showing instance lockout times

Discussion in 'Zones and Population' started by ARCHIVED-mungo, Dec 4, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-mungo Guest

    is it possible to get a window that shows, in one place, how long you have left before you can re-enter instance zones? Excuse me if im being blonde and you can see this info in game, but I've not found it if it does.

    It would be great if you could take a look instead of heading all the way to roost or somewhere just to find out the tank has 1hr 45 left before he can go in again... Could make it so the list only showed instances you had an active countdown on or something, no instances showing in list, no lockouts etc.

    Pretty please?
  2. ARCHIVED-Magus` Guest

    No such feature exists at present. It has been requested many, many, many times.
  3. ARCHIVED-myount Guest

    I wish there was such a thing.
  4. ARCHIVED-Krispen Guest

    This would really help out.

    Either a screen on the persona window with a listing of current lockout timers or a poster at the dock in SS similar to the slayer status poster in freeport/qeynos where you could click it to get the information.
  5. ARCHIVED-ClawHammr Guest

    Good idea- Im guessing they are expecting us to keep handwritten logs of this for now.