Spellcheck for forums

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by Councellor, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Councellor Member

    Is there any possibility to have spell-check added to these forums? It would be a tremendous additional function not to mention reduce the number of re-edits needed for those of us who might not be the worlds' best spellers? Or if there's already that function here, would someone please point this "blind" individual to where it can be found? Thanks for considering! :)
  2. Feldon Well-Known Member

    Doesn't your web browser have spellcheck?
  3. Estred Well-Known Member

    I have spell check on these posts frequently all my posts have 1 edit due to a misspelled word. It also forces me to re-read my wording and correct grammar mistakes and errors in logic.

    Edit: As said above me, most browsers should have a built-in spell check. I know Mozilla Firefox does.
  4. Councellor Member

    hmmm.. my firefox doesn't but perhaps it's an add-on. I'll have to check that :) Course most forums offer the spell check in the platform so having it here, would also help those who might be using other browsers that don't have the spellcheck option such as chrome.
  5. Ynnek Well-Known Member

    Where's the "Wait WTF?" lolcat when you need him...

    It's built into firefox, has been for a very, very long time. No addon needed. Works fine on these forums.
    Chrome has built in spellcheck, has for quite a while (though not as long as firefox)... Works fine on these forums...
    The only major browser that does not, is IE<9. IE10 does.

    It's somewhat nonsensical to put the requirement on forums, when every major decent browser that will be accessing the forums already does it. (And the one major indecent one will shortly)
  6. Councellor Member

    Well it does show you that you have a misspelled word simply with a red underline, however I haven't found a way to get FF to provide me with suggested correct spellings. So if it does, and you know how to have it do that, please feel free to guide me lol And I'd certainly agree that if all the major browsers offer suggested corrections, then it wouldn't be sensible. However if they don't then my suggestion would still be reasonable. And while yes, someone COULD go via another tab to an off-site spell-check or use an online dictionary, it would be simple to just include a spell-check function in this forum. Seems that's most likely why major sites like SMF, Wiki and Wikia have included it in theirs.
  7. Ynnek Well-Known Member

    Right click on the underlined word.



    (There's supposed to be an image in here. If you don't see an image, this post will make dramatically less sense)
    Councellor and Ivory like this.
  8. Ivory Member

    Thanks Ynnek!! I never knew you could right click on the underlined words. I always went back and corrected them myself.
  9. Councellor Member

    Yes I never knew that either so THANKS very very much :)