Solo build?

Discussion in 'Dirge' started by ARCHIVED-Creutzpheldt, Mar 4, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Creutzpheldt Guest

    I'm wanting to level a Dirge cause I really like the idea behind the class. I was really enjoying him until I got to BBM and now I feel like he doesn't do enough damage to solo very effectively.
    Is there a good AA build that will make it easier or speed up the process?
    If so, at what level can I expect to be soloing effectively?
  2. ARCHIVED-nipxur Guest

    There's a good write up (I think) on the post called Dirge Levelling. Basically it suggests learning to kite, investing in a good bow for that very purpose. Farming rares to upgrades your spells/CAs, and perhaps going 100% AA for awhile as those can greatly improve your damage output. Dirges (and Troubs for that matter) really shine in groups, so don't be afraid to look for a group.