Stonewall Paladin TSO Endline Ability

Discussion in 'Paladin' started by ARCHIVED-Stonestrong, Apr 21, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Shinjun Guest

    to paint a imagination...
    it should be a percussion of stone type buff that stays on till cancelled...
    Give it a variable 7%-14% of going off taking a stoneskin or 2 and ending with a 2500 dmg ward to make it look like its a deathsave or something ...
  2. ARCHIVED-Brat Guest

    Shinjun wrote:
    Honestly, your suggestion too overpowered. As already has been many times told, its necessary to change only ability, without changing the general principle. Extra trigger(s) or some ward after successful block. In other words, we need some spike damage stopper.
  3. ARCHIVED-Stonestrong Guest

    OrcSlayer96 wrote:
    I have no idea why he is being so stubborn about this. Its not like people are just crying to cry. This is a legitmate complaint and an easy fix. Nobody is asking for anything OP just something REASONABLE.................
  4. ARCHIVED-Kigneer Guest

    Stonestrong wrote:
    If you've seen how long it has taken for the devs to give anything to Paladins than the middle finger (oh, what a taunt huh?), you can get a feeling they don't know what to do with us. SKs there's some off-traditional way of making them, ah, weird. But Paladins have a stereotype and if they stray too far it's no longer being some holy knight. They're pigeon holed in what they can offer us due that and their rigid concept of tanking. Personally, as I said long time ago, I'd prefer the Pally to have a pet hawk/falcon that will aid them in battle. This is how a MUD has the Paladin and it keeps to the age old holy knight theme, but offers something than just being a meat tank (it gets quite boring to just play a tank role, when 1/3 of your options is to heal and the other 1/3 to AoE the crap out of the enemy). But SoE only has one view of Paladins -- competition to their Guardian as the MT only philosophy. Which means the game is broke and will remain broke until they do something about Paladins end-game abilities and even purpose. To me Stonewall isn't as important as Paladins getting some more dev respect and revision -- not more nerfing.
  5. ARCHIVED-Stonestrong Guest

    Well if they want us to compete with Guardians for a MT role then that should be more than enough to improve this ability. Guardians obviously have much more survivability than paladins. I don't even think Paladins should be the premier class for the MT role personally, but that does't matter. Making Stonewall a worthwhile skill should not even be something we should have to fight them for. They are being hardheaded and useless, the whole lot of them....
  6. ARCHIVED-Kigneer Guest

    Stonestrong wrote:
    To the devs, if we have Stonewall as good as the Guardians it'll compete with them with that MT spot. The real problem in the whole fighter lineup is they gave every fighter something that every other fighter has, and none are specialists to bring to a fight. Worse they split it to good/evil, making it's a competition even with sub-classes. So we have 8 instead of just 4, plus we divided the populations between good/bad alignments. For roleplaying I can see it as a fluff thingee, but overall it harming game play more than helping it (and it was even more painful earlier when even good/evil alts couldn't even share the main's own bank -- no telling how much that hurt the game and player retention). In classic MMOs you will have the fighter and crusader (fighter types)/ the bard and rogue (scout types)/ the ranger and healer (woodland types); the mage and enchanter (mage/scholar types). That's the 8 group ratio thingee again. EQ2 doesn't follow this simple concept, it's now beyond even 16 sub-classes. And how raids are set up that all 16+ can't even play in a epicx4 fight, let alone even an epicx2, end game isn't as fun as it should be. People spent all that time leveling a toon, just to park or reroll it. It's no wonder why folks stop their subscriptions and play another game, and only coming back for expansions and what not if their class got "some love". We need specializing. If I play a Pally I need spells and abilities that ONLY Paladins have, not shared even with Shadowknights. If we must only play in a group of 6 and raids that's so hand tweaked it's pathetic, at least make dungeons require one of each class per dungeon REQUIRED to play it to encourage folks to play all the subclasses. If that means only 4 or 8 new dungeons each expansion it's okay, if the other classes will know there's something for them in the next expansion afterwards. It's not perfect, but it sure beats having such threads we see in this forum about Paladins being nerfed and/or unloved. Stonewall is just a symptom of the disease. The disease is SoE doesn't even know how to balance all the classes, as there's too many and their abilities overlap. That's what's needed to be fixed, so even they can see if there's a stat/gear problem BEFORE it goes live (not waiting just on patches for errors to show and be corrected -- we're not beta server players on the regular servers, afterall!).
  7. ARCHIVED-Brat Guest

    Almost three days without up!
  8. ARCHIVED-Wodge Guest

    OK, just had a thought on this. SOE want the Paladin to be a single target Tank, so in their infinate wisdom they've given us this Stonewall thing, so why not actually make it into an actual "Wall."
    Here's my idea, rather than pulling a named into a corner, how about you plant your shield in the ground and take it there, theres no harm in prepping for an encounter. Make it an ability that has you hiding behind your shield, which has become a hastily constructed palisade wall of sorts, a physical object the paladin has to hide behind and move to the side to do dps, while allowing the paladin to still taunt (I imagine, in roleplaying terms, they call the creatures every name under the sun to get their attention). Also, give the user a bonus to their 1 handed weapon damage, because the paladin doesn't have to hold their shield, they can use both hands to smack the crap out of the mob with their 1h weapon. Have it on a 5 min reuse timer or something, so it can't be used on every pull. Could also treat the shield like a pet of sorts, give the paladin a second ability "Fortify Bulwark" or somesuch to "heal" the shield to keep the defensive value up.
    Obviously most shields aren't big enough to hide behind, but i'm sure it's magical and stuff, so something would have to be worked out. (though all paladin's should be dwarves imo.)
    Either that or just give us a few more charges on the stoneskin, and make that hand of bayle a bit more sexy.
  9. ARCHIVED-Kahless725 Guest

    Make it 3 blocks on the same timer as it is now and be done with it, change guard one so it doesn't eat shields.
    TBH if not I think people desearve an explination as to why not at this stage.
  10. ARCHIVED-Brat Guest

    I got tired to up this topic, but I will not stop, until we will not receive the answer.
  11. ARCHIVED-Maamadex Guest

    I think everyone can agree Stonewall just sucks. Its a terrible endline, I'd like it to do anything remotely decent at this point. I can't believe no dev has responded to the issue of its merit compared to other fighters. Its pretty disheartening in general.
  12. ARCHIVED-Brat Guest

  13. ARCHIVED-Brat Guest

  14. ARCHIVED-Kiara Guest

    No more bumping please.