So Frustrating

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Evilary, Nov 23, 2023.

  1. Evilary Well-Known Member

    I am trying between Frostfell quests to get my character set up more like my live character so I can see more and more. I got to 125 Carpenter, trying to unlock D.I.R.T.Y. dailies so I can work on getting a good set of crafter gear. Sadly with very little economy and bad luck, I am stuck on the last quest before I can go to Takish Badlands. It will let me zone there but until I finish the quest it won't send me the mail to let me enter the zone for the daily.

    With over 450 goat meat collected, and almost 400 hides collected, I cannot seem to get a rare hide to craft my book. I have 2 of the rare meats and several of the other rares but the hide just will not drop. Funny enough, if I can get past this part, I can do the dailies and research to get stuff to increase my rare harvest chance. It's kind of a catch 22 issue.:oops:

    This, working on figuring out where the personal depot blueprints come from, and trying to level my guild enough to get a guild hall for depots instead are really frustrating on a dead server. I at least saved my overseer quests for the day in hopes of getting the rare hide and a sell-able mercenary token. Fingers crossed.
    Raeven likes this.
  2. Raeven Well-Known Member

    On Test server, if you need something, all you have to do is ask and somebody will usually help you.

    Armapine hide, is that what you need? Give me the name of your toon on Test and I will mail you the hide and a blueprint for personal depots.

    Getting a guild to level 30 to get a guild hall should not be difficult with all the status you get from doing instances at high level, and the status items from the overseer. You can sell merc tokens for status too, I have been getting a lot of them from overseer.
    Pixistik and Dude like this.
  3. Evilary Well-Known Member

    I was mostly just sharing my frustration to get it out. Thankfully a few minutes ago I finally got the Armapine hide and am finally continuing my journey. I would love the blueprint for the depots if you have one to spare. My character is Eclypse on Test that I am currently using.
    Pixistik likes this.
  4. Raeven Well-Known Member

    Ok, it has been sent, enjoy! :)
  5. Evilary Well-Known Member

    Thank you very much. Now my plans for world domination are complete. Err, I mean I plans for something, something....:rolleyes:

    Seriously, Thank you. I have a bank full of harvests and this will help a lot.
    Pixistik likes this.
  6. Pixistik Don't like it? You're not alone!

    Evil, if you go to Sinking Sands, take carpet to Maj'Dul, go into Tower of the Moon, up the steps to second floor and look to your left for a bookworm, it carries pretty much all the recipes/blueprints you could want for the most part, including the advanced stuff.
    Its available on Test and Legend and Lore, not sure about beta
    Breanna likes this.
  7. Evilary Well-Known Member

    I remember reading about that a long while back. I completely forgot about it though. I am glad you reminded me. I will take a look at this in a bit and see what all I can get.