Status Cost vs Awarded and newer players getting shafted. Needs Attention.

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by Praetorian, Dec 22, 2023.

  1. Twyla Well-Known Member

    I use my status for my GH upkeep, since we are a very small guild my status is very valuable as I'm pretty much the only one paying the rent.
    Kattt, Filly67, GrunEQ and 4 others like this.
  2. Breanna Well-Known Member

    Same here I use all my status for guild upkeep, also a small guild.
    Kattt, Filly67, GrunEQ and 2 others like this.
  3. Kenn Well-Known Member

    Maybe they don't want to give new players end game gear to start with. They already give them really good starting equipment so they can jump right in. Long term players have millions of status and nothing to spend it on. I would rather Daybreak let players give status to another players, then change the system so end stuff is free.
  4. Manafizzle Well-Known Member

    Maybe the time has come for them to remove status from 'rent' on guild halls since it is now a necessary currency to stay functional. Keeping the status in rent costs on guild halls puts guild leaders at a great disadvantage in this new status hellscape economy.
    Kattt, Filly67, GrunEQ and 5 others like this.
  5. Praetorian Well-Known Member

    Like I said earlier and in some other posts... I dont mind if Status is used to acquire certain things. I still think that things like Collectibles should still drop in zones.. and if someone has particularly bad luck maybe give it the option to research. I always liked the idea of having Collectible Goblins able to be sent out by Guild Halls of a certain level for things like this.

    But as for status, right now status is a gate mechanic because of the high cost to players that had hardly any to begin with. So, its either increase the ability to acquire more or lower what is being asked for by vendors. Increase the amount given by items sold or the amount of status given by overseers as well.

    I may have lost the chance to get some friends to join me in this game because of certain things, but maybe we can make it better for others.
    Kattt, Jaden, GrunEQ and 3 others like this.
  6. Celestia Well-Known Member

    The status thing itself doesn’t really bother me. The AMOUNT of status is what bugs me. And it’s mainly because everyone has to use it on the same character. This is why I thought researching stuff was a cool idea but not having certain things be heirloom or like collections be able to be completed like they always have been (without the research). Because I have a lot of alts that don’t have that much status compared to my main. So my alt crafters are having a struggle getting books because they don’t have the status on them. Cuz some alts you really just play as a crafter and nothing else.

    If we absolutely have to research stuff then make every thing less status. The end.
    Rattophaxe, GrunEQ, Twyla and 3 others like this.
  7. GrunEQ Well-Known Member

    I use status to keep open my small guild hall and I'm very conservative about spending status on other items; that's how I'm able to save up. The main point is for new and returning players it is an obstacle hard to surmount. Requiring status for collections is just wrong; collections should come naturally from just roaming a zone. Plat seems to be where the real problem lies, and that is where the "corrections" need to focus.
    Kattt, Filly67, Twyla and 1 other person like this.
  8. Twyla Well-Known Member

    The Teir 3 GH costs 200,000 status in rent for an empty hall, gods forbid you put anything in it. I was thinking of upgrading our hall so the few other guildies can place items and the couple that are not the same alignment as our itty bitty Teir 1 hall can access it easier or invite others of their alignment. I very seriously ask again why status and not coin? I've been playing for 18 years and don't have that kind of status, as far as I can tell the only people with status to burn (and why does it bother them to have it?) are the hard-core raiders who raid daily. There are things that can be purchased with it not necessary recipe books. Are they removing finding your shineys? That would break my heart and be really silly imho, the collectables were so popular that other games have copied it. I don't understand this upgrade research stuff either, but then I'm old and slow-witted.
  9. Dude Well-Known Member

    It makes complete sense. To quote Sigrdrifa, "The answer to "why" is almost invariably money." It's not a status sink, it's a way to sell crates and other things that can be sold for status.
    Kattt and Breanna like this.
  10. Celestia Well-Known Member

    I get that, I suppose. I’ve said it before, I don’t totally mind using status I just wish it required less. By the way, what crates , people talk about them but I don’t know what they are referring to.
    Twyla, Dude and Breanna like this.
  11. Scrappyz Well-Known Member

    Heritage crates on Marketplace with the big p2w mount/merc/fam buffs in them
    Dude, Celestia and Breanna like this.
  12. Celestia Well-Known Member

    Dude likes this.
  13. Manafizzle Well-Known Member

    The guild hall rent problem could be eliminated by allowing the 'rent status reduction' on placed items to count in guild halls and actually reduce the status cost. The status earned from doing things in game does not equal enough to pay for what we need now to function as an pour a half a million status into a guild door every week is no longer reasonable. So, let us reduce it. I'm sure most halls already have enough status reduction items to make this better.
    Kattt, Twyla, SolarFaire and 2 others like this.
  14. Praetorian Well-Known Member

    Even so, those items are not worth that much anyways are they?
  15. Dude Well-Known Member

    People buy the crates for thousands of DBC and sell them to NPCs for status.
  16. Aggy Active Member

    You can sell the complete crate for status?
  17. Dude Well-Known Member

    No. They sell the stuff from inside. Not all of it is worth status.
  18. Aggy Active Member

    I knew about the ignots...I read your reply wrong and took it as selling the whole crate and thought I was missing out on some status lol
    Dude likes this.
  19. Filly67 Well-Known Member

    Not that it matters in the scheme of things but I won't be purchasing an expansion that will institute these status issues. All of these time sink game issues continue to make this game far less enjoyable. We will let our 40 or so toons stay at 125 and enjoy our GHs while status is readily available. Based on today's rush order bug, I have to wonder if they are looking to change status acquisition in lower levels in the future. We'll see.
  20. Praetorian Well-Known Member

    So I started a new character and used a bauble to go to 125 for adv and tradeskill to simulate me being a new player starting out completely fresh. Wow... I can't do tradeskills because I can't buy any books.. I can't purchase any collectibles or items off the currency merchants because of a lack of status.

    The status requirements for these standard gameplay elements NEED TO GO. Its almost as if the devs don't want new players to enjoy themselves. It's even worse than my original post. I dont understand why someone hasnt responded to this concern.
    Kattt, Aethos, Jaden and 5 others like this.