Silent City

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by Goldra, Sep 26, 2015.

  1. Goldra Active Member

    I'm on the 3rd part of the quest 'Searching for the Silent City'. I'm supposed to kill Rin Priestess of Fyr'Un. After you kill groups of the worshipers they drop an urn which you're supposed to put inside the triangular area in front of a picture. I did this 3 times and only the offering retrievers spawned. Does anybody know if this part of the quest still works? Or is it broken? Or does it take a dozen attempts to spawn the priestess?
  2. Breta Well-Known Member

    Have done the quest recently, but back in the days it took loads of attempts to spawn the priestess.
  3. Goldra Active Member

    I just figured out what the issue is - you have to put that urn close to the picture but on the triangular floor piece. That's the key! Thanks for answering.
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