Some Swash Questions about aggro and hate ?

Discussion in 'Swashbuckler' started by ARCHIVED-MyTFlyGuy, Dec 1, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-MyTFlyGuy Guest

    When in a battle lately , I have a hard time letting the tank hold Aggro. It seems usually within a few hits , I'm pulling aggro off him and then facing a head on fight.

    This is good when trying to save the Healer that pulled aggro by accident and Off tanking while the MT holds the others, but I don't want to keep pulling from the MT ( because he normally can't get it back ) and causing more headaches for the healer.

    I know there are a few attacks I have that increase hate Should I just never or rarely use those when in a Battle that I am flanking or behind the target ? Should I attack with one that decreases hate then follow it with one that increases to balance it ?

    Also how does the Swarthy Distraction Work ? I use that when I want to increase hate towards me ? Or am I suppose to use that on the MT so that it increases hate from the Bad guys to him ?

    Anyone seen any real benefit from using "Self preservation " ?

    Cause I haven't.
  2. ARCHIVED-katana Guest

    Swarthy Distraction should be used on the MT, but it is quite a hassle considering it only lasts a few minutes. I personally like self preservation, it seems to "help", and i dont have to worry about casting every few fights, and then there is the problem with the range of swarthy distraction... if your tank is pulling non stop it can be difficult to cast on the MT because he keeps going out of the spells range.

    I dont seem to have the problem you have, however if i want to get aggro, i usually can. I just hold off on any serious damage until the tank has held aggro for a few seconds. Personally i like to open up with my stealth attack (shanghi or whatever it is) this always does alot of damage, so i hold off on my high damage flank attacks until i think it is appropriate. It is the dps responsibility to keep aggro off of himself unless the situation calls for it, the only thing i can assume is that you are opening up with very high damage, or you are grouping with some lame tanks. Good luck in your aggro battle friend!
  3. ARCHIVED-MyTFlyGuy Guest

    Hmmm, Ok Great , Thank you for the quick response :)

    I wil need to test out the Swarthy Distraction tonight :)
  4. ARCHIVED-Sinbad Guest

    As well as using swarthy distraction or self preservation hit evade early on in the fight and again as soon as it refreshs. If you are using these skills and assuming you are not way higher level then the tank if you get aggro it is prob the tanks fault for not taunting enough.
  5. ARCHIVED-Creme Delacreme Guest

    What are you using that increases hate? Gouge??

    Self preservation is the ability of choice in a 'normal' group where you have a real Fighter with taunt ability. It is by far the best ability overall. If you are in a group without a real fighter then Swarthy is best as it helps whoever is taking MT responsibility hold aggro (specially for healers).

    If you are still drawing aggro, then cut down the use of special abilities... it's pretty simple really.