State of Templar

Discussion in 'Templar' started by ARCHIVED-bigmak2010, Oct 5, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Nari Guest

    That is a fair approach, but even if things are working as intended, it still may not be a good change. It isn't so bad to look into why people may not be happy with it, regardless of whether or not the actual mechanics of a complaint are the way they are by design.

    What is nice is:

    Nik: I really hate how long it takes me to kill anything (greens 8 levels below you, for instance.)
    Ken: Well, they said that is how it is intended.

    OK, it is good to know that it isn't a bug.

    I think it would be good to dissect the issue from there instead of shutting people down (if you don't agree that it is a problem, that's cool, but being fair to Sony is not always agreeing with you.) You are not insulting, but reiterating that it is that way by design shouldn't always be the end of it. Always using that as a closing argument as if this is never going to change is just going to incite people, who believe that, get mad and decide that the changes suck. That's where people start flaming and such, then Raijin comes in and locks it and we have to start all over again.
  2. ARCHIVED-Kendricke Guest

    I don't think I "shut people down". Continue to think as you like, but I'm not here to win popularity contests. I'm here to discuss and relate information regarding the Templar subclass. You have your opinion on my posting style, and I have my own. It's certainly your prerogative to contentrate on the style; I'm dedicated to the substance.
    Arguing misinformation isn't going to do anyone any favors. Claiming that SOE stated "this" when they never have is not truth. Claiming that SOE stated "that" when they have have is not factual. It's harmful to the process...regardless of how nicely it's stated. I'm here, in part, to correct such fallcies and clarify issues which I feel are muddled or mired in emotional arguments, as opposed to factual reality.
    I can't argue how someone "feels" about something, nor will I typically try. However, once facts or statements which pretend to be factual are uttered, I'm going to get involved. On that, you can bank.
  3. ARCHIVED-Nari Guest

    And yet you seem to shy away from the fact that they have been willing to change certain mechanics that were stated to be working as intended.
    I don't really care what you get involved with. You haven't addressed my real points and I will ignore you until you do.
  4. ARCHIVED-Kendricke Guest

    Where have I shied from anything? They've changed things. They've made sweeping changes. They've revamped the entire tradeskill system at least once, then the combat system, and from what I read in the reports coming back from the latest Community Summit, they're looking at revamping the tradeskilling system again. What's there to shy away from?
    Ignore me if you feel you must. However, I'm curious if you feel that threatening to ignore me because I don't respond to your arguments in the way you want me to is an appropriate tactic to undertake in mature discussions such as this? Would I be wrong to compare this approach to the one you've apparantly chosen to adopt regarding changes to the game?
    Just because the developers are willing to change aspects of the game they feel need changing doesn't automatically mean that all changes suggested are immediately good. You want change...then approach that change in an appropriate manner. Implying that the developers have lied regarding previous changes is hardly the approach I'd adopt if I were attempting to enact a change or two. Then again, that's just my opinion.
  5. ARCHIVED-Aafek Guest

    Well, I'll just pipe in to say my 2cp.

    My only beef with the Templar class, is how long it takes to solo.

    An example: If you find a Templar mob, 8 levels higher than you, how long does it take him to solo you? Not very long.

    If you fight a mob, 8 levels lower than you, how long does it take you to solo them? Long, in comparison.
  6. ARCHIVED-Timaarit Guest

    They cannot. Just because they might make another combat revamp in the future. Stating 'we are not going to change it' cannot thus be made.

    Also SoE has only stated that all healer will be able to heal groups equally. There has never been any mention about soloing. And since there hasn't, some people can say 'healers are not meant to solo' while others can say 'mages should always die from one hit from solo mob'. Bot statements are equally valid.
  7. ARCHIVED-SenorPhrog Guest

    I'd agree with you I'd love to see some changes to our ability to solo a little better as long as it fits in balance with the other classes. A templar mob 8 levels higher than me? I'm assuming you mean as another class? If so not long because that class may be better at soloing. As a Templar fighting a healer mob. Mind Numbingly slow.
  8. ARCHIVED-Nimwe Guest

    Just a note first for those that seem to have missed it, this post WAS about someone having a grief (call it what you will) with Sony for percieved imbalances in the gameplay of the Templar class. Please take personal griefs elsewhere.

    On the perceived imbalance... I do aggree that the class could use an upgrade in DPS, just not so much that it would imbalance something else. There are other areas of the game that are more in need of fixing (speak to a Warden if you need a list). Sony MAY get around to fixing the problems and, quite simply, they may not. Starting an argument over whose opinion is wrong will not solve anything. Opinions CAN NOT BE WRONG. Only facts and figures. I personally have very little problem soloing mobs that are 3 levels above me (no arrow solo mobs). I have no fabled gear and no spells other than training above adept 1. I also play moslty during off-peak hours due to my geographic location (South Korea). I have rarely ever had any issues finding a group up to this point. I only recently joined a guild and now group with them primarily. I am, however, almost always able to get a group in a reasonably short time. Your issues with finding a group may be related to something else, I honestly will not even pretend I actually know. If you truly can find no enjoyment playing the class, then I would suggest trying something different and seeing if you like it better. I normally try to keep one alt going just so I have something different to do once in a while.

    Just a thought :smileywink:
  9. ARCHIVED-Cowdenicus Guest

    I guess my largest complaint is simply this. There is no Dev that responds to healer issues of any class in a reasonable time frame. Heck, I would be willing to go ahead and give them a compiled list from all 6 types of healers (call it a wish list) and recycle the devs info back to the classes. But that is my largest complaint, a lack of communication.
    If there were clear and open communication then at least people would know what to expect or not to expect.
    You want all healers to heal the same (but in different ways) Great. but there has to be give and take. Templars should be better healers than ALL other healing classes, why? Because all of their utility is healing. That is why they deserve the advantage.
    Do you want Healers to be able to solo effectively, complete writs effectively, do quests effectively? Yes or no.
    The healer community has large concerns, and it just seems like SoE is not responding verbally to us, and that I think is the major aggravating factor in everything.
  10. ARCHIVED-Velir Guest

    lol, glad to see this turned out to be a constructive thread.
  11. ARCHIVED-Nari Guest

    Thank you. You still seem to be misunderstanding me, but atleast you've addressed the words that I have said and seem to be catching on to the point I am trying to make. I did not say that they have lied, I have only pointed out they they've changed their minds (or atleast their approach for whatever reason.) The only person who has lied to me in/about this game is that two-timing elf who tried to tell me his tellurian soldier is just a friend.

    To the guy that was talking about a templar mob 8 levels above you:
    I think that would be an even more interesting test. I am certain it would kill me, but would it kill me as fast as I kill a healer 8 levels below me? Anyone know of some NPC templars? I would love to see one.
  12. ARCHIVED-Aafek Guest

    I know there are some in splitpaw, in harclave. In the groups of the undead. Those are even level though, and heroic, so it may skew the test of a solo temp vs. solo temp mob.

    I'll keep my eyes open for the telltale white/blue spellcasting thingie.
  13. ARCHIVED-Nari Guest

    Harclave, huh? Even though they are even con, I will have to get the adventure pack and check it out. (I had been stalling.) I will tell you, the zombies in the haunted house are not templars. LOL