So we ARE going to see Kelethin again!

Discussion in 'History and Lore' started by ARCHIVED-EQ2Playa432, Mar 19, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-MakhailSammael Guest

    Well, seems we get a little more time in T7 then we did T6, so thats good.
  2. ARCHIVED-KniteShayd Guest

    YAY for the FAE! pixies, and sprites, and brownies, OH MY!
    I have a feeling that we will be going to LFay first. It makes sense since the msg seemed mistmoore-ish, we have a crap load of gnomes(Ak'Anon), and there were more fay there than anywhere else. but is just speculation.
  3. ARCHIVED-EQ2Playa432 Guest

    Nice! More fuel to the fire!
  4. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    I expect to start in Butcherblock just like always.
  5. ARCHIVED-Tibbwini Guest

    Heh this makes me a happy Tibb indeed. That and the fact that they're giving themselves more time to make it, which is a good thing all round.
  6. ARCHIVED-GwenRelentless Guest

    Aye I hope they take their time and really do a good job on this one. I think a lot of us have been looking foreward to re-claiming the lands of Faydwer since even before DoF. I think their treatment of this expansion and their ablity to re-capture some of the "magic" this place held for so many of us will be the deciding factor for many who are looking into some of the next generation MMO's.
  7. ARCHIVED-Azure_fool Guest

    Maybe, when/if Faydwer is released, maybe they will launch a new city. Like Qeynos and Freeport only insted of Good and Evil, it will be neutral.. :smileysurprised:
  8. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

  9. ARCHIVED-Spockmaster Guest

    He might mean a starting city. I am doubting that possibility though.
  10. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    It's NOT going to happen. That's a given fact. It's the very premise on which the game exists. 2 Cities. Good and Evil. Ying and Yang.
  11. ARCHIVED-GwenRelentless Guest

    "It's NOT going to happen. That's a given fact. It's the very premise on which the game exists. 2 Cities. Good and Evil. Ying and Yang."

    Sady, I agree that there probably will never be any EQ1 style racial home cities (i would love to be wrong though)

    However, it's still possible for them to add new friendly cities (not like MajDul) that are alligned with one of the two city factions.
    For example: "Kelethin-Outpost of Qeynos" or "Faydark Fortress-Territory of Freeport".

    The thought of having to live in the same place i lived when I was lvl 5 as lvl 70+ kinda sucks. (and the housing choices in MajDul are not on par with Qeynos/Freeport so thats not a real option) So I sincerely hope they add new cities with more houseing options at least (even if they are not racial home cities)
    Message Edited by GwenRelentless on 04-11-2006 11:13 PM
  12. ARCHIVED-Kewtee Guest

    I am a bit confused - it seems that it IS Fayder and that's great :) BUT why is the symbol of Innoruuk placed as the main clue in the picture? Will we also get Plane of Hate? (AWESOME!) Or have SOE moved Inno to Mistmoore? Or what? That puzzles me some.... any suggestions?
    Man I died so many times running those bridges in the begging lol I got sooo mad at Verant - but actually there is no starting zone I would rather see come back - even if it's "just" Fay with no starting zone abilities. But maybe we can have a beastlord class? I can't wait for christmas :)
  13. ARCHIVED-IrishWonder Guest

    Mayong Mistmoore had an affair with Innorruuk's daughter Lanys and Innorruuk got pretty upset over this. In fact, there used to be a rumor that the Maestro of Rancor was Mistmoore, who had been cursed by Innorruuk. Also, I think Mistmoore was on Kunark around the time that Venril was making pacts with Innorruuk... perhaps the two had a run in there?

    Other than that, I can think of no real major physical connections between Innorruuk and Mistmoore. Perhaps being part of that message, the picture was also meant to be cryptic and therefore showed someone only minorly connected to Faydwer's inhabitants. Or, maybe Innorruuk plays a major role in the expansion. He DID corrupt the original elven race to create the Tier'Dal... maybe he's caused more ruin on the island of the elves since the Shattering? :smileywink:

    Other than that, I'm really not sure what to think either :smileyvery-happy:
  14. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    I could live with that.
  15. ARCHIVED-EQ2Playa432 Guest

    I like the idea of a good-side and evil-side smaller-factioned city. I think Kethelin was destroyed though. Possibly there is a city like Maj'Dul, without the different courts somewhere in the forests of Faydark?
  16. ARCHIVED-Paladin776 Guest

    If I remember correct, a couple days ago, I mined a number of beryllium from the Sinking Sands. So, that kinda tears the "metals and gems from the next expansion" thought apart.
  17. ARCHIVED-EQ2Playa432 Guest

    Not completely, since in DOF when the 60 mobs dropped Xegonite and Moonstone, we had a clue to something that was in the air, and Xegony was the God on the Plane of Air I believe.
  18. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    I don't think that Trademark is for the next expantion. Why? because of the Date it was regestered 2006-03-09 this happens to be around the time KoS was in its final stages of Devlopment and the devs have stated in the past that They have 2 Expantion Teams, My guess is that they reserved this Name for the KoS team once KoS was turned over to the Live Group. I would be willing to bet if you looked for a Trademark around the time of DoFs release you may find the name of an expantion for EQ2 there as well. Ofcourse I could be wrong. Also has anyone seen a Tie between the names of the scout Iteams and the zone they come from? Personally I don't(other then the Relics are the Rare Metal and the Scrying Stones and Amulets are the Rare Jewel)
  19. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    It's for the next expansion. It was registered AFTER KoS was released.
  20. ARCHIVED-Arthais Guest

    I think we should be hesistant to say that YES this is 100% the next expansion. All it shows is that SOE trademarked...something. What they plan on doing with it is anyone's guess. Now signs seem to point that way yes, however until it comes out of the mouths of SOE, nothing is 100%.