Spell pics 61-70

Discussion in 'Wizard' started by ARCHIVED-Admhel, Feb 8, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-IllusiveThoughts Guest

    i'm thinking agility and intelligence
    the 30% hate reduction is too good to pass up. thats like having amends on ALL the time. nuke 100% all the time.
  2. ARCHIVED-didi316 Guest

    puh, hard to say

    i think INT looks pretty cool and WIS/AGI are nice either ...
    is there any info how quick you receive points to invest? is there a bonus for already lvl60 players as you can already gain those points with lvl20? is the quested AA exp reduced to raiding quests? so many questions ;-)
  3. ARCHIVED-Gorash Guest

    Concussive blast is a self buff that last 1 min and has a recast time of 10 min so its not on all the time.....
  4. ARCHIVED-Silentstalk Guest

    Anyone know if Battlemages Fury is working in beta? Listed as 0%, not sure if thats a typo bug or are the devs playing around with the percentages. Also, can anyone confirm that all of the " increase spell casting time" actually shaves time off of the casting time or makes it longer to cast the spell? Thanks in advance from one confused Wizard wishing he was in beta.
  5. ARCHIVED-Admhel Guest

    not a typo.. still 0% :(
  6. ARCHIVED-sk1llfatal Guest

    Sorry guys, i forgot to mention the numbers i posted are for the Master1 versions. Yes my int is a bit low for 70, I was buffed to 70 =).
    To hit 3 targets with Fusion your targets have to stand in a 45° cone in front of you, thats not as easy as it sounds. But it looks cool and we all love big numbers dont we :)
  7. ARCHIVED-Tanith_ Guest

    10?? that sounds quite lame. sigh :/
  8. ARCHIVED-Silentstalk Guest

    10 min reuse isnt to bad if the Achievement skills stack, would be a good burst of damage during raids with Concussive up along with some spell haste. 1 min of pure casting frenzy. There are a few nasty combos and even trios that if able to stack, will be very very nice indeed.
  9. ARCHIVED-IllusiveThoughts Guest

    well there goes my dreams. when will soe get our agro controll right.
  10. ARCHIVED-Macrros Guest

    There are 50 levels of advancement in the system and you are awarded one achievement point for each achievement level. Each Achievement skill tree has a starter ability and 5 'branches' containing 5 achievement abilities each. The starter ability costs 1 point and may not be upgraded but unlocks the 5 branches beneath it. The first 4 abilities in each branch cost 1 point per rank and you will gain access to the next ability in the line once you have 4 points invested in the ability above it. These may all be raised to a total of 8 ranks. The final ability in each branch costs 8 points to purchase and may not be upgraded beyond the first rank. With a maximum of 50 points you should be able to spend 4 points in all of the standard abilities in any 2 separate branches and have 2 of the final abilities or you could specialize heavily in one branch and take all of those skills to 8 ranks (with a few points to spare
    Ryan Burgess
    Game Designer, Everquest II

    once you hit level 70, any experience you earn will
    be directly funneled into Achievements.

    Just to answer questions about the point cost of AA's. so you can max all skills in one tree for 41 points and have 9 points left, or you can put 25 points each into two seperate trees'. not sure what I like yet, discriptions arent very good on some.

    Also, can anyone post a pic of Fusion? would love to see this spell.
    Message Edited by Macrros on 02-10-200611:02 AM
  11. ARCHIVED-Dejah Guest

    Thanks for the great information. A few things I'm still wondering though.
    1. Which lines are permanent buffs and which ones are temporary? What are the durations and recast times for the temporary ones?
    2. Arcane Speed says it INCREASES spell casting time, I'm assuming it actually decreases it, but how is it actually functioning? Brainstorm also says it INCREASES spell casting time, however, it almost makes sense that for the Brainstorm skill which reduces power costs significantly, that the spell cast time would increase. Basically, I'm just not clear on all the "Increase spell casting time" skills, whats actually happening? How much of a benefit is it?
    3. For the Familiar, can one equip a dagger, summon the familiar to get a minor drake, and then equip a one-handed staff and still get the Spell Reuse buff?
    4. Same idea as #3, for the Agility Line's Cat's Reflexes and Arcane speed, can you get the benefit so long as you have a minor drake familiar? So can I switch weapons once the minor drake familiar is summoned and still get the benefit from Cat's Reflexes and Arcane speed?
    Over all I'm pretty excited about the possibilities; however I really don't want to have to make the choice of replacing my awesome Godking wand (which is 14 power regen and an awesome spell proc) with a crappy weapon just so I can get a benefit from several of these lines.
    I also don't quite understand why there are any melee buffs in there at all. While I think the idea of a someone creating a "fighting mage" is humorous, I personally wouldn't want to be wasting points in "melee crits" just so I can get to "spell crits".
    Club Fu
  12. ARCHIVED-Nimington Guest

    "The Wizard creats a ward that absorbs spell-based damage.
    When the wizard absorbs spell damage, they can release their next spell they land as critical damage."

    Any new info / details on this one? This is along the lines of something I've wanted for some time now. :)
  13. ARCHIVED-LiquidFusion17 Guest

    Looking this over, does this mean in the new PVP servers Wizards will have a better chance? I mean thinking about it people complain wizzards (at 60 compaired to some other classes at 60) get owned (dueling). I personally think wizzard is a great class and from seeing the new abilitys like the no-interupt... that should make things interesting in PVP for the new servers. Havent seen many posts on how people think this will benefit wizards in PVP so I figured I would post something.
    Also on that new ability "Fusion" That would be a really nice spell for PVP, just get a group of wizzies together, have them use the self root, no interupt when targs get near just own them with it. Im likeing the new abilities and spells, I think the upgrades are not bad either. In my eyes when 50 was level cap, wizzards were one of the best (using IC) then they raised to 60, wizards didnt get to many good skills as some of the other classes did making wizzies a lil weaker... I think once 70 is reached, wizzies will be back on top... this is my opinion however...
    Message Edited by LiquidFusion17 on 02-11-200608:15 PM
  14. ARCHIVED-Poochymama p Guest

    When Wizards get to 70 they will still be getting out dpsed by Rangers at 60. No way they will be able to match a Ranger of the same lvl.
    Unless something chanages Wizards will be doing 26% more DPS than they are now. So in other words wizards and warlocks average about 600-800 DPS now, so that will raise to about 750-1000 DPS.
    750-1000 DPS for a lvl 70 Wizard sucks considering lvl 60 Rangers avearage 1000-1400 now and will be doing 1250-1750 at lvl 70.
  15. ARCHIVED-ngaplz Guest

    My thoughts exactly. See my post in a similar thread:

    That's some nice math. Here's some more:

    Assuming you got Ice Nova to CAP on damage and assuming you land it on a mob at precisely the capped amount:

    For every Ice Nova cycle (the time it takes to cast it and the time it takes for the spell to completely refresh) the spell only adds a max of 182 DPS. Do you think you can pull off enough DPS with our other spells while waiting for our "big bad class defining nuke" to refresh to actually out-DPS a (skilled) level 60 ranger, let alone level 70.

    Not. Ever. Going. To. Happen.

    Also look at the sorry upgrade to Shocking Pulse. That spell line continues to be laughably underpowered, even when coupled with the Icebound Gift line of procs. Our class continues to suck.

    I'm hoping the AA's will help us shine. Well scratch that, I don't hope for anything anymore. It's hopless. I'm just going to try and have fun playing my class in it's current and doomed-to-be-forever-gimped form and stop hoping for changes because honestly, they are never coming.

    Oh BTW, someone I know who has inside info told me the man responsible for CLASS BALANCING at SOE plays a Ranger. Imagine that.

    Message Edited by ngaplz on 02-13-200609:17 AM
    Message Edited by ngaplz on 02-13-200609:22 AM

    Fusion our not, the lack of change to our class in the new expansion solidifies our position as an inferior class. We can't take hits, we have no utility. We are outdamaged by other mages threefold. This begs the question: [expletive haxx0red by Raijinn]?
  16. ARCHIVED-Tanith_ Guest

    Was hoping for nice AA's too, but what i've seen doesnt make me happy at all. Hopefully they changed a bit in beta, but im not very optimistic about that.
  17. ARCHIVED-Poochymama p Guest

    I was kinda happy when I saw the +1 to crit and stuff like that, but was not overly pleased.
    After looking over at the Ranger board all that joy soon turned to sadness. There + crit AA's add 10.6 compared to our 1.0.
    So they will be landing crits 10.6 times as much as us.

    Bah, looks like that 600-800 DPS lead they have on us now might be slipping to a 800-1000 point lead in t7.
  18. ARCHIVED-IllusiveThoughts Guest

    I'm really getting tired of seeing the comparisons against sorc's and preds. I guess i'm a glutton for punishment, I still somehow read each thread, hoping for someone to post that they're some good plans in the works on fixing this in-balance, and making the sorc's more desirable. I think I've just about given up.
    A thought occured to me just as I was about to loose all hope.
    with KOS comming out, I really dont think they have/had time to do much else in terms of fixing stuff, and in reality it makes sense not to adjust anyone or classes in a big way until people start getting capped at 70, and seeing the same results. I think they "soe" are just waiting until the expansion before making any huge changes to see how the classes pan out with the new spell line up. I mean what if they did give us a nice boost say 50% more dps, and they adjusted one or two key kos spells and got us even more. Then we 'may' be considered overpowered and a nerf would be forth comming. well that gave me hope at least.
  19. ARCHIVED-LiquidFusion17 Guest

    w/e ...

    im quite happy with my wizzie and i win most duels seeing how i root, slow, interupt, strifle, and mez my targets which can give me plenty of time to land other spells. rangers may be best dueling class but i do just fine with my wizzard... and i havent lost to a ranger yet (but im not 60 and i havent dueled a ranger more then 3 levels above me).

    ... *waits for flames*
  20. ARCHIVED-Silentstalk Guest

    / Shoots Liquid with Flames
