Solution for EOF Fabled Set Breastplates?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Cynnigig, Feb 17, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Cynnigig Guest

    [p]Has SOE come up with a solution on how to make it possible for players on German servers to acquire their EOF fabled set breastplates? [/p][p]Our raid gave up today on D'Lizta Cheroon. No chance at all, ACT split up our last attempt into 9 separate fights, that is how bad the lag is.[/p][p] I don't know if you guys at SOE fully realize it, but you have a very big problem on your hands here. Players have already quit, because of this problem, moral among the rest is at an all-time low and I can't say for sure how many will keep tolerating this.[/p]
  2. ARCHIVED-Krontak Guest

    The lag is rediculous in this day in age of computing power and high speed connections. We attempted a zone last night and the lag generated is rediculous. This was from a fight in EH. I think it was Tender or something when is mezzed or something. It's definatly going to be a gamebreaker if its not solved shortly. The two large zones, eh and mmis both suffer from these lag problems. Hard to believe this was considered a finished product and was shipped out the door like this. It would be like giving a car the go ahead to begin production when it stalled every so often on the road. Now, I know companies such as SOE have Quality control components and CMMI built into thier business practices. Is someone dropping the ball and ignoring the problems or what?