Status coins

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Celestia, Mar 24, 2024.

  1. Celestia Well-Known Member

    So, don't get me wrong. I am grateful that the devs added these (even thought they don't count towards guilds, which bah) but I feel like 100,000, 75,000 etc should be more. Because even with those, my status is hardly moving at all, and I would like to at least get some more alts to 130. But the potions cost a lot of status. I hardly get to play alts anymore, because I am always trying to work on some masks, coins for the avatars, etc. So I wish that each one was worth more. And I know, just do the timeline everyone says, but the problem with that is that it gets boring after about 3 times of repetition, as another person pointed out.

    Please consider making them worth a little more. Even the Heroic dungeon coins don't give much.
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