Size matters not.

Discussion in 'Assassin' started by ARCHIVED-THawk619, Nov 17, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-THawk619 Guest

    Hey, I'm a gnome scout, soon to be predator then on to assassin. I picked gnome assassin because it makes me laugh, just wondering how many of us are out there . . .

    Gnome assassins of Norrath, gimme a shout out!
  2. ARCHIVED-Paululum Guest

    I am also a Gnome-assassin. I like taking disparate character types and playing them. It is fun.

    Paululum - Innothule
  3. ARCHIVED-khalysta Guest

    Be wary of your pet then as a gnome. They are pretty large sized rats and like a tasty gnome ;)
  4. ARCHIVED-THawk619 Guest

  5. ARCHIVED-Vladdax Guest

    Good thing about being a tiny scout is when you need to get to a positional attack you can just run though the mobs legs rather than circle round :)