. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Look at the in-game calendar. A couple of New Things are coming up in the next few weeks. What are they, exactly? The suspense grows.
  6. Hammdaddy Active Member

    Why is some random no name SK who can't even clear the easiest expansion to date trying to troll me right now? I've never heard of you prior to running **** AB groups nor do i care that you think your SK is a dps class. Every fight we did i basically parsed as much if not more while having to heal three times what i normally do. QQ more
  7. Mankar Active Member

    I can say, with great certainty, that Hammdaddy is probably one of the best furies in game right now, so I think you might be a tad delusional here...

    I can also say I have heard complaints about you from reliable people that I trust completely. I guess since Flames isn't around much anymore, this is the closest to a RaR we will get?
    Hammdaddy likes this.
  8. Thetmes Active Member

    You know I remember this guy from Naggy back in the day, if its the same guy that is. He rolled out off the server shortly after SF release and went to Split if I remember correctly. I do not remember exactly why but if its him its the same guy. What I remember from Naggy was not much though the name stuck with me not much else. Neither a great player or a poor one as I remember. As for the issue at hand as I said before rethink your attitude Simpala and things may turn around as for your raid guild/alliance sounds to me like the progression of the alliance was on the backs of the best the server had to offer but they could not all be in 1 guild???? Sounds like you were headed for issues from the start by not getting every one in the same guild from the start with that much ego in the raid force that people would not put their raid toons all in 1 guild.
  9. Raff Well-Known Member

    The more of this thread I read, the more I think that there are the Smooth Raiding Guild than lack of server merges or the TLE's. Its one thing to throw a flavor of the month guild together. Its a whole different can of worms to hold it together.
  10. Surgeon Active Member

    Man. This thread is the eq2 community in a nutshell.
    Someone lays down a problem, an obvious one and people start giving him ****.
    Now I don't know the guy, I only saw his "high dps" needed in lfg channel so I never sent a tell since my necro isn't the well geared, but I could've used to loot. I'm not like that, I like taking people with subpar gear with me so they receive some loot, how else would they get it?
    But this attacking and pissing contest is why I'm no longer playing.
    People assume, project their frustrations, add totally nonsensical and out of context crap and in the end derail from the issue at hand.
    The EQ2 community, like a freaking gay parade. Drama all day every day.
    And top end raiders thinking they're somehow special because of their numbers on some parse that their gear gives them.
    And then the guild vs guild fights and epeen waving incl circle jerk.
    ****. This is just a game.
    So this Simpala guy enjoys raiding and wants to clear all content.
    And he's lacking people to do so and he blames TLE.
    Valid point, but not exclusively.
    Even if there only were 2 guilds left those 2 guild would still be fighting over who controls the players.
    And that's the mentality that needs to change.

    It's a fact that most people who are left playing will never be as good as the best players who are no longer playing of the past.
    I've been in a guild that shared his perspective. Elitist players. We were raiding 7 days a week.
    I left that guild because it wasn't, we as a community playing together, but it was orders from above and the members were just executing those orders. After 6 months I had enough of that.
    But those who remained, not all, treated newcomers without respect.
    When you joined that guild you had a 1 month trial period.
    In that time you were degraded and tailored into fitting in.
    And if you didn't fit in you were kicked. I wasn't but every newcomer who joined the guild received the same treatment, even when next time I joined as a veteran guild member I received the same treatment from people who thought they could order me around. Those were new people who weren't there before and who were considered bad fit enough to join. I left after 1 week I believe.
    Returned later in DoV. The guild was disbanded. And there were 2 reasons:
    1 Intrigue (the same crap I read in this thread)
    2 Elitist mentality
    They thought that the players that remained were trash and there weren't enough good players left to fill their ranks. And to some degree they were right. What was top of the pops from DoV-ToV were those who never could beat us in progression (back when it mattered, it doesn't matter now, eq2 is dead, mechanics are fubar).
    The former guild leader quit a new one emerged, but was thought of being too soft and lush. The next was a long time member but with a really bad personality.
    And they seemed to have some kind of trauma. Idk how this new guild managed to talk that into them.
    Even when I tried to revive that guild, people weren't willing. Maybe they thought I wasn't good enough? Idk and really idc.
    They seemed very demotivated.
    I left for Nagafen because at that time I was still under the influence of the drill and wanted, well at first I just wanted to play and group but it is how it is you want more and after a while your style is optimized and you get tired of slow and bad players.
    Moved to Naggy, joined that guild and it was a mess. Players with potential but unorganized leadership and a raid leader that was close to burning out and treated players like crap. Can't blame him, he was a drill instructor lol. And yeah I saw the same he saw, unorganized mess. But he didn't know how to deal with it. Occasionally Mwink would join and raid lead, cool guy, relaxed, clear instructions, charm playing with him.
    I saw the issues, emerged to be officer and later raid lead with the drill instructor, because I freaking saw at an instant what the mobs did and what had to be done. Tactics were my thing but I didn't like voip and didn't want to tell people what to do, but I worked on that. I also tried "carrot and stick" or as Germans say "sugarbread and whip". Give people to opportunity to earn a bonus and if they don't want to reduce dkp.
    In the end I spent my time on creating recommended AA specs for new members but left them to optimize.
    Well one night I was raid lead, finally after much talk and convincing we tried new content. The guild leader was a woman, right Siren? ;) I spoke on vent (woo). Laid down the tactics and what do you know, we killed 4 new mobs in that zone on 1st pull. But there was drama and I left the same night. I was playing a brig and I still believe I'm the best PvE brig around. And there was another guild leader next to this woman. Someone who was playing on AB in equilibrium with his brig. And I remember when I joined he asked me if I heard of him. I said no, truthfully. I think he felt insulted because I didn't know him and didn't care about him. Anyhow I got demoted after those kills, because some trial member decided to spout instructions while we were in the middle of the raid. Some freaking trial, what has he done to better the guild? He just joined like 2 days ago and wanted to give orders? **** him.
    Lesson learned: Don't take this game seriously. Care only for yourself and if a bad player is bad that's his problem. But as a raid lead you want to better the guild you want to succeed and you have a plan. And you know how abilities of classes play in conjuction.
    Anyhow I complained and was demoted by said brig who didn't even play actively on Naggy anymore but was still holding a guild leader position. This guild could've gone to the top but instead they remained on their boring "gear alts farm plat" routine. Your loss Siren.
    There were some great people in this guild. Some are in Error's guild now.

    Well I took a break from the game. Returned to see the same crap still going on as when I left.
    People fighting each other over unessential stuff. Ego parade. Elitist raiders that were considered B-Team quality then make up the top end raiders of today. And being smartasses about everything.
    And then there's the random noob who thinks he knows stuff but is unable to apply context and adapt to the current situation.

    Essentially there's 4 kind of people.
    Those who want to succeed and spent a lot of time to do so.
    Those who think they know stuff but they lack talent. Talent is when you grasp something intuitively. When you live the role you play. Instead they follow a trained set of rules.
    Those who don't really care and just want to have a good time.
    Those who'd like to but are unable to grasp basic principles.

    From all the servers I played on I liked Nagafen best. Great people mostly.
    What's funny is that most Naggy players transfered to AB, although if they remained on AB they would've had a full server. lol
    Well now with TLE of course old Naggy players chose to go there because the reasons they left PvP aren't present on those servers. And in turn AB population dropped.
    So yeah Simpala's complaint is valid.

    Personally I was already getting bored on AB even with fun raids, aka no required attendance. Pools and Highhold.
    But if I wanted to see more I'd have to dedicate myself to the game and that's not going to happen.
    In my life (I started playing MMO 1998) I spent too much time on playing MMOs.
    That's something I have seen as a fact.
    Funny fact is, when I quit playing MMOs after that incident and focused on getting things done one at a time I was financially successful in real life.
    That and the decline in quality in MMOs has the effect that MMOs aren't important.
    MMOs are addictive, just like alcohol is addictive or weed. Mentally addictive.
    There's a world where you can have easy success without too much work. But if you want to be on top you have to dedicate your life to it.
    There's not much content so devs made the game hard, I'm not talking about raids, group content.
    Raids are a joke script-wise. But fun because there's so many people you play with.
    But group content and that's what casual players play if they play with others is hard.
    Mitigation plays too big of a role and that's bad. Tanks got fubared. Mechanics are out of whack.
    There's easy group zones, hard group zones and group zones that require raid gear (wtf?).
    It's a mess and of course people are playing where the fun is.
    And fun is on the TLE servers. There's people, there's groups. And there are more concrete rewards.

    So again, Simpala is right with his observation.
    But somehow playing on TLE, for me, is like ******* your ex.
    Been there done that. What's new?
  11. Simpala Member

    Random noname sk? Cant clear easiest expansion? You outparsed me as dps? Wow you lied once and there are 3 more lies ?

    First as Smooth Raid Force we are n3 on Antonia Bayle and i am founder and RL of that force. n1 is after dark and they killed only 1 mob more and its last name in rum cellar Drunkard. So its not a noname SK.

    Second can you tell me what was your guild and what did u kill so far in that expansion?

    Also i remember you were buttering me in grp like "i never saw dps tank like that, massive pulls and great aggro control etc". and now u are saying opposite. Some people have two face and u are one of them sadly at least be honest.Everyone knows in AB how i tank i dont need to talk about it :)

    I don't know why u keep trolling this page. This page is about TLE servers and PVE servers why the subject coming to tanking healing and progress?
  12. Mankar Active Member

    You should probably check the dates on Vox Noctem kills...
  13. Simpala Member

    We are raiding more than 6 months and usually we have 30 raiders online @ raid time. First time after TLE launched we dropped to 3 groups. I know you guys like to think "that guild has some problems that's why lost members and leader blame TLE servers" but its not like that. Please no more trolling. We are discussing a problem here this post is about it not something else.
  14. Simpala Member

    I checked and yes? Vox noctem is n7 on server and smooth is n4 atm. If you consider attrix not raiding anymore that means smooth is n3 and vox is n6? So what's your point. They killed 2 mobs in cathedral only so far?
  15. Rhodris EQ2Wire Ninja

    Why is this thread not locked yet?
    Wulfhammer, Sigrdrifa and Charlice like this.
  16. Mankar Active Member

    They do not exist anymore. Did you look at the dates? Notice the rate of progression.
    Hammdaddy likes this.
  17. UBiLL Member

    I agree with OP. The solution to the problem is easy just merge everything. This game should have 5 server after the merger : TLE, TLP, Live PVP and 2 live PVE (might even be one).

    If you do not agree to this you must be playing some other game.
    Ajjantis likes this.
  18. Flamace Active Member

    Well technically, and who knows there are probably more, Halfling Hug Squad has killed more than Smooth according the Guild Achievement page on eq2wire. So that would knock you down again...
  19. Charlice Well-Known Member

    Do you honestly think anyone read all that?
    Raff, Wulfhammer, Ajjantis and 5 others like this.
  20. Hammdaddy Active Member

    3rd on server means you're bad, have you ever ******* played eq2? #1 on server is bad on like half the servers right now lol. Second of all i was in vox noctem and we cleared everything you have in like two weeks, i also raided in fatality and played with better sk's and solo healed them through content from last expansion your guild couldn't kill now. Also i never said any of that **** in group i was thinking in my head the entire time is this guy serious? Now stop.