spell resist rate is making the game very unpleasant

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, and New Player Questions' started by ARCHIVED-bsierens, Jul 31, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Norrsken Guest

    Masakari@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    The CAs cant be resisted, only avoided.
    The spells cant be avoided, only resisted.
    And with the exception of one of the CA/spells you cant use both at the same time.
  2. ARCHIVED-Daroc Guest

    New EQ2 player here.

    I checked out the broker for spell upgrades but I just can't afford them.

    My now level 11 wizard dies a lot because of the resists. Even if I land my debuff thing, with 3 AAs infested into it, a lot of my fire spells still get resisted.

    Yes it's frustrating and it seems a bit to mutch.

    I'm not really into tradeskills but I guess there's no other way to fix this...

  3. ARCHIVED-Seidhkona Guest

    Daroc wrote:
    Usually you cast a root, nuke one, cast a root, nuke again and so on. If it gets resisted, that's OK, just re-root and try again.

    For your level, the cheapest way to get spells is to ask for a sage who would be willing to craft Apprentice IV spells for you. Figure on paying a couple of silver per spell to cover fuel cost and a tip.
  4. ARCHIVED-livejazz Guest

    I started a Wizzie a couple weeks ago; he's now 39th level. I have a few key spells at Ad3 or higher; almost all of the rest are Ad1. Focus, Disruption, & Subjugation are all within 10 points or less of the maximum.
    I get enough resists to gnash my teeth when they happen, but my Wizzie has little-to-no trouble soloing. I'm even able to regularly get root-&-nuke to work: Root, nuke twice, re-Root, repeat.
    When playing my 80 Swashy, I'm regularly irked by the number of times Walk The Plank is avoided or otherwise misses; when Boot Dagger misses & fails to put me back into stealth; when my double & triple attacks miss on the first shot, thus wiping out the rest of them; when the Stun & Knockdown portions of Stealthy Charge fail to hit; & so on. The big, big difference between my Swashy & a Wizzie of the same level is that my Swashy has a credible auto-attack.
  5. ARCHIVED-Azekah1 Guest

    Flaye@Mistmoore wrote:
    And swashys can actually take a few hits :p
  6. ARCHIVED-woolf2k Guest

    three things go into resists rates

    1. Quality of Spell
    2. Skill Level
    3. Target


    1. Recently they made it so resists are the same for spell qualities up to and including Adept 1, it gets better with Adept 3, and even better with Master I
    2. skill Level- check your spell to see what skill it uses and max it out! how? by using the spell.
    3. Like players... Mobs also have high resistance towards specific types of dmg... so find those that are vulnerable to your types of dmg...by types I mean Cold, Heat, posion, Diases, etc...level also makes a difference. the higher the level than you are the more resistance so mobs that con white, blues and greens should provide less resistance than yellows and oranges..

    now unfortunately, most mobs tend to have high mental resists which is what enchanters use so it's tougher... 2nd to that would be Divine resists..

    How else can you affect these numbers?
    -- Gear where it's innate or adde on by adornments - these can be a but expensive but do exist...
    -- Buffs / debuffs - whether it's a spell of yours or from someone you duo with, they can help alot. a number of classes have buffs/debuffs that complement your class by increasing your skills or debuffing the mobs of your type of dmg.
    -- Achievement poits - depending on your class, for example enchanters... have Acheivements that will help lower resistance againts their spells. so level up those achievements!
  7. ARCHIVED-hortefoutre Guest

    Raise your skill, one day i decided to start kiting with my druid
    and i saw dramatic improvement in my root resist rate while my skill raised.

    Only practise can raise it, the max skill is about level * 5
    but you may get racial modifier or item bonuses.

    To raise control oriented spells (like root) just root even if you don't need.
    My illu never got any problem with the coercion school but my druid and mage did and they had
    to throw useless root/snare to raise their skills

    Your skills are on your character sheet.
  8. ARCHIVED-smogfire Guest

    Any chance wisdom makes a difference for Wizards root?

    I know it ups your ability to resist but I swear it seems roots break less on even con or above if I crank my WIS up 20-30 points with a buff and a potion.
  9. ARCHIVED-Ulreka Guest

    The OP makes a comment about being broke. I think that's what gets you here. Spell resists are broke, yes. Upgrading spells definitely helps. When you are dead broke or move to a new server away from your mains and no longer have the plat flow, it can be somewhat difficult until your income is reestablished to buy said upgrades. It still requires upgrading regardless and that is broken, too. Can we say, whoops? If people are recruiting their friends to come play for the first time I don't see much enjoyment watching the message "Resisted!" 6 times in a row while the mob eats their little wizard for lunch. Difficult to maintain new players that way. SOE, do you see the problem?
  10. ARCHIVED-Seidhkona Guest

    Ulreka wrote:
    You are mistaken I think about the cost. If you harvest yourself to get the rares, it's very inexpensive to have Adept 3 spells made. Honestly, even Apprentice IV is an improvement over the Apprentice I you get automatically.

    You don't need to be twinked, a new character can do it themselves, IF you are willing to harvest. If you want to take up crafting as a sage, you can even make you own spells, a course many wizards follow.

    But do harvest EVERYTHING. Any rares you get, commission a crafter to make into gear for you. Any left over rares and your common raws, sell on the broker. That's the best money-maker in the game.