Still nothing being done

Discussion in 'Assassin' started by ARCHIVED-Kokusho, Mar 5, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Siclone Guest

    [p] bottom line swashies and necros are out DPSing Assassins in too many zones to even try to think whats going on is a fair deal. [/p][p]The question or problem is not that Assassins are not near the top or should be. the issue is that other classes with twice the utility and other roles, are equaling or bettering our DPS way to often.[/p][p]The sky is not fallen, we are not bad off, but lets not candy coat it either. [/p][p]going wis/int would just make things worst with a significant drop in DPS that would be just stupid. [/p][p] [/p][p] [/p]
  2. ARCHIVED-khufure Guest

    Calling for nerfs of other classes, which is what you are doing, is not cool.
  3. ARCHIVED-HellRaiserXX Guest

    thats why there probably isnt much that can be done about it right now. The situation isnt so bad that it makes the game unplayable. Hopefully if nothing gets done now when t8 comes out things will get adjusted appropriately.
  4. ARCHIVED-Execution Guest

    Here's my opinion. The tier system is broken and has been broken for way too long. There are similarities in each tier that make classes what they are. For mages we got three tiers: Sorcerers, Summoners, and Enchanters For scouts we got three tiers: Predators, Rogues, and Bards Now, lets look at each tier and make some comparisons to find the problems. Enchanters and Bards are similar; they provide good buffs and utility while putting out a good amount of dps, but dps lower than the other two tiers most of the time and rightly so. Why rightly so? Because it's game mechanics. Summoners and Rogues - A bit different but in their own right. Summoners get stuns, stifles, dazes, resistance debuffs, heal pets, debuff pets, as well as good dps, but mid-range dps, even though some things can be argued to be a little over the top for a mid-range class, but listen, the reason that they should be doing mid-range dps is because of their utility. Now to rogues. Brigands and Swashbucklers have awesome debuffs, really awesome debuffs, to the equivalent of shamans. Brigands with dispatch and Swash's have transfer and hurricane, giving tanks the intended transfer. Predators and Sorcerers - DPS! These classes were given very few utility functions because they are supposed to deal the most damage. The best debuff i have as an assassin is a poison debuff and a defense debuff. Now that we have covered the tiers. Lets think about the parses of any zone; who should be topping the parses? Specifically, to touch on the subjects already being brought up, I'd like to say that Apply Poison should be fixed; the fact that SOE doesn't has to imply that something in the game mechanics is really tough to overcome for this fix to come about. I'm not sure what the heck it is, but all we can hope for is for developers to find the solution and fix it. Rangers, in this expansion, really got the upgrades in their AA's, while assassins got poop. It's gotta be balancing issues, and I think SOE is off in this aspect. SOE needs to stop looking at the average and take into account exceptional players of their class. With great upgrades, people will take advantage of everything they can to get the utmost amount of DPS out of their class(ex. 10-12k autobow crits, with a delay of 5.4 seconds self-buffed--this is with a Star-Darkened Longbow). It's a disappointment to many assassins, while others with average rangers and swashs in their guild think that assassins have no problems at all in their classes. For example, many have been saying, "I parse just as well as my swash's and ranger's in most zones. I don't see what the problem is." If you had rangers or swashs in your guilds parsing 2.8-3.2k in zonewides, you might question yourself a bit. It's not that assassins want to have those classes nerf'd; we just want to see some sort of systematic approach to SOE's intentions. I mean. Does SOE intend for Assassins to be a second rate DPS class, or a utility class, or a solo class or what? I'd like feedback from the devs. I'm puzzled myself. If we are supposed to be top notch dps, give us some upgrades. If we're not, then we'll continue parsing 2.6-2.8k in zones and watch the Swashs and Rangers beat us. Lol...
  5. ARCHIVED-TheLopper Guest

    Hold out assassins, something is bound to be done eventually, until then stick it to the man and show the raid who's king of dps!
  6. ARCHIVED-Siclone Guest

    [p] huh? what are you talking about, you read that quote and saw a call for a nerf of a particular class? [/p]
  7. ARCHIVED-LoreLady Guest

    I never typed this - dont quote me on it.. If you wish to quote me, quote on what I write.. Read my original responce please.
  8. ARCHIVED-HellRaiserXX Guest

    he wasnt quoting you Lore, when khufure quoted Siclone further up it somehow put your name as the author, probably a bad cut and paste.
  9. ARCHIVED-khufure Guest

    Sorry about this LoreLady. I see it is Siclone that said this. Getting rid of 80 quote boxes can be troublesome. Sure wasn't intentional.
  10. ARCHIVED-LoreLady Guest

    Was just a random one I picked - I was being quoted for something I dident write 3x, and dident want anyone to start a flame fest against me on something I dident write - I would rather it be on something I wrote.
  11. ARCHIVED-Logannx Guest

    [p]People LIke the OP will never be happy no matter how good assassins are. There will always be something to rant and whine about. Just disregard and read the contructive posts.[/p][p] [/p][p]Rhys[/p]
  12. ARCHIVED-judged_one Guest

    [p] People like the OP are one of the original assassin from way back t5 know exactly what he is talking about. [/p][p]1.) Swashy is overpowered, no doubt. And here is why:[/p][p]I don't think SOE intended for Hurricane + Reach + double attack to stack. Every night I look at the parser they are doing 45% auto melee damage, while other scout are doing 30-35%[/p][p]Reach basically makes hurricane the most over powered buff in this game. Stand 5 meters away hit auto melee and hit all the mobs in the encounter and watch the double attack and poison proc goes off[/p][p]2.)Why would swashy get a aoe immunity (GROUP) 12 sec, With aoe hate transfer and extra aoe immunity = no more assassin in mt group[/p][p]3.)Now consider Hurricane + Reach + double attack + Inspiration + poison proc + blade[/p][p]4.)Don't forget the debuff that swashy gets[/p][p]Assassin with same buff can match a swashy on single target, or even parse higher with decap up. Assassin will lose to swashy on aoe mob.[/p][p]Now ask yourself, do we really want to be happy that we can barely bet a swashy on solo mob, and lost horribly on aoe mob. [/p][p] [/p][p]Named Fight[/p][p]Any wizard, necro can out parse us. gone are the days when assassin were the king of spike damage. Gone are the days when we marvel at the 30k decapitate high hit[/p][p] [/p][p]Are you all really happy about the current state of assassin?[/p][p] [/p]
  13. ARCHIVED-Jayad Guest

    It's also very, very different when they have a top quality weapon like Chel's with good buffs. The double attack and hurricane and reach all stack on top of each other, now add in dps buffs, melee procs from dirge, etc. and you get an idea of what is going on.
  14. ARCHIVED-Jvaloth Guest

    [p]Yup, its complete BS. [/p][p]If you look at it on paper... it makes ZERO sense, all of the crap swashies get.[/p][p]Simply on paper anyone in their right mind would clearly see how out of whack and imbalanced the Swashy would be. Yet they went ahead and put it in game...[/p][p]Pretty clear a dev plays a swashy or his wife does. Either way, I'm not ashamed to call for a Swashy nerf if they plan on keeping assassins the way they are. [/p][p]Any swashy coming here and trying to say that swashies arent over powered needs a heavy dose of reality.[/p][p]Any assassin who thinks we are right where we are supposed to be and the world is rosey.... pull your head out![/p][p] [/p]
  15. ARCHIVED-Stormwitt Guest

    [p] [/p][p]Yep to me it feels a bit like deja vu from the post LU13 days when some classes were a bit overpowered for a while, until the devs balanced things. The assassins have remained fairly balanced throughout but maybe it is time for the devs to fine tune us again. I think the revamp of the KoS abilities was a good thing for us - it is nice to have both Perfectionist and Intoxication. However I don't think it quite makes up for our rather weak EoF AA tree. [/p][p] [/p][p] [/p][p] [/p][p] [/p]
  16. ARCHIVED-HellRaiserXX Guest

    [p]Assassins are where we are supposed to be. Look at rangers, look at wizards and warlocks. They are right there pretty much even with us. If swashies are overpowered than they need to be dealt with, but that really has absolutely no effect on our current state. Our current state is fine, theres a few small things that need to be addressed, but nothing major. We are not underpowered because swashies can parse higher than us in some cases. I find it really hard to believe that the majority of assasssins are being outparsed by swashies. Most likely its in guilds that dont raid EoF much and only KoS. I get schooled by a lot of people in KoS zones cause its full of group encounters and pretty much every encounter dies so fast that all everyone does is drop their biggest nukes right off the bat. Stuff dies so fast in KoS that I can hardly get off a Concealment chain. [/p][p]I am not going to call for a nerf of another class even if it may be warranted. You didnt see many people calling for a nerf of assassins in KoS. Most people understood why that was. It wasnt cause assassins were overpowered and people knew that. If the rest of you want to call for a nerf go ahead, but dont go saying assassins need a boost cause all that would do would be to bring back KoS except this time we actually would be overpowered. Or you can just deal with it, the situation is really that bad, a little unbalanced to be sure, but not that bad. The sky isnt falling guys.[/p][p]Now about Apply Poison. Are we absolutely sure it breaks stealth? Now I know my stealth gets broken randomly sometimes, but most of the time its either because Mark triggers while im in stealth, I get AEed, or if I use masked attack and I get parried or blocked and actually dont go into stealth at all. Sometimes I cant conciously see why it broke and that may be caused by apply poison, but I really dont have it happen that often where I dont know what broke the stealth. Im gonna have my guildie test it out today in EH, I would do it, but some BS happened and I got locked out lol. Another thing they should really fix is Mark breaking stealth, I know that one does for sure.[/p][p]The current state of Assassins is pretty good IMO. There is some fine tuning to be done for sure, but nothing terribly major. Our EoF AAs are definately a fairly weak, but the adjustment to Hemotoxin made them a decent bit better. Locked down 5 more points I wasnt sure quite where to put. Im pretty happy with the way Im specced right now, no wasted points to speak of and everything I took I can use.[/p]
  17. ARCHIVED-Jvaloth Guest

    [p] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/p][p]"I am not going to call for a nerf of another class even if it may be warranted. You didnt see many people calling for a nerf of assassins in KoS. Most people understood why that was. It wasnt cause assassins were overpowered and people knew that. If the rest of you want to call for a nerf go ahead, but dont go saying assassins need a boost cause all that would do would be to bring back KoS except this time we actually would be overpowered. Or you can just deal with it, the situation is really that bad, a little unbalanced to be sure, but not that bad. The sky isnt falling guys."[/p][p]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/p][p] [/p][p]People werent calling for a nerf of assassins because for 60 levels assassins were Tier 2 DPS with no utility and no soloability. Assassin's were half [I cannot control my vocabulary] rangers back then. Necros/Conjurors were still kings of DPS. [/p][p]KoS made it so assassins were where they should have been all along, top dogs of DPS along with Rangers, Sorc and Wizards. I think they've made some strides with wiz/warlock and definately fixed rangers... Now you have Swashies/Necros parsing equal to or higher than assassins on a consistant basis with more utility, more soloability. [/p][p]The sky is falling when an Agi/Wis spec'd swashy can do equal DPS to an assassin AND has 10-12 debuffs he lays on a mob, and can solo and tank and AE immunity his group, AND AND AND AND. [/p][p]Enough is enough.[/p][p]Nerf the Rogue/Summoner DPS or boost the Predator/Sorcerors Utility and DPS. [/p][p]Its that simple.[/p][p] [/p][p] [/p]
  18. ARCHIVED-judged_one Guest

    [p] [/p][p]Where is the other assassin from your guild Raine, I would like to hear from him. [/p][p]From what I heard he is the real deal assassin there. [/p][p]Stop keep coming here and saying we are ok, and this or that and how you can't believe Sawshy is parsing higher than assassin and that.[/p][p] [/p][p]Swashy is doing 2k easy every fight with Dirge and Coercer, 2.5k easy on group in EOF. And these are just average.[/p][p]With inspiration up they are doing 3k[/p][p]Necro and Wizard are doing 3k easy on single target.[/p][p]Now how many times do yo hit 3k with out decap. So [I cannot control my vocabulary] already about how we are fine.[/p][p]EDIT: Maybe your swashy needs a Cheldrek Shard...[/p]
  19. ARCHIVED-Kaiser Sigma Guest

    [p]"Stop keep coming here and saying we are ok, and this or that and how you can't believe Sawshy is parsing higher than assassin and that."[/p][p]Reminds me of the popular quote: "Are you with us or against us?". =D[/p][p]Any assassin can parse 2k easy with a dirge + coercer. In fact..I don't need a coercer. I can parse 2k easy with just a dirge. [/p][p]Necromancers and Wizards parse 3k on single target thanks to Lifeburn / Manaburn...yet you ask him / her to parse 3k without Decapitate? Do I sense conflict here?[/p][p]By the way, out of curiosity, how much do you parse on EoF / HoS AoE fights~?[/p]
  20. ARCHIVED-HellRaiserXX Guest

    I have nothing to prove to you. The only difference between me and him as far as the parse goes is our gear when we have equal buffs, hes got GDoH I dont. He wouldnt get his hands dirty arguing with noobs and crybabies, but if he were to post he would agree with me, send him a tell if you dont believe me. We are pretty much identical in our views of assassins and playstyles. Our AAs are even specced the same and I assure we both arrived there on our own.