So... what are you researching?

Discussion in 'Warden' started by ARCHIVED-branvil, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-branvil Guest

    So after looking at research times, what's available and what you don't have.. what are you researching?
  2. ARCHIVED-Atrocious ShadowStalker Guest

    All my spells are at least Adept 3, I am going for Photosynthesis since I have never seen it drop or on the broker.
  3. ARCHIVED-Lacilie Guest

    Getting Sylvan Bloom. It's one of the few that haven't dropped, and I never see on broker.
  4. ARCHIVED-StaticLex Guest

    Hmm, I had Photosynthesis drop in PR and found Sylvan Bloom on the broker one day for 15 P. I'm researching Grand Floresence though, it's my only heal not mastered. After that I might do the spore buff, but haven't quite decided. It's my only buff not mastered.
  5. ARCHIVED-Arielle Nightshade Guest

    Grand Florescence was the last holdout after being completely mastered but that one. It took me 3 or 4 months to find it, too. I paid way too much plat for it, but A) it's a good heal and B) was the last one I needed to be able to say I was fully mastered.
    It never dropped for me in any form in all the time I was looking for it. I'm all mastered now, and am not taking advantage of that on the Warden, but that's the one I'd do if I was.
  6. ARCHIVED-Meirril Guest

    I'm researching dispatched...oh wait.
    I'm lucky in that photosynthisis was a drop for me from hate. I think I got one of my other heals that way too. With 2 of my main 3 heals mastered I don't feel presure into getting the last one done anytime soon.
    Dispatch on the other hand...
  7. ARCHIVED-branvil Guest

    So I finally got back into town and got to log on and take a look. I was hoping for some quick ones to research but everything was pretty long so I broke down and went with Photo.

    We just don't really seem to have those spells or CA's that are super rare and expensive like Dispatch as Meirril mentioned above or say a conj/necro pet or maybe a coercers charm. I guess thats a good thing
  8. ARCHIVED-Desna_Venekor Guest

    Yeah, we wardens don't have a make-or-break spell like Dispatched that makes a lot of difference over the first research went to my swashy, who got her lv 35 dps temp buff in 7 days. After...meh, probably will go to Grand Florescence or Sylvan Bloom.
  9. ARCHIVED-Tryon Guest

    I went with Sylvan Bloom since it's my most cast heal.
    I only had one 70+ Master before GU:52, so it was a tough choice... But in the last 3 days I've gotten 4 Masters (3 from instances, one from a guildy) ...luckily, none were Sylvan Bloom, hehe. I'll probably get it with one day left on the researcher.
    I was thinking I would do my higher level spells first because if they raise the level cap in the next expansion, the lowerer ones will have upgrades first. I don't know when the next expantion will come out though.
  10. ARCHIVED-Katz Guest

    I went for healstorm first, next one will be photosynthesis. After that I'm not sure.
  11. ARCHIVED-Oakum Guest

    Arielle Nightshade wrote:
    I started late but I only need grand florescence (or whatever its called, i just know it by the icon now) and spores. Have only had one shot at spores when somone farming kc had it and I didnt have the plat for it he wanted. Never seen the heal one drop so i got about a week left on it to get it.
  12. ARCHIVED-Oakum Guest

    Woot, just got my big heal and started on spores last night for my last one, lol.
    Its amazing how fast time passes when your wife decides she wants to be happy single because it might be easier then being happy married. I quit playing as much so I can spend more time with my kds before she takes them 10 hours away from me. The age of the throw away family and fatherless kids I know. I should just go with flow and forget about loving her for 18 years and make EQ2 the only thing I care about and forget the old family like she wants me too.
    Maybe someday it will be fun again and not just a way to pass time without those I love. But hey, I will have a fully mastered Warden in 28 days to make up for not having a family, lol. Then I can start raiding again and keep busy.
    Yes, a wee bit of sarcasm there but life goes on and at least I can say I got something instead of just losing what i care about in a month. Got to think positive, lol.
  13. ARCHIVED-Arielle Nightshade Guest

  14. ARCHIVED-StaticLex Guest

    Oakum wrote:
    Holy TMI batman.
    Researching the tree now.
  15. ARCHIVED-Oakum Guest

    StaticLex wrote:
    Lol. sometimes its better to say general stuff to people they really dont need to know then to say what I really feel to the wife and give her a reason to leave earlier with the kids, lol. Its funny but as I dont know anyone that actually post on the boards in RL, what I say to them doesnt feel like I am sharing something very personal in some ways as they dont know how I really feel.
    Back on topic, lol. Now I feel like I may have to actually raise some of my other alts on this account to 80 just to have something to use the research assistant for once I get the last master, lol.
  16. ARCHIVED-Lord_Ebon Guest

    Oakum wrote:
    Heh, that's the situation I am in. I'm fully mastered (literally, from T1 through T8 the only thing not mastered is the T8 elemental ward... and that was a master before I took it as my grandmaster) and my only real adventuring alt is on a different account. I need to make one of my tradeskill alts an adventurer, just to have something to use it for for the 7 or so months until the expansion.
  17. ARCHIVED-Eugam Guest

    Where do i find the research npc ?
  18. ARCHIVED-Lord_Ebon Guest

    Eugam wrote:
    In your guild hall, if you buy one there, or in one of your city neighborhoods.
  19. ARCHIVED-Desna_Venekor Guest

    Healstorm coming in 6 days!