SKs need a Prestige-Tree FIX

Discussion in 'Fighters' started by Nynaeve, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. Nynaeve Active Member

    since you gimped Multi-Attack and put the Focus on DPS, the Right-Side Prestige for SK needs a FIX.
    Nobody puts points into Multiattack anymore, so instead of:

    * For every 20 points in Multi-Attack the caster gains 1% Critbonus
    ... this should be changed into one of these:
    * For every 20 points in DPS/Haste the caster gains 1% Critbonus
    * For every 10 points in Potency the caster gains 1% Critbonus

    thanks, looking forward to the fix...
    Potency is hard to get and invest into so the ratio should be at least 10:1.
    or maybe it would even better to award Potency on both sides of the Prestige tree, instead of CB on the right: like left tree gives potency from CB - right side gives Potency from DPS or Haste.
  2. Nynaeve Active Member

    amazing, no negative reply in over 2 weeks, so everybody agrees or doesn't give a damn.
    Anyway, the Right-Side Prestige for SKs in its current form is UTTERLY USELESS, because you lose over 50 Potency on the right side.
    Left side is meant for tanking, right side for damage - but it doesn't do it justice right now AT ALL.
    please consider changing it.

    Considering that most tank gear has CB and not potency, I would give Potency from CB also on the right side, because reforging much into DPS/HASTE/MA is not really an option for SKs either.
  3. Silzin Active Member

    well there is no prescience for both sides giving Potency... even the mage classes have CB on one side. Also before the ToV changes this conversion should have been DPS (if it is now MA) so it was also about useless to have more then 200 DPS before ... so it is not a loss from before to now.

    I am not saying that SKs like all classes do not have problems. I know all classes have problems, but i do not think this is one of the problems to harp on.
  4. Gaarysal Active Member

    I was actually just looking through a few different classes to see what they get. A lot of them are just as skewed as the SK one. The ones that make the most sense are mages which convert 12:1 potency to cb or vice versa or the shaman ones that do 12:1 potency to potency or cb to cb. I wouldn't go as far as to say the right side prestige line is utterly useless but it does need a boost considering it is the dps line and is giving far less benefit than the tank line. Imho, no class's prestige line choices should be dictated by those conversion boxes, both should be roughly equal in benefit (I think this was the logic when they fixed some of the other ones iirc).

    Does anyone happen to remember if the conversion was always multiattack and they just forgot to swap it? Or did it correctly get swapped with ToV? I seem to recall it always being multiattack which would make it for sure unintended.
  5. Nynaeve Active Member

    NOT A PROBLEM? :mad:
    yes, it is not a Problem if SOE wants to keep a USELESS tree in Prestige.
    Nobody needs more than 120 frikkin Multiattack, which would yield exactly 6!!!! CB
    And since every decent Tank Gear has ZERO POTENCY, I think giving Potency on both sides would make sense, but I'll take a nice amount of Critbonus as well, but certainly not frikkin 6cb :)

    I vote for this: For every 3 points of MA you get 1 cb
  6. Sylke Well-Known Member

    About 1/3 (probably more) of the classes have Prestige conversions that convert MA to another stat. Any conversion that was DPS->x pre-ToV got changed to MA->x, and vice versa. I would say the conversions are only minimally less useful than they were pre-ToV. I don't think many people were stacking 100's of DPS over cap for the conversions. I could, however, be wrong.

    Don't read this wrong, though. It is annoying to have conversions based on stats that you don't get a lot of benefit from overcapping.
  7. Nynaeve Active Member

    any class that gets something out of Multiattack in their prestige tree needs that fix, because it makes said Prestige tree already a bad choice when you get like 6-10 cb/pot on one side but 30-50 on the other.
  8. Darkon Well-Known Member

    Yeah the ma conversions are awful these days. They should be looked at.
  9. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    You're only gimping yourself if you don't have over 120 MA. Only people who think it's bad are people who don't apply basic math to their characters or listen to people who don't apply basic math to their characters without testing everything themselves.

    If you care enough about SK dps to have a set of dps gear to go with your dps spec I'd try and sit at 600 dps/400+ ma/300 haste buffed with potency gear and a fair amount of ability mod or like 800/800/500-600 in wdb gear.
  10. Regolas Well-Known Member

    My inq had tons of dps mod for the conversion prior to the change, now he has about 400MA and I will continue to increase it, just not at a sacrifice to any other uncapped stat of importance.
  11. Cleaner Active Member

    Strikethrough :)
    I get stuck tanking a lot so I have mit mit gear. In order of reforge I went...MA-ST-haste -dumped the rest into dps my damge went up from my DPS sPec with DPS gear LOL figure that out. /boggle. my dps points are sitting at 345 lmao.