SOE please make improvements to this significant nerf to the Wizard class!

Discussion in 'Wizard' started by ARCHIVED-Cyrium, Sep 13, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Numbercruncher Guest

    ur an idiot. If it takes you more than 3 maybe 4 casts to kill a blue solo mob that's pretty pathetic. protoflame, icy coil, ice comet, paralyze--- dead. You take zero dmg. were you drunk when you looked at the numbers on our new aoe's vs the old ones? Icy wind does 1500 dmg and inferno can top that off with another 600. Icebound gift before you cast and you tack on other small spells adding 200 per cast. ur ignorant if u look at the 20 second buff as a bad thing. 15 minutes with a 10% chance to deal roughly 300 dmg before patch 100% chance to deal 500 dmg after patch. Really helps tank keep aggro if cast correctly in an AE encounter. I guess Some people will always look at change as a bad thing.

    Message Edited by Numbercruncher on 09-17-2005 02:51 PM
  2. ARCHIVED-AkashaShaw Guest

    wow lots of post not going to read them all but i really feel my class is uber! my ball of flames went ice commet damage went paralize which did no damage not does massive dps....if anyone is complaining i dont know why....i love my toon she sweet. i one or two shot if you are not ring of colding them then i could see you dieing to a blue con but come on it is not that hard to figure out. i am very happy with most changes....buffs are a bit weak but that is all are dps is way up