Stat Crunch?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Vunder, Sep 22, 2015.

  1. Vunder Well-Known Member

    Not overly excited about the next Xpac as I have been on TLE and don't plan on leaving because the current stat and number game on Live has gotten into the ******** levels. I really never understood the reasoning behind the enormous gain in stats and the dev team fighting to control lag. (10 digit numbers take longer to calculate than say 5)

    Will this Xpac have a stat crunch? Or is the stats going to continue to explode exponentially?
  2. Fleshdecay Well-Known Member

    I prefer 100% being the cap for all % based stats and it being very difficult to reach.
    Seefar likes this.
  3. Feldon Well-Known Member

    I never really understood the reasoning behind threads complaining about the size of the numbers in an 11 year old MMO. Whether you do 1,000 damage or 1,000,000 damage, what matters is, do you have the necessary tools as a character to succeed in the game and help others. If not, then that's balance. Tempest in a teapot.
    Prissetta and Wirewhisker like this.
  4. Fizzles New Member

    It's just all the separate multipliers and variables that are a problem, it makes balancing content a lot more difficult and time consuming
  5. Adevil Well-Known Member

    No, that's more all the different stats to juggle. I don't get how some players want to have back the way all 4 main stats were useful in some way to all classes, but then don't like having to juggle all the blue stats around.
  6. Xevran Well-Known Member

    I never understood why SoE got into this rhythm where they thought they needed to add / remove / change a bunch of stats every expansion for no reason. Crit Mit during TSO was a fantastic idea, that's the last time that touching the stats has resulted in anything positive. Everything they've done since has either been pointless or annoying. (Or just an excuse to force people to use reforging)
    FriggaWitch and Seefar like this.
  7. Adevil Well-Known Member

    When they took crit mit out (replacing all those hard earned adornments with useless STA adorns) back during DoV, most of my guild never logged back in again. It was so disheartening to have JUST gotten enough CM to be able to try and do instances and then...gone, replaced with junk.
    Seefar likes this.
  8. Lare Active Member

    Because this game is all about replacing your old shinny bit of gear with the next shinny bit of gear. If the stats don't excite the people well they don't log in. Simple as that!
  9. Vunder Well-Known Member

    This isn't exactly correct.

    The players want a challenge, it was the player base of a couple games that demanded the stat crunch. The developers of these games complied because it leads to all around better game performance. Better game performance equals more people playing.

    Going from a tank having 89k one Xpac to over a million in the next isn't exciting. It's simply dumb.

    I'm a fan of the complicated stats like Crit Mit, and avoidance not just stacking HP so you can absorb a hard hit.
    Ceyllynn likes this.
  10. Lare Active Member

    I felt CM was a failed mechanic and I am so glade it was removed to have some random AOE wipe the raid if you didn't have the right CM was painful at best add the fact that you where forever having to re gear new players due to high turn overs of raiders made it worse. You where better off not having that player in raid.

    Each expansion we re gear and sadly they moved away from individual gear to ads more stats rather than proc's and more individual gear choices.

    There are like 1 best in game slot's not multiple choices that can change how you play. Gear has been cookie cutter for a while now.

    Take the mage Ethereals for the most part they are stats items with really only 2/6 classes benifiting from the wand reset proc.

    All the others are nothing to call home about!
  11. Rhapsodic1 Active Member

    From what I've seen lately, players do not want a challenge. They want easy mode and get best gear. This is why you will find best in slot items from heroic content or collection quests. It's a complete joke. As a raider I should have never had to spend additional countless hours farming this content. The only real tough part with this expansion has been the artificial holdup on progression due to devs refusal to fix broken encounters. Rev spent 2 months sitting on the same broken mob, was awesome.

    Instead of CM it has moved to HP and resists but not as extreme.
  12. Ucala Well-Known Member

    I will just say, Destiny's Light level method works amazingly
  13. Lare Active Member

    Resists have been off and on again over the life of the game. HP's yeah but not for every fight and the gear now esp with the new fable zones mitigated that a fair bit.
  14. Sudedor Well-Known Member

    One of the reasons you see this "stat inflation" is to level the playing field between expansions. I remember very clearly a ton of complaining at the start of many expansions from players complaining that "raiders have an unfair advantage" due to the gear they obtained in the previous expansion. It made them more capable of playing in the more difficult content of the next expansion.

    So now, solo quest gear replaces raid gear between expansions, which leads to huge stat inflation. Be careful what you wish for, right?
    Jaden likes this.
  15. CoLD MeTaL Well-Known Member

    I think the Devs have acknowledged that the large number of floating point operations, and digits are some part of the current lag issues. So it would seem to be a valid argument.
  16. Fizzles New Member

    Just needs to be very slight boosts in gear from within each tier and to the next tier
  17. Fizzles New Member

    Too bad eq2 didn't just keep a super heavy focus on raid content along with itemization because it wasn't profitable enough :/
  18. Gourdon Well-Known Member

    This is precisely why themepark games have a short life expectancy going forward. There need to be world engagement achievements to keep people playing. Continuous linear advancement over multiple multiplicative stats yields an exponential power curve that is completely unmanageable. EQN will attempt to fix this. We shall see if it succeeds.
  19. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    I enjoyed raiding (when my guild raided still), but I don't think that it would be a good business decision to focus heavily upon a part of the game that isn't generating much profit, while effectively ignoring another aspect of it that is generating a significantly larger percentage of the income from the game - which is what the words 'super heavy focus' imply. I'm not saying that they shouldn't provide raid content (in case some may be tempted to misinterpret my words), but the raid content shouldn't be the only content being added.

    Ultimately, DGC can do what they want, but I don't think that concentrating on lower yield aspects of the game to the exclusion of higher yield aspects is a sustainable business strategy.
    Seefar likes this.
  20. Ucala Well-Known Member

    I think he meant a clear difference in stuff. back in the day there was clear stat gaps in heroic and raid gear. nowadays they overlap with ease. which in the long run only causes stats to get higher.