since i didn't get much of a chance in the last thread...

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Treiko, Jan 4, 2014.

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  1. Treiko Active Member

    "The Channeler class was balanced around the mythical buff being rewarded from the raid quest. The class functions well in every level of play without these mythical abilities, and only for the toughest raid content do you need the increase in power that comes with achieving them.

    How the quest updates from the kills however is being looked at."

    I just wanted to say to this (since the last thread was closed before i could offer my opinion) that the buff is not worth anything over what most other healers get. A standard increase in heals that every healer gets for their epic, and a ridiculously tiny heal for the construct that means way less in raid content than it does in heroics. What about that makes it required that only the strongest should be able to obtain it? What I just gathered from that line is that I need not bother with the epic, which requires me to do things like the CoE signature line (again!), gain access to zones from years gone by, obtain a skill that is useless for any other meaningful content, and spend hours for days to obtain it? Not to mention an HQ that requires time to pass for updates, and the languages we need. Even adding a minor effect that makes the bow better than the bow of plagues would still not warrant this much effort for a casual player to go through. Offer channelers the option to betray to a different priest class, one that can get far better things for far less effort by comparison (any healer, ER, done). This entire quest and its reward is highly discouraging to the casual player that does not nor wants to raid. I have 9 other characters that are lvl 95, 8 did the fabled epic and then ER (9th did not because it was my heroic and I wanted her caught up). Every epic (save maybe the mystic one) was worth doing and made a difference to my class. Tell me I did not just get all excited for a brand new class for this huge of a let-down.
  2. The Jones Active Member

    I agree. It will be interesting to see what they do. I think it's important that the casual non-raiding player feels rewarded. In general I think it's likely that we spent WAY more time on this to get all the updates we needed than the well geared raiding channelers that probably had a lot of help from their guilds along the way.

    I guess my preferred approach would be to give the buffs/clicky upon heroic completion and if the best bow in slot isn't enough satisfaction for the pirate kings update, add an additional effect to that bow?
  3. Mae- Well-Known Member

    I think the best compromise is to give some sort of effect on the fabled (either a lesser version of one of the myth buffs, or a copy of the buff on the mythical bow), and leave the full mythical buffs to the raiding. But the fabled needs something to make it worth the effort, especially since it is literally a copy and paste of an already existing bow that's far easier to get!
    Gaealiege and Treiko like this.
  4. The Jones Active Member

    I will personally be unsatisfied with just an improved bow while every other class gets buffs/clicky. The main reason is that if i would have spent this quest time grinding etmya and tier 2 heroic loot I would have been much much much much better off. There is nothing they would realistically do to this fabled bow that will outweigh what I could have gained spending my time elsewhere.

    With all that said, i'm happy they acknowledged the issue. I'm looking forward to the response.
  5. RadarX Community Manager

    While we do want your feedback regarding the Channeler epic, we do not allow discussion of moderation. Your feedback has been noted and please do feel free to continue this discussion in a similar thread. Thanks!
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