So with KoS approaching what new skills would you like to see?

Discussion in 'Dirge' started by ARCHIVED-DarkLotus, Jan 12, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-TalanRM Guest

    We all know that we will get the same old 14-level cookie cutter Lornick. Purpose of the thread is to have a little bit of fun before the inevitable re-cycle. Personally I can't see the point of introducing new levels unless they have many new skills and come new type of items. Levelling for identical spells is kinda dull. Another 4-weeks of fantasy that a whole ream of new spells will be introduced though...
  2. ARCHIVED-Salmastryon Guest

    I think Lornick's point was to stop suggesting those spells and skills, because we will probably get them and for people to suggest something new.

    A song that confused the enemy would be cool, but wouldn't be very practical interms of game play.

    I really haven't had luck in thinking up something new and interesting as far as dirge spells/skills. :smileysad:
  3. ARCHIVED-Priestbane Guest

    Haha, a confuse spell would rule. Get real use out of group heal spells, and have mobs occasionally attacking each other? RAR!

    Dunno how we could fit it in from a lore/characterization perspective, but it would be very fun!
  4. ARCHIVED-Lornick Guest

  5. ARCHIVED-Voliere Guest

    POISON! POISON! POISON! Sorry, I just joined EQ 2 a few days ago and love the class but just wished it had poisons. I have only hit level 11 so far and have played a swashbuckler to as his poisons are super powerful!
    I am playing on the test server and will stay there until the patch goes live because I like the idea of picking the class I want from the get-go and If I started on a regular server anyway I probably wouldnt be 20 by the time the patch came out anyway.
    By the way... From scanning these boards I have seen many topics on low DPS of Dirges and Troubs (compared to the other scouts) on the forums. Do you think allowing the use of poisons would help fix this? And yet still keep bards behind Rouges in the DPS department? (Bards should do less DPS then other scouts, but not too much less).
    Well if anyone knows if the Dev's have been toying with the idea of poison for bards let me know. On a side note I do miss my plate armor I had in EQ 1. But then again, I also miss swarm kiting 20+ mobs at a time!:smileywink:
  6. ARCHIVED-Wairua Guest

    Yes poison skill and instruments please!

    We are meant to be good with poison and disease right? Could be nice little add to our DPS while we standing there with a bow waiting to res ppl between debuffings.

    We are Bards therefore should have instruments right?

    Fix fear to AE-fast cast

    Allow us to sing with Troubadours to boost effects, e.g. we could have a song that only boosts their songs and they have song that only boosts ours...I love interaction. Perhaps together we could cover whole raids with buffs.

    Give us Fade=).

    Give us Curses.

    Give us a flying song in the shape of a cloud made out of music.

    Give us a banish-to-bind song.

    Give us dancing girls.

    Give us insta-group-invis

    Give us charm.

    Give us mez.

    Give us lull.

    Make our group res AE.

    Make all songs AE (when we sing with Troubadour we just boost effects of each others songs)

    Give us anything that will keep us on our toes always working something.
  7. ARCHIVED-Priestbane Guest

    Disease yes, poison no, in terms of our mastery. I sure wouldn't say no to having poison ability though.

    That said, our DPS *personally* is less than other scouts. Our overall contribution of DPS to a group is greater, however, given the areas we shine; e.g. melee heavy group for Dirges, caster heavy for Troubadors.
  8. ARCHIVED-Whysprr_Wyrd Guest

    We got two fab buffs and a DD stealth spell for T6 as our 'marquee' spells; it's time for debuffs.
    Whysprrs Whistle of Whomping
    Duration 20 sec, single target, recast 30 sec
    Decreases mitigation against all magical attacks by <insert large number here>
    Stifles target for <insert seconds here, increasing from 5-10 sec with increasing quality?>
    On termination:
    stuns target (as Cheap Shot)
    heals caster for <insert number here, similar to current lifetaps>
    That's my two coppers worth.
    Whysprr Wyrdwynd
  9. ARCHIVED-BloodyDragon Guest

    Group Invis. Group invis. Group invis!!!!
    Rez spell that gives someone 100% health, with a long re-use timer.
    Upgrade to group / individual rez spells that restored more power.
    A mana tap song that drains life from the enemy (epics as well).

    And how about some new fun spells that are actually fun to use?
  10. ARCHIVED-Krooner Guest

    AOE Fear up to 8 targets non epic.
    AOE Res up to 8 targets in 10 meter range.

    AOE fly catcher 20 meter range ooops.. sorry got hungry there :smileyvery-happy:
  11. ARCHIVED-Hazeroth Guest

    I'ld like to see these implimented for Dirges, this goes with the DPS concept that dirges should be known for.

    Damage Shields, one of the things Bards where known for was the DS abilities in EQ1, specially when bards stacked all the Damage Shields they had at their dispossal.

    An Abilites that increases the chance of a Ripose, maybe like "increases the probably of a Ripose every time you successfully parry by ##%"

    Make fear useful, make it a buff that you can cast on a target that will have a ##% chance of fearing every time the target is hit, that would be useful big time by getting rid of off mobs attacking the tank...or your self, it would put in on par with the Troubs mez, with their long lasting mez and short recast, and keep with the Dirge mythos.

    Group invis...with Selo's! One guy gets hit the whole thing breaks, but useful if the group can't be seen by invis.

    I like the Idea about giving Dirges a pet, short term or otherwise, Make it a Banshee of course

    In addition one fix that's been bugging me. =-P

    ***Make "Wail of Woe" and "Hymn of Horror" on seperate timers, their is absolutely no difference between the two, I use Wail of Woe because its a master and laugh at people trying to sell the Hymn of Horror masters for 10P+****
    Disregard that last statement....had typed it down before they made their changes.....
    Silentchord, lvl 60 Dirge
    Accursed, Antonia Bayle

    Message Edited by Hazeroth on 02-15-200612:17 PM
  12. ARCHIVED-auk Guest

    How about this (for both bards)? Since selo's wont upgrade out of combat run speed any higher ever, why not have new iterations add in-combat run speed as well, at a lower percent obviously. Kinda like rangers self buff. I found myself really wanting something like this recently. I'm going to feedback this idea as well when the servers open up.
  13. ARCHIVED-Priestbane Guest

    THAT would rule. =) I'd love that.

    And by the way, Hymn of Horror was given a knockdown component in addition to the interrupt. Does Wail of Woe have it? I haven't checked.
    Combat runspeed in Selo's > 41 would be nice, I'd like that.
  14. ARCHIVED-Skurry Guest

    Haha! We were all so wrong...
  15. ARCHIVED-Krooner Guest

    I have mine Adept 3 and it RARELY knocks back even 3 down arrow green mobs.
  16. ARCHIVED-Priestbane Guest

    Yeah I know, that got brought up in other threads. That, however, is a bug. =)
  17. ARCHIVED-SourChikn Guest

    New Selos... No i repeat no one should move faster than a bard, you got carried away with horses.. Hell even add a effect to it.. i.e. safefall modifier? Swimming? something!

    I would trade Upgrade to Banshee for new Zanders...

    Instruments that can be equip'd in range/ammo and give modifiers... i.e. run speed, mana regen, etc etc...they dont even have to have stats lol...

    Song of Travel! Group CoTH :p

    PB AoE Rez whould be uber for raids...
  18. ARCHIVED-Priestbane Guest

    I keep sayin it, I think people are going to begin to hate me, but...
    (and please please please Sony, prove me wrong, I'd love to be wrong about this)
    There's no way they are going to let a free/class ability ever move faster than horses, which are a status item. The entire game revolves around status items, and horses/mounts are some of the most expensive items there are. They cost status, money, and a lot of guild sweat to obtain, they *aren't* going to give a class the ability to dwarf that.

    EQ2 is not EQ1... there is nothing in any dictionary that says "Bard" = "Fast". It sure is a major reason I play a bard, but "no one but no one should be faster than a bard" is a lot of a mistake to assume.
  19. ARCHIVED-SourChikn Guest

    Your right EQ2 is not EQ1...its 500 years later, now as bards did we just get lazy? we use to be fast...when we first hit 32 no one was faster.... then SoE started swinging thier nerf bat...we dont have much give us our speed back... and with progressive spells every 14 lvls we were due a Selos in the 50s and we still aint getting one from 60-70..
  20. ARCHIVED-Priestbane Guest

    Last post from me, because I don't want to convey that I'm being argumentative. We aren't *due* anything, and they stated on release of the Selo's line that it was not going to continue on the 14 level rule. In fact, SOE is trying to get away from the 14 level rule *entirely*. They don't like that being a rule, and you can hear exasperation in their tone when people bring it up to them (not that it's not justified, they DID design the system like this, after all).
    There's a lot of things that changed in that 500 years, and here's the real kicker... we aren't EQ1 bards. It's not that EQ1 bards got lazy... it's that they went extinct. While we have some legacy abilities based on EQ1 bards as a template, we are not EQ1 bards. We are not *due* being faster than anything. We are not *due* anything at all. You of course, DO have the ultimate recourse.
    Swingin the nerf bat will be something that always happens until 50 person development staff is capable of outthinking 250,000 people (and that's just who's playing now...) Adjustments will ALWAYS happen, and complaining about it is like complaining about getting stiffer as you get older.