So...uh whats the next expansion...?

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-nobe, Apr 16, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-nobe Guest

    [p] [/p][p] Anyone else think its odd that, 5 months after the launch of EoF we havent even seena preview of any new expansions or adventure packs? Maybe Im spolied - woudlve thought we'd have heard something by now...[/p]
  2. ARCHIVED-Kane Guest

    Think it's the Kunark one that people have been talking about :)
  3. ARCHIVED-Ganluan Guest

    I'm kinda surprised they haven't announced the next expansion yet, I figure around this time would be perfect to get people excited about future content. It's been quite a while since EoF came out, and people may be running out of new content to experience.
  4. ARCHIVED-nobe Guest

    [p] [/p][p]Yes, but WHEN? Usually we get something at least a month or two in advance. Shouldnt we be seeing SOMETHING by now?[/p][p] /prod DEVs... cmon... show us a sneak peek!![/p]
  5. ARCHIVED-tass Guest

    introducing the long lost beastlord class. All of the developers will be rolling 1 as there main to test out the class and give them more racial ability as time passes lol. God there would be so many nerf cries on here.
  6. ARCHIVED-Melchiah Guest

    [p]Last year, Echoes of Faydwer was announced at E3 in May (the translated flyer thing was done at Fan Faire earlier, I think). Depending on how the developers feel about E3 reducing its circus-like appearance and becoming a real trade show, they may announce Rise of Kunark then (but it's now in July, so that might change things).[/p]
  7. ARCHIVED-interstellarmatter Guest

    [p]Hartsman dropped hints in his last interview that they were working on it. [/p][p]But....the focus isn't going to be in finishing the expansion. They are kind of changing their priorities. They want to do smaller releases of content on a more frequent basis now. Like the whole Unrest thing. So, don't expect a new expansion any time soon. Probably end of the year or start of next year.[/p][p]Here is the interview[/p][p][/p]
  8. ARCHIVED-Laiina Guest

    I read someplace in one of the dev posts I think that they were basically going to a 1 year expansion cycle to give more time for lots of content and better bug-catching, and some smaller updates about once a month.
  9. ARCHIVED-Themaginator Guest

    yeah it was announced before EoF that they are going to a 1 year or more cycle, basically taking all the time they need which i love as long as they stick to content filled updates. hopefully this warg quest is kind of long.
  10. ARCHIVED-Savanja Guest

    Its the rumor that yeah, expansions are going to be spaced out more..and adventure packs are on hold indefinitely. I think we will see more trickled in free content via GUs instead.
  11. ARCHIVED-Dasein Guest

    They are switching to a longer development cycle to offer bigger expansions with more content and higher quality. I think the goal was a 10 month development cycle, which is pretty reasonable. While i would certainly like more content, the free monthly updates are good for keeping people busy. I would really like to see another AP, however, as I find those are good ways for expanding the world and introducing new questlines that wouldn't otherwise fit in an expansion. As for when they'll officially announce the next expansion, I wouldn't be at all surprised to hear something in the next month or so, perhaps with a demo available at the Fan Faire in August.
  12. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    I am expecting RoK to be comming out around Nov. I think the "Offical" anoucment of the expaintions name will probly come in the next month or so, though I don't expect to see even a Tacit feature list until June or perhaps July(at the block party). Though it may say a possable number of zones and wiether or not there will be a lvl cap increase, I am hoping not but I know others want to earn the Exsact same spells they got 14 lvls ago(or maybe they want to green/grey out Heroic zones so they can farm them solo), and less over all content at the extreem high end(especally raids wich always seems to get the expantion shaft anyway(and I am not a raider)) as they have to cater to the low end of the lvl range too.
  13. ARCHIVED-Noaani Guest

    ke'la wrote:
    [p]The problem with them not raising the level cap is that there are a lot of people close enough to the stat cap to make any increase in stats meaningless. In order to give these people (mostly raiders) a way to advance gear wise, they need to do one of three things.[/p][p]1. increase the level cap to 80.[/p][p]2. have another stat cap/combat revamp.[/p][p]3. nerf every existing piece of gear in teh game so that with the best of what is currently avilable, no one can get past about 60% of any given stat.[/p][p]If they do none of the above, there would be a large portion of the player base (raiders make up far FAR more than the 5% of players that is often thrown round) that would have no need to re-gear, and thus no reason to play the game, nor any reason to pay a subscription.[/p][p]Of the above choices, which would you prefer? [/p]
  14. ARCHIVED-Chayna Guest

    None. Why does it have to always be about giving the raiders a carrot of more stats? Shouldn't more content be enough to keep you satisfied? What you are talking about doing is akin to inflation. Lets push the top further away so the bottom becomes less valuable. The game shouldn't be about always pushing stats or equipment but entertaining content. None of the things you listed are necessary for the game to progress. Those are artificial progressions. They are the means to reach content. The reason to play the game isn't to gear, regear... Its to enjoy the content. My favorite line after completing a zone is "and all I got was a small bag of compost" (well something similar to that). If your only reason for playing is to regear and constantly chase a stat limit that's fine I suppose, but its not what I'm playing.
  15. ARCHIVED-Melchiah Guest

    More content doesn't help, since the content was trivialized on release by diminishing returns. A new tier needs to be created to completely erase the wrongs done to us by EoF, and allow us to progress again.
  16. ARCHIVED-nobe Guest

    [p] [/p][p] [/p][p]Well Im all for adding not one - but two new tiers (lvl90) to the game. Why? to re-gear? no, of course not. But to continue to have my character be able to grow, aquire new abilites and such. Once you reach the pinnacle - your character grows very little. To me the fun of the gmae is in growing, changing and learning new skills. [/p][p] If I didnt want a character that ever changed or grew - I could go play half-life or something.[/p][p]I vote to increase it. And I think ultimately - we will see that. Maybe not in Kunark but eventually.[/p]
  17. ARCHIVED-bleap Guest

    I am still wondering why we haven't had a new adventure pack for quite some time after we were told to expect 2-3 a year..... On an off note...isn't Sapphira a copyrighted name from Dragon Rider? Why is an SOE employee using it here?
  18. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    Kaalenarc@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    [p]My responce to this in bold.[/p][p]As for that other poster saying how EoF messed up by making KoS raids opsolete accually it didn't IF you have not done the KoS Raids you need to do them befor you really can attempt the EoF ones. However, a new Tier WILL make EoF AND KoS opsolete as T8 Mastercrafted will be atleast as good as T7 Fabled(stat wise) wich REALLY makes a Tier opsolte... tell me how often to people Raid T5 or T6? What SoE really needs to do for raid gear is find a way to make them alot better WITHOUT changing the stats as all raising the cap does is put you back on that same treadmil. [/p]
  19. ARCHIVED-Illmarr Guest

    Because there has been a change in direction and APs are going the way of the dodo. Not a whole lot is the same as we were told in November of 04. Time to live today and adapt
  20. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    They said around EoF's launch that they are refocusing the plans. First, they are giving more dev time to expaintions so that they can get them just right. Second, for the forseable future they are not going to be adding anymore Adventure Packs and are instead going to Focus on adding larger New Free content(ie. Unrest) and more Massive Retail Expaintions(ie. EoF).