spell lvl's vs. CA dmg

Discussion in 'Warden' started by ARCHIVED-hellyan, Mar 26, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-hellyan Guest

    Hi all-
    Just a couple quick questions I cant seem to find an awnser to.
    1. If we increase our spells thru expert or master books, will our CA'S inturn receive an upgrade?
    2. After senitals fate are we viable in raids? I would like to be in the MT group but even just coming along is okay.
    3. With aa's capped and in the right place, solo can a warden put out enough dps that it doesn't take 30s-1min to kill a yellow solo mob... or do things slow down pretty bad? ( i only have 70is aa and only 10 in shadows line)
    Thanks for you time
  2. ARCHIVED-Trevalon Guest

    I would also like an answer to the first question with this added:

    in the TSO tree line there are AA's that add to certain spell lines crit chances, damage, etc, If I take those AA's will they apply to the CA's of those spells too or is rank 5 of the CA the max it can ever be?
    For instance at lvl 54 I can grandmaster, uhm, ICestrike or whatever its called making the spell do 1200dmg or so, but the Rank 5 CA only does like 900 or so, If I take that as a Grandmaster will the CA start doing 1200 also?
  3. ARCHIVED-blaiddur Guest

    The CAs only go up with your toons level. however the dmg potential is still higher at least untill you can get spell cast time. if your ca does 900 but your gm spell does 1200 you can hit the cas 2x or more before the spell casts equaling 1800 dmg. Also we get alot of aas that effect meleeing and not spell casting so even at higher lvls with aa there could be more dmg with cas as opposed to the spells. As to whether or not the tso aas that modify a certain dmg spell i am unsure if they modify the ca as well. I know elemental mastery does but thats all i know.
    with sf warden dps potential took a huge jump. my personal dps has at least doubled in a healspec, triple if i go all out dps aa wise and have my 2hander equipped.
    desireability wise as always we'll be in mt group for new contact as the raid force progresses. after that it comes to personal preference of your raid leader, your skill level, and others healers skill level. overall we are more of a viable choice for ot if a cleric or shaman are lacking (attendance or skill wise), same for scout/mage groups. wardens are better equiped to be in the raid force but whether or not we are gonna be gaurenteed a spot is still iffy. I know in my guild i will always have a spot, that may not be so for other guilds.
  4. ARCHIVED-Blaidd Guest

    We got a great increase in usefullness this expansion. Dps increased true but our buffs got some loving too not to mention our aa's can increase our own dps too. Yes we can kill a yellow con solo mob in under 30s and I have managed to handle a few at a time on some occasions (though I dont use 2 hander for dps but myth and shield now). Before the expansion I used to use Thex mallet for dps but the increase is smaller than before since this expansion but its down to taste.
    Other benefits we bring to raids compared to before SF.
    Before our mit increase wouldnt stack with shaman or cleric mit buffs now they do, A few of our spells gained a hp element, Instinct gained a dmg proc and with AA hate increase/decrease based on class.

    If anything I would say our desirability in raids has increased.