SOGA hair texture broken. (todays patch.)

Discussion in 'Look and Feel' started by ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine, Nov 1, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Felshades Guest

    Xenxex@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Human women look bad. Everything else looks just fine. I don't want punk gnomes, barbarians look like they belong in biker gangs, and the elves look like they're permanently peeved off.
    And the hair selections are atrocious.
  2. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    Nadirah@Crushbone wrote:
    Try /mood happy ?
  3. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    Saw my horrible hair again this morning, threw up my coffee.

    whens this gonna be fixed?
  4. ARCHIVED-Darth Stomper Guest

    Hey, while you're down there checking the gaskets, I have a request. A simple, small request.
    My Freeblood wants a mullet.
    (He's named Lyhnard Z'Kynard, what do you expect...?)
  5. ARCHIVED-Bunji Guest

    This fix should be out on the Live patchers sometime tonight.
  6. ARCHIVED-Tyrus Dracofire Guest

    when we get muttonchops and T-bone sidetrims, heavy metal hairdo, 50's beehive hairdo?
    asheron's call had added 10 new hairstyles.
    so, when do eq2 get loads of new do's?
  7. ARCHIVED-Bunji Guest

    Looks like the US patchers finished updating, so repatching your clients should get you the updated files. The RU/JP patcher updates have finished as well, but the other international patchers are still updating.
  8. ARCHIVED-Novusod Guest

    Shiny hair bug is back again.
  9. ARCHIVED-Dellannah Guest

    And it isn't only arasai female has the weird shiny hair too. I noticed it either last week or the week before and it's awful.
    I don't use SOGA on any of my toons that have the alternate models.
    Would love to see a fix
  10. ARCHIVED-Iskandar Guest

    Seeing it on several of my toons since the GU as well (and the patch disabling shader 3.0 today did not change this), none of which use SOGA (or shaders 3.0 for that matter). It's especially noticeable on my Wood Elf, who went from being a redhead to some sort of streaky metallic red night light
  11. ARCHIVED-StormQueen Guest

    Hopefully the art Devs will be back to see this thread because it's worse than ever. Was only occurring on one of my accounts earlier this week but now it's endemic to my files and it looks really weird. No, I don't use SOGA.
    Images below:
  12. ARCHIVED-Felshades Guest

    Still a problem with my barbarian female. Even her skin has this lighting issue.
  13. ARCHIVED-Saffrina Guest

    I'm also seeing weird graphical hair issues on nearly all of my characters. I play mostly high elves using the standard models ( NOT SOGA ). Each toon has extra bright and shiny portions of hair which looks terrible. I've fiddled around with my settings and it makes no difference whatsoever.
    One thing is did notice was that if I log into a bugged toon after start up, the hair looks terrible for the duration of my game time. If I swap over to a non bugged toon such as my dark elf for example, and then back to the bugged toon, the hair glitch dissapears and my toon looks normal again.
    Please fix this soon, it's making me not want to play
  14. ARCHIVED-Suprchik407 Guest

    for me its not just hair but everything. the textures look atrocious too and models randomly look like they are in LOD1, especially my mounts. Ill try an get pics up.

    *all textures are wonky for me (clothing, and world/buildings/houses)
    *hair either too bright or too dark, have happened on each side of the toon too (like split down one side dark other light).
    *skintones going in the halfsies like above or too dark.
    *Going into Halas is just blinding for me, or any place with alot of snow. If I try to adjust the settings everything else gets soo dark.
  15. ARCHIVED-Deneir_Allaston Guest

    Furbaby@Nektulos wrote:
    I know exactly what you mean, its happening on some land/world textures as well as character model textures lately and it is indeed highly annoying. The issue doesnt always occur and often only presents itself on a few specific textures so some people dont seem to notice it. The folks I play with were able to confirm having the same issues.
    Primarily this bug presents itself in the following ways:
    1) Clothing textures - appearing too dark or too bright (very noticeable on dark or light citizen's clothing when it occurs).
    2) Hair textures - appearing too dark or too bright (very noticeable on characters with white hair when it occurs).
    3) PC or NPC textures - appearing in an odd two tone split (this is very noticeable on the "Winter Wolf" style mounts when it occurs as one side of the mount will appear slightly darker with the other brighter).
    4) World textures - appearing very dark or very bright standing out from the rest of the enviroment (this is very noticeable in places like New Halas where there are alot of "white" textures).
    Camping out and relogging into the game can sometimes correct the texture display issues when they occur, but the issues will simply return on different NPCs, Character models, or enviroment textures during different gaming sessions.
    These issues were not around for me until GU62's launch, and they are still around as of today (1/5/12). Hopefully a developer can look into this and get it fixed soon. I also will try and get some screenshots up later to help illustrate the issue.
  16. ARCHIVED-Raffir Guest

    Alas, Shader 3.0...we knew you well.
    And miss you.
  17. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    Masamune@Butcherblock wrote:
    Original Models with Fucon Hair and playdough body.