Spell Effects Changes

Discussion in 'Spells, Abilities, and General Class Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Thor71457, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Thor71457 Guest

    As per Rothgar request...

    Class: Wizard
    Spell: Iceshield IV, Frigid Gift IV
    Why: Well it looks like an block of ice or icecubes that runs now or slowly slides around as the toon it is on moves, as compared to what it used to be. Before it looked move as an shield to protect the player..
    Fix: Maybe make it an iceshield or one of the Frostell ice effects that hovered around the toon when you equiped the frost tell armor. Just some ideas like you asked for...
  2. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    The ice cubes do look ridiculous.
  3. ARCHIVED-Lord_Ebon Guest

    Atan@Unrest wrote:
    Agreed, the ice cubes look so goofy in raid. It's an ok animation if it was something freezing you (ala Mynzak) but for a shield it's just weird.
  4. ARCHIVED-Griffinhart Guest

    It looked like, to me, that Ice Shield and Frigid Gift use the same effect of stacking ice blocks. They look similar to what Frigid Gift used to be like, just smaller. Honestly, a much better effect than the effects we had last week.
    Currently, Ice Shield is MUCH better than the lame cube of last week. I also am happy with what Frigid Gift looks like. It's retaining a very similar feel to the old effect which my groupmates always used as a indication of when it was cast so they could take advantage of it more.
    I saw some other changes as well.
    Glacial Wind is much better now. I still Like the old effects better, but at least spears of ice are once again slamming in and around the target. It definately gives the impression of something you don't want to get hit by.
    Ice Comet is MUCH better. I now like it better than the original effect. Last week, it looked and behaved like I was lightly tossing a deflated beachball at the target. Now it looks like something more and it hits the target with much more impact. Much better.
    Rays is resembling something closer to the original effect.
    Storm Lightning is still pretty lame. For a lightning spell you would think that there would be, well, lightning.
    I still miss the hammer on our stun too.
    I took a look at the spell effects on my Fury as well. While not as many improvements as my wizard, I did see some changes.
    The swarm spells look decent. I always liked the swarm effects for druids in EQ1 so I like seeing similar in EQ2.
    Hibernation completely lost the tree motif for the spell. Now it's got a very brief bear effect. I'm indifferent on this change, but anything is far better than turning brown and sprouting shrubs.
    Starnova. Awesome. I love it. My wizard wants similar for Ball of Fire! On a pack of mob it looks like a group of fiery MIRVs hitting the targets. Very nice.
    Please, put more changes like these in. One of the things I have always loved about this game are the spectacular spell effects we've had in past. New effects, at a minimum, should be as cool as what they have been like over the years.
  5. ARCHIVED-Landiin Guest

    what you guys never wanted to be the fly frozen in the ice cube? Who hasn't wanted to be that?
  6. ARCHIVED-Thor71457 Guest

    I see some changes have been made to the wizard class and would like to say, Thank you